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Indian hegemonic wishlist in South Asia

Double-Standards and Indian Hegemonic Psyche

The Sri Lanka Security Forces are being subjected to undue delays in the procurement of offensive weapons and sometimes even defensive weapons from the United States and several countries in the EU. Attempts to procure parts for an old US-made Radar system was held-up due to delays in the issue of an Export License cleared by the US State Department. The delivery of a special body armour for President Mahinda Rajapakse has also been delayed. This is a dangerous phenomenon in the wake of the assassination of Pakistan's Benazir Bhuto. However, other non-offensive instruments were provided to the Sri Lanka Navy by the United States and Britain including several rescue boats.

While the restrictions on arms sales from the US and UK continued, the Czech Republic offered the Sri Lanka government Strela 2M Missile Defence Systems for Katunayake, soon after the first wave of TAF bombers dropped home-made gravity-bombs using the Zlin Z-143. A recent delegation to Czech Republic was told that the Czechs are under 'moral obligation' to assist the Sri Lanka government to defend its skies. They also offered a team of experts to operate the Strela 2M system. These offers were based on the fact that Zlin Z-143s were manufactured in Czech Republic. However, the Czech government had not sold the planes to the Tigers. The aircraft is a standard 'production-line' civilian recreational aircraft, sometimes used for agricultural purposes as a crop-duster. The Tigers had procured the planes from a third-party in Australia. The Sri Lanka government did not accept the Czech offer due to Indian pressure.

Meanwhile the emergencies in Sri Lanka had raised some interest in other countries with arms export industries. Two delegations of Russians arrived in the island in April and December this year. Pakistan had also provided high-quality armaments for a steep price to Sri Lanka. This triggered a visit by a concerned Indian delegation, who were keen to discover what the Russians, Pakistanis and the Chinese delegations were interested in. While this comedy of errors was unfolding, the Chinese North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) was ready with all types of weapons export to Sri Lanka, which included radars and missile defence systems. The Sri Lanka government was forced to turn down missile defence systems from China due again to pressure exerted by India. China is the only supplier that provides weapons at short notice to Sri Lanka. They will however provide the same weapons to the LTTE for a price.

:: Unbiased Defence NEWS :: Sri Lanka :: DefenceWire: Double-Standards and Indian Hegemonic Psyche ::
@ Idune, India backed mukti bahini, If not would u be using that flag of yours??? Arent you proud of Being a bangladeshi???

First, india helped mukti bahini for its own interest that is to create a subservient state. Last 40 years of indian interference, creating terrorist force against Bangladesh, unleashing water terrorism are testament to that indian design.

Second, just because india helped mukti bahi for its own interest tocreate a subservient Bangladesh, does not mean Bangladeshis should not talk about indian hegemonic design and indian nefarious activities.
Posted on April 5th, 2010



Nepal is the second richest in water resources in the world which covers 45% total quantity of water of the river Ganges and 70 % of the total quantity of static water of India. Nepal has the capacity of producing 85,000 MW of electricity as an alternative source to fossil energy. But due to the sabotage acts of India through agreements, treaties and MOU’s when the weak government prevails, has compelled Nepal to long for water & electricity both for her inhabitants & the soil to remain arid. India has ventured the scheme of its chicaneries fulfilled through the politicians of Nepal on whom the ‘RAW” has done major investment. What ever the projects or the dams / bunds have been built by India are due to the consent of the parliamentarians of Nepal because India does not want Nepal to utilize its water resources on its own or with the financial and technical support of other countries. India plays a major role in sabotaging some major hydro-projects initiated by Nepal. However Nepal is in a position to harness merely 1% of its total water quantity. In short ‘RAW’ and Indian bureaucrats are planning to grasp Nepal’s water resources at any cost and the Nepalese political godfathers are dancing on the disastrous melody of “His Master’s Voice’.


It has been long time since India has shown great love for Nepal’s water resources in order to meet its own demand for potable water, irrigation and electricity because of the electricity generated from coal and uranium can not last India for more than half a century. India has made political investments to the bosses of the political parties and hence has succeeded in utilizing the water resources of Nepal in the best interest of India. The rosy dreams painted by India are viewed by the intellectuals of Nepal, like generating millions of dollars of revenue to Nepal through the export of hydro electricity, irrigation and potable water to India has been an innovative idea which could never come in to force because of India’s dirty water politics in the region to which each neighbouring country is suffering. It has adversely affected Nepal’s politics and economics making it to be the inherent cause of problems for the country associated with continuous interference by India. Nepal’s hydro-power has given the boost to India’s development project. India is also interested in small and medium projects and would like to obtain Karnali, Upper Tamakosi and Upper Karnali the earliest for its usage in India. India contends that Nepal does not require much water for irrigation and that it is only India which needs water for consumption purposes. This argument is linked to the Bhutan model and India’s river-linking project. India has strategic plans to ensure its access to river water in order to meet the needs of the vast, yet not irrigated, agricultural lands in the Northern and Southern provinces. India has never fulfilled its commitments or obligations both at the national or international forums. India is never ready to discuss matters relating to climate, environment and natural disasters. Indian experts have repeatedly argued that India can not meet its energy needs from other sources, however, the country has no other option but to harness Nepal’s water sources. Nepal is aware of this menace but wishes to retain on a rational basis its ownership over water resources and subsequent revenues. Contrary to this India wishes to obtain ownership through coercive measures, hence the conflict arises because that surely jeopardizes the independence and sovereignty of Nepal.


India is trying its best to churn the wheel of water and course to strengthen her strategic position to cement her defense corridors linking to the neighbouring countries apart from using the water for drinking or agricultural lands. The Indian ‘Interlinking project’ mainly concerns the irrigation, portable and power production purposes as advocates India but surely it is done keeping in view the strategic and defense requirements. The project which is estimated to cost over US $ 118 billion is primarily expected to provide internal water security to the Indian’s and water-induced disasters. Indian authorities envisage to bring around 35 to 37 million of hectares of farm- land under irrigation to generate 34 billion KW of electricity, control floods in flood-prone state and also enhance the country’s navigational efficiency. Some elements argue that the inter-linking of rivers is purely a scheme made to benefit various bureaucrats, Army Generals and the politicians having lands in the vicinity. The scheme tempering with the natural river systems can pose a threat to the region but India will never listen to this alarming situation causing damage to the rest. Ever since the beginning of the feasibility studies, India has been in confrontation with the environmentalists who oppose the construction of large dams and embankments. The neighbouring countries only complain asking India to display ethics and act upon rule of law but being the vagabond of South Asia she turns deaf ears to the requests made by Bangladesh, Nepal, China Bhutan and Pakistan. Strategic and Defense orientation by India while taming rivers to change courses, creating embankments and huge bunds to inundate the soil of the neighbouring countries is a ****** game of using water as a weapon against these countries.


India has been constructing the embankments and dams throughout its northern border without any consultation with Nepal. The water is used for irrigation in Indian farmlands. The embankments and the dams thus built form lakes inside Nepal. This will inundate the low land in Nepal. House and farm lands will also be submerged. Fisheries will be destroyed. It will be difficult to make to and from across the rivers. The construction causes floods in Nepal since the flood water over flows the canal and get in to the farm land and villages of Nepal, ultimately submerging them. This has in turn triggered land slides and cause losses of top soil, productivity and property worth million of rupees. Every year the nation becomes forced to cope with problems of floods, famine and epidemic. And also India often keeps its barrage gates closed during the rainy season when the chances of floods are very high. Due to such very reasons, the Nepalese in the border areas are forced to live a life full of hardships and difficulties. The government faces embarrassment before the nation each year due to all these chicaneries caused by India while creating harassment in the country.

Tarai region of Nepal lies at higher altitude as compared to the Indian Territory. Had there been no embankment the river water could have spread over the land in a uniform fashion, and Nepal would not have faced the problem of inundation or water logging. Besides destruction of forests, mainly the dense forest known as CHARKOSHI JHADI, has intensified the problem of floods and land slides. As the dams on the KOSHI, GANDAKI and MAHAKALI rivers built in keeping with the bilateral agreements mainly dominated by Indian interests were built else where instead of being constructed at the meeting point of Tarai and hills, or at Brahachhetra of Koshi, Devghat of Gandaki and Brahmadevmandi of Mahakali. India has criminally assaulted the interests of Nepal while leaving Nepal in troubles but this episode is the joint venture of India’s hegemonic design surely supported by the politicians of Nepal. The Chure forests more or less have been destroyed by India. The landslide in the Chure hills is intensifying.

India has ensured the protection of life and property of her people by building subject dams close to the border areas, but it seems oblivious of the fact that the same number of people on the Nepal side have had to suffer the loss of life and the property. India pays no heed to the losses on the Nepal side as that has no meaning to her. Having no respect for the international laws, India has constructed the dams to the extent of hurting national integrity of Nepal.



The Bagmati is a medium river originating from the Mahabharat range. This very dam built by India across the Bagmati River causes water logging in Nepal. The Check Dam in Bagmati alone has affected 30 VDC s including Bagmati and Bakaiya. The inundation has turned settlements and rolling land in to waste land. The people in the surroundings are compelled to leave their villages and live as refugees. The height of the dam constructed across the border near Bairganiya ranges from 10 to 21 ft. It looks like a hill. Vehicles can run on the top of it. The dam is 10 Km long. It checks all the rivers flowing down to India. Yet another dam with the same height and length has been built in the East along the border of Sarlahi district. The dam runs parallel to the border.


The Indians have built a dam in the no-man’s land at Kunauli of Saptari. About two Kilometer of the no-man’s land from Rampura Malhaniya to Tilathi VDC has been inundated. The dam forcibly constructed by India, protects Kunauli area, but it inundates some 15-20 villages of Saptari district. The inundation has caused losses to the tune of thousands of millions of rupees to Nepal unilaterally. The dams built across the Koshi & Mahuli Rivers have directed the flow of water towards west instead of South or towards Nepal. Many people there have been turned homeless.


Marchbar lies in the central – southern part Rupandehi district. The Tinau River originating from the Mahabharat range of Nepal flows downward to this region. India built the Khurdlotan dam in fiscal year 2001-2002. The dam caused inundation of 18 VDCs including the Lumbini area enlisted in the world heritage.


The Rapti river forms through the merger of various rivers originating from the mid-hills. This is an important river jutting out of the Mahabharat range. The Laxmanpur Barrage has been built across this river in Baharaich district near the Nepal border. The high dam across the river has formed a reservoir. The dam has submerged 2,412 bighas of the most fertile land yielding three cropping a year in Banki district. More over 16,000 people of the 2600 house holds in 33 villages of five VDCs have been forced to leave their houses and the farmland and are to living as refugees.


This bundh is located in the Bundhganga River bordering Kapilbastu district. This dam was constructed during British regime which did not harm any part of Nepal. But to these days India heightened the dam. Over 500 hectares of land, in two VDCs Rampur and Parsaiya of Nepal is under water. Nepali land is being as the reservoir to irrigate Indian farmland.


At a short distance from Mahalisagar, India has now converted a British regime causeway in to a dam which stores water in Nepal over hundreds of hectares of land of Pipra & Baluwa VDCs which can irrigate 1000 hectares of Indian soil by the Jamuwar rivulet flowing from Nepal.


Siwa Sagar dam is the third side in Kapilbastu district which drowns whole of Hathiwah VDC. Even Nepali farmers bribe the Indian dam operator to lower the check gates of the dam for the sake of protecting their standing crops for a short period. It is a mere display of muscles by a strong vagabond of South Asia i.e. India to a weaker nation like Nepal who being so rich in water resources is on her knees due to her corrupt politicians.


The water released from the Lohiya power house of India empties in to the Jogbudha River in Kanchanpur district of Nepal. The release of water could be controlled by the human hands but it is done intentionally. This results in the destruction of crops so the farmers go hungry. Their farmland turns in to wasteland due to cutting of the River.


The neighbouring countries which include Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Bhutan & Pakistan think that India alone can not take decision on natural resources of other countries but unless they unite to make a forum to stand against the water terrorism caused by India nothing will stop her to continue a silver aggression.

The actions of India are totally against the international laws, against the accepted behavior and against morality and thus amounting to naked interference in sovereign, independent state of Nepal. On IST April 1990, that at that point of time when Indian Foreign Secretary put a draft proposed to the late King Birendra to have a similar power like the King of Bhutan. King Birendra strongly rejected the proposal saying that “IT IS PREFERABLE TO BE A POWERLESS KING THAN A POWERFUL KING UNDER INDIAN DOMINATION”.

First, india helped mukti bahini for its own interest that is to create a subservient state. Last 40 years of indian interference, creating terrorist force against Bangladesh, unleashing water terrorism are testament to that indian design.

Second, just because india helped mukti bahi for its own interest tocreate a subservient Bangladesh, does not mean Bangladeshis should not talk about indian hegemonic design and indian nefarious activities.

Did U see me comment on anything else except Mukti bahini?? Bangladesh was created for our interest, 100% ours, but Why did east pakistan want India's help, what was the reason why they protested, do you know anything what happened to your ancestors?go find out before commenting on this, You call your people a terrorist?? wonderful
, You call your people a terrorist?? wonderful

Santi bahini that india created is a terrorist organization and india sponored, funded, armed and traind that terror organization. Much like indian created LTTE terror outfit.
Santi bahini that india created is a terrorist organization and india sponored, funded, armed and traind that terror organization. Much like indian created LTTE terror outfit.

shanti bahini was Yours aswell
shanti bahini was Yours aswell

Indian creation, funded, armed and train by terrorist state of india

India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book

By Subhra Kanti Gupta

Kolkata, Nov 9 (bdnews24.com)--Indira Gandhi was voted out of power in 1977, just when India's external intelligence organisation, R&AW, was preparing to substantially step up its backing for the Shanti Bahini, says Subir Bhaumik in his just-released book "Troubled Periphery:Crisis of India's Northeast".

Bhaumik, a journalist and academic researcher for three decades, has provided graphic details of the R&AW's involvement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Burma's Kachin Hills in his latest book. But he makes it clear the "orders came right from the top" and were not operations generated by the agency.

"The immediate provocation for the Indian sponsorship of the Shanti Bahini guerrillas .. was the military coup that killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and many members of his family. To Indira gandhi, this coup was a political defiance of India .

"Within a week of the coup, senior R&AW leaders arrived in Tripura's capital Agartala with a clear brief for their subordinates: Get
those Chakma leaders who want to fight Bangladesh."

Bhaumik's findings is based on detailed interviews of Shanti Bahini guerrilla commanders and R&AW officials and the book is replete with such references.

One Shanti Bahini leader tells Bhaumik about the quality of Indian training.

"The Indian training was intensive and tough as the instructors had served with military units in Nagaland and Mizoram. The leadership element of the course was gruelling and involved war games and dummy attacks.

"The instructors would observe how we went about the attack and whether we had absorbed the theoretical lessons. They would severely admonish us if we were found lacking. They always reminded us of the maxim that you bleed less in war if you train well in peace."

Indira Gandhi's election defeat in 1977 saved Bangladesh, then grappling with mutinies and domestic unrest, from huge trouble, suggests Bhaumik.

"Just when the Shanti Bahini were told to prepare for the big push forward and that India would support a strength of 15000 guerrillas came the news of Mrs Gandhi's election debacle and the Congress defeat...

"It is not clear how far Mrs Gandhi wanted to go and it is possible that, after the liberation of Bangladesh, she could see the value of a successful foreign campaign could boost her dropping popularity back home.

"But her defeat changed the course of events . The R&AW plans to intensify the guerrilla war in Chittagong Hill
Tracts were put on hold when Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister. The R&AW topbrass were categorically told to lay off from CHT."

Bhaumik's book says the support to Shanti Bahini was resumed when Mrs Gandhi came back to power--but by then, the Bahini was in the throes of a fratricidal war that led to the assasination of its chief M N Larma.

It says that R&AW's Agartala station chief at that time, Parimal Ghosh even resolved this fratricidal conflict by drafting an agreement between the two Shanti Bahini factions.

Ghosh in 1971 was close to General (then Major) Ziaur Rahman and operated under his pseudonym Captain Hossain Ali.

As a BSF officer, he fought at the Shuvapur bridge with the Mukti Fauj.

Bhaumik also details how the R&AW won over the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and started giving them weapons -- just to ensure they would not back any Northeast Indian rebel groups anymore.

The man instrumental in this operation was one of the most successful R&AW operatives , B.B.Nandi, who had also served as their station chief in Dhaka.

During Nandi's tenure as station chief at Bangkok, he developed close links with the Burmese underground groups, specially the Kachins.

Bhaumik says that Nandi even planted a R&AW communications team at the KIA headquarters in the early 1990s, from where they monitored the China-bound movements of the northeast Indian rebels .

After retirement, Nandi became a fierce critic of the R&AW and the Indian government when Delhi started befriending Burma's military junta and the BNP-Jamaat combine in Dhaka.

Bhaumik's book , published by Sage, details the major issues of conflict in northeast India -- land,language, leadership, ethnicity, ideology , religion -- and offers a policy framework for resolving the crisis.

It says the region suffers from severe "democracy and development deficit" and argues that a secular and democratic Bangladesh and a truly federal and democratic Burma is crucial to the stability of India's Northeast.

India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com
India-LTTE Nexus
The LTTE issue gained momentum in the past few days with the sudden disappearance of their leader, Prabhakaran. Before going into any further details, let’s consider how LTTE transitioned from a simple rebel union to a properly organized and trained military organization.

It is an open secret that LTTE was created, supported and trained by India and to be more specific RAW. In this regard, the statements by Indian and Sri Lankan officials can be quoted as testimony upon this fact. For instance, the Indian diplomat G. Parathasarathy admitted supporting terrorism in Sri Lanka. He cynically recorded his confession “We have learnt our lesson” for backing the terrorist and that “India paid it price for backing the LTTE”.

On another occasion accusing neighboring India of creating Sri Lanka’s conflict, the former Army Commander of Sri Lanka said India was partly responsible for creating the problem for us. “The LTTE was created by India. That’s the truth.” The question here arises that when there is enough evidence to prove India’s involvement in arming LTTE and other militants in Sri Lanka. Why Sri Lanka is categorized as a nation suffering from ethnic problem.

This all remind us of the year 1971, a somewhat similar conspiracy was played by RAW against Pakistan which resulted in the separation of East Pakistan. However, in case of Sri Lanka, India was not fortunate enough to achieve its aims despite putting on huge efforts.

The hegemonic designs of New Delhi of dividing Sri Lanka failed partially because of the restlessness in their own province Tamil Nadu. The role-played by the Indian intelligence agency – RAW in all of the happenings that took place and perhaps even taking place presently cannot be ignored. It is upon the RAW’s explicit advice that the Indian Government took actions on Sri Lanka.

RAW assumed that LTTE “our boys” would continue to tango to India’s tune alone. Surprisingly, the LTTE-Indian honeymoon did not last for too long and halted with the Prabhakaran conspiracy. The most relevant hypotheses regarding this point are towards the abduction of the Tamil leader by the Indian intelligence agency-RAW.

What RAW failed to calculate was that Prabhakaran and LTTE had larger designs mooted by every political organization in Tamil Nadu, national or regional who secretly or rather openly carried a desire for a separate state for Tamil people. Thus as soon as Prabhakaran failed to serve the Indian vested interests, he was taken off the scene by RAW and there is every possibility of the LTTE leader to lead the show once again depending on his utility as well as New Delhi’s exploitation.

In support of this hypothesis the stories were partially reported in some Indian newspapers on the escape of Prabhakaran. In the 80s, when Sri Lanka was facing the huge LTTE problem, the island republic reached out to Pakistan in desperation. The situation was particularly acute in some northern town. The Sri Lankan army was running out of ammunition and India her chief supplier had placed an arms embargo on the paradise island.

Reports state that Pakistan broke the arms embargo and Sri Lanka in this crucial period. In this way Sri Lanka defeated LTTE and discovered the whereabouts of the LTTE head. However, Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the Tamil Tiger terrorists, was shipped out of Sri Lanka by the Indians when he was cornered by the Lankan Army at Vadamarachchi in the 80s. The Indian helicopters took off from the Hindon military base in Delhi and flew via Thanjavur to rescue Prabhakaran.

The Vadamarachci operation was closing in on Prabhakaran when the arrogant Indians launched the rescue operation. This is a gross violation not only of Sri Lankan sovereignty but also a deliberate attempt to rescue the terrorists, who were destabilizing Sri Lanka.The Indian were to pay heavily for this rescue operation. Prabhakaran ordered the assassination of the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Sonia Gadhi should Investigate and dig out that why Prabhakaran was supported by Raw despite issuing his death warrants.

The Indian RAW – the equivalent of CIA – was running clandestine operations training, providing, arms, financing and applying diplomatic pressure hoping that they could use Prabhakaran to destabilize Sri Lanka and manipulate her leaders to serve Indian foreign policy objectives. Sri Lanka, under J. R. Jayewardene, was moving toward the American camp. India used the Tamil dissidents to manipulate both the Tamils and the Sri Lankan government.

In the end, Prabhakaran paid back by assassinating the son of Indira Gandhi who took under the protective wing and mothered them. Ironically, the bullet she aimed at Sri Lanka ricocheted and killed her and her son.” This all brings us to the conclusion that if RAW can rescue Prabhakaran once, they can do it again. Moreover, as the Sri Lankan army routed out LTTE from the northern Sri Lanka, the Indian government is under stress by the political parties of Tamil Nadu.

If we look at the history, the involvement of India in the regional conflicts presented her as an irresponsible and extremist Hindu state. Pakistan is also suffering from Terrorism sponsored by India and Israel. The danger to world peace is much more than in the past. Thus it is time to close the genie in the bottle before the whole world suffers.

Read more: India-LTTE Nexus - Instablogs

Hey dumbo...u first posted a news witrhout reading it...now wen i caught u in ur act ur posting articles detailing pre-Rajiv assasination events.
I ve just got 1 word for u..."Pathetic looser".....

Yeah i know u ll ignore this and again shyt ur crap all over here...but no-one gonna care abt it.

@ All:

Please ignore this idiot's posts.He doesnt have any productive use of his time and will keep on crapping posts all over here.

But if u ignore him he just put another 2 posts and run away.

Plz plz co-operate with me and ignore him...:hitwall:
seems like indians are having tough time vs iDune.. :rofl:
Indian hegemonic tendencies

Pakistan OBSERVER, Tue, Jun,12, 2007.

Pervaiz Iqbal Cheema

The Pakistani foreign office spokesperson has recently sent a pointed message to India that it would not tolerate hegemonic designs of any country in the region and stressed that the respect for sovereign equality of states was vital for the peace in the region. The issue of Indian hegemony attracted the spotlight when Indian advice to Sri Lanka against acquiring weapons from Pakistan was reported. While recognizing that the issue is primarily a matter for the Sri Lankan government, she stressed that such statements raise questions about India’s attitude and policy towards its neighbors and the region.

It seems appropriate to define what exactly is meant by hegemony before one analyzes Indian policy pursuits. The word hegemony implies dominance by one country over the other regional countries. It is indeed not surprising to learn that the powerful countries frequently demonstrate such tendencies to impose their own policy pursuits upon the other regional countries. However one must also acknowledge that extending advice does not necessarily imply imposition or dominance. But the advice of a powerful neighbor always reflect hegemonic tendencies especially if it is an advice to prevent or obstruct another country’s legitimate trade with the target state.

Theoretically all states under the operative international state system are considered as sovereign and equal but realistic view clearly indicates that the states are neither equal nor enjoy absolute sovereignty. There are powerful and weak, small and large, over populated and under populated, resource rich and poor states. Some states are enjoying the geographical advantage while other is facing hardships because of unfavorable geographical locations such as landlocked states.

The tyranny of geography sometimes manifests in a rather strange way. South Asia is a region with glaring peculiarities. It is an Indo-centric region implying that India is the dominant power. Almost all states of South Asia are neighbors of India in terms of having physical borders with India but none of the other states enjoy physical borders with each other. Indian policy objectives have not only been to strengthen themselves militarily in order to assert their dominant position but also to prevent outsiders from encouraging the regional powers to challenge India’s authority and to limit their involvement in the region.

Apart from Pakistan, India has been successful in limiting outsider’s involvement in the region. By demonstrating and projection of force its capabilities along with its willingness to play the role of regional policeman, it has successfully brought almost all South Asian states except Pakistan within matrix of its informal regional security system. In the cases of Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka formal treaties, agreements and accords have linked these states with the Indian security system. Not only did the secret clauses of the Indo-Nepalese of 1950 and several subsequent agreements provide for cooperation on security matters but Bhutan is also closely tied to India on security issues through many agreements.

Until 1983, Sri Lanka remained free from Indian security network and maintained security ties with countries outside the South Asian region despite Indian objections. The eruption of ethnic strife compelled the Sri Lankan government to sign Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement in 1987 which not only enabled the Indian forces to enter Sri Lanka with specific objective of maintaining peace and order in areas of confrontations but also forbade Sri Lanka to make its port Trinconmalee available for military use to any country in a manner prejudicial to India’s interests.

The intensity of Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka and consequent deterioration of Indo-Sri Lankan relations had worried India that Sri Lanka might provide the base at Trincomalee to outsiders in return for military assistance to quell the Tamil insurgency. It appears that Sri Lankan approaches to US, UK, China, Israel and Pakistan for general support and more specifically requests to secure weapons and military training to counter effectively the Tamil insurgency exacerbated Indian fears and apprehensions. The accord not only eliminated all Indian fears and brought Sri Lanka into the Indian security system but also satisfied the requirements of ‘Indira Doctrine’ which was enunciated in 1983.

According to Indira Doctrine-an Indian version of Monroe Doctrine- India will neither intervene in the domestic affairs of any state in the region unless requested to do so nor tolerate such intervention by an outsider power; if external assistance is needed to meet internal crisis, states should first look within the region for help. Now it seems that India is also beginning to object to help extended by the regional countries.

While Bangladesh and Maldives are not formally linked with Indian security system, but for all practical purposes, both states are included in Indian strategic planning. Besides, Maldives is indebted to India for its successful effort to foil a coup attempt in November 1988. Although India’s neighbors normally avoid any public commitment to the Indian security system, their own security policies are invariably developed in such way that reflects that the Indian sensitivities are accorded full attentions.

It needs to be mentioned here that among the South Asian countries, India is the only country that has repeatedly sent its forces to neighboring countries. Apart from Pakistan with which it has fought so many wars and brutal suppression in Kashmir which it considers as its own part, the Indian forces have been sent to invade East Pakistan, to rescue the regime in Maldives, and to assist Sri Lankan authorities in dealing with Tamil insurgents.

A close scrutiny of Indian policy pursuits during the last 60 years of independent existence clearly point towards Indian tendencies to dominate the entire region. India has its own grand vision and for its realization it has been pursuing policies that often entailed the dominant mode of imposing its will. Being the largest and powerful country of the region, no regional country is inclined to earn the wrath of Indian unnecessarily. The only possible exception is Pakistan which has not only successfully countered Indian hegemonic pursuits but also maintained its independent existence. It has been able to involve the outsider and non-regional powers as well.

Rejecting the Indian hegemonic pursuits and upholding the sovereign rights of the regional countries to conduct their policies is something that should be supported by all members of the UN. While taking full cognizance of incumbent unevenness among the member states, it is imperative for world bodies to support the generally agreed principles of sovereign independence and non-interference. Admittedly it may not be easy for body like UN especially in view of its past record but the regional organization should take a serious note of such negative advice as such advice could also damage the onward march of the regional organization. The policies aimed to extend influence over other countries are regarded as something very normal within the comity of nations but to advise not to get any particular commodity from a specifically named country amounts to fanning negativism.

IPRI :: Islamabad Policy Research Institute
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We are just watching how more of a troll can he become?

An indecent way to discuss some serious issues ... This forum is losing quality day by day because of pollutant topics ... I don't understand why some1 didn't moderate these threads ... I urge to the people please be constructive ... and please make this forum a +ve and informative as it was a few years ago ... as I used to read it but I just joined it in 2010 so I am relatively new but I am reading it long time...
wow easy guyz i was just couldn't resist to add some fun in this serious thread, that was my only intention..:angel:
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