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Indian man takes daughter to school roped to motorcycle

BBC News - Indian man takes daughter to school roped to motorcycle

18 March 2015 Last updated at 09:27 ET

Indian man takes daughter to school roped to motorcycle
By Vivek Jain Agra, Uttar Pradesh
The man was arrested after being photographed by passers-by

Police in India have charged a man who took his eight-year-old daughter to school roped to his motorcycle.

The 40-year-old was arrested after local newspapers in Uttar Pradesh state published photos taken by passers-by. He has now been freed on bail.

Onlookers accuse the man of cruelty - he says his daughter had an exam and was reluctant to go to school.

The incident comes at a time when the prime minister has launched a huge campaign to educate girls in India.

It took place in a village in the district of Mathura on Friday.

The man, a father of two sons and three daughters, works as a security guard at a private school

Police say he tried to persuade the girl, his youngest child, to go to school, particularly since she had a test to write.

The child was promised sweets and gifts, but when she refused to relent, her angry father tied her to the back of his bike with ropes and took her to school.

He has been charged with breach of peace, Mathura superintendent of police Shailesh Pandey told the BBC.

The man spent a day in the cells but still believes he did the right thing.

"My daughter will not die if I take her to school. But she will surely die if she does not study," he told the Times of India.

India has a female literacy rate of 64%, compared with 81% for men. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently launched a campaign asking parents to educate their girls.

Campaigners say going to school is still a distant dream for many girls, especially in rural India, and that many parents think it is not necessary to educate their daughters.
"My daughter will not die if I take her to school. But she will surely die if she does not study," he told the Times of India.
classic case of good intention but wrong method
Seeking literacy through illiterate methods.

He could have tied his daughter to his back instead, and if someone asked could have said its for her safety so that she does not fall off the back seat of bike :enjoy:
While I wish people like him used better judgement, I am glad that the parents in rural UP have such zeal for educating their girls. I hope he is not treated too harshly.

More people should have similar zeal for educating their girls, though they should use better means of persuasion and not have to use such force.
This subcontinent has a huge problem of jumping straight to extremes. Lot of the problem is due to illiteracy to begin with. The less the brain works the more it fails to find other methods to use in different situations. I commend and condemn this individual the same amount. But I am not in his shoes so I wouldn't know what I could have done different.
I somehow respect this father, who may be lowly educated or illiterate wants the best for his daughter and this is in a country where men are accused to being biased against their daughters.
I think both father and daughter needs to attend school together.
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