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Indian invasion of Nepal in slow motion

Why any of my Bangladeshi friend don't say anything about those Bangladeshi who are living here illegally? And about Nepal, idune, you know how many Nepali are working in India? Nepal's economy heavily depends upon tourism from India.
Why don't you say anything about this?
This article was written by CK Lal
and not Robin Sayami. Robin Sayami is a cartoonist and a good one at that. While CK Lal is a :chilli::chilli: and a hot one at that.

Thank you for pointing that out, it was formatting mistake but corrected now.
Solution would be International Observers. There would be a rotation of peace-keepers/observers . Also an international task force would replant the 'missing' pillars to their rightful place (based on GPS coordinates). Thus, if anything happens there would be video/photographic evidence. Since it is an international group, if anything "happens" to them -- this would go plaster all over the world. For example, even if one observer goes 'missing' an international ARMED FORCES would take-over..... now nobody wants! :)

Exactly how many times has China permitted 'International Observers who go around with cameras to interview & record evidence' or international task forces replant the 'missing' pillars to their rightful place (based on GPS coordinates)???

I would like to know surely the credentials of someone making these demands. Oh ####, the Great Wall is obstructing the view man!!

Having said the above, I would like to reiterate that the Indo-Napalese border is not located in East Turkistan, oops Xinjiang where only authentic Han Chinese are permitted. This is a place where any body can go. It is good for the tourism, the local economy.
Listen, why do my Indian brothers feel duty bound to negate or challenge every piece of excrement that our brother from Bangladesh dishes out?

I can even come up with internet sites which say that eskimos in Alaska are related to PM Putin. What does it mean? Nothing.
At least get you facts correct buddy. This article was written by CK Lal
and not Robin Sayami. Robin Sayami is a cartoonist and a good one at that. While CK Lal is a :chilli::chilli: and a hot one at that.

Just read what one reader from Nepal has to say about CK Lal:-

"Friday, February 16, 2007
the tragedy of C.K Lal
I used to admire C.K Lal’s writing. He has been writing weekly columns for the Nepali Times as far back as I remember. I used to find his columns sharp and lucid, and often full of unexpected insights. When I was in Kathmandu during the period immediately following the royal takeover in 2005, in that period of widespread uncertainty and anxiety, I eagerly awaited his weekly columns. Not only because they were insightful, but because they reflected my own mood at that time of cynicism and melancholy.

But lately I’ve begun to find him tiresome. His weekly writings on Nepali politics don’t irk me as much as his pompous monthly pronouncements about the South Asian region in Himal Southasian. The cynicism and anger, with which I identified with in 2005, now annoy me to no end. It has become clear that cynicism and bitterness is Lal’s response to everything, it informs and infects his entire worldview.

Lal’s ideological moorings veer towards that of the old Indian left. He is not explicitly a Marxist or a Gandhian-activist, but, amid the stale whiffs of the old socialist-bureaucratic ideology of the Indian state that his writings emit, are traces of both those strands of leftist Indian thought. All this is couched in heavy-handed metaphor and hyperbole, which Lal no doubt considers poetic.

Perhaps he thinks his lack of analytical and factual rigour will be camouflaged by his embarrassingly purple prose. His essays are so pompous and overstated that the image one derives of the writer is of an intolerant codger who will brook no argument. He not so much argues a point of view as tries to drown out all opposing voices. Reading him is like listening to a rant by someone who wants to coerce you into accepting his point of view.................."


idune, Failed Pseudo communists like CK Lal are a dime a dozen.

You have just managed to exhibit your profound ignorance of all the issues you are supposed to be championing. The only sense that comes through in your unending endeauvours is a rabid anti-Indianism. Capish????

Here is the original articleThe master manipulator - Nepali Times

Good one..:rofl:

I have a feeling idune went near the Indian border in BD and was sent packing in a hail of bullets...hence the rabid ranting here.
how india is encroaching and occupying land from neighboring country. How indian forces practice raping and looting in Nepal and elsewhere in neighborhood.
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