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Indian foreign minister just suffered brain damage


Feb 12, 2006
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No ultimatum given to Pakistan: Mukherjee

Monday, December 29, 2008

News Desk

KODERMA, Jharkhand: India said on Sunday no ultimatum had been given to Islamabad to act against terrorism, reported the Press Trust of India. Stating that Pakistan had made a commitment that it would not allow its territory to be used for terrorist activities, Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee asked Islamabad to take steps and demolish the alleged terrorist camps there.

Denying any ultimatum being set for Pakistan to act, he said: “No ultimatum was set. There is no question of any ultimatum. Nobody has set any ultimatum.”

Asserting that India would share whatever information Pakistan required once the investigations were over, Mukherjee said Pakistan should admit that the terrorists involved in the Mumbai terrorist attack came from there. “If all these things are done, then there is no problem at all,” he said.

He said: “Not once, but twice Pakistan had made a commitment. Once by Musharraf and now by President Zardari. Where is the commitment? Where is the action against terrorists?” Mukherjee asked.

“We have evidence and gave the names, not once but ten times. Pakistan had earlier accepted that the perpetrators of the Mumbai attack emanated from there. But now they are contradicting it,” Mukherjee said here.

Regretting Pakistan’s U-turn on Maulana Masood Azhar’s arrest, he said: “The Pakistan defence minister had earlier said that the Jaish chief was under house arrest. “Now some others say he is not in Pakistan. Who is telling the truth? It is Pakistan which has to tell that,” Mukherjee said.

Stating that he had spoken to the foreign ministers of the US, Saudi Arabia and China, the minister said: “Merely creating war hysteria without taking any action would not serve any purpose.”
I think his brain just hit a bad sector lol:P
More lies coming out of India ... Oooh sorry .. they are message of peace !

India never escalated tension with Pakistan: Mukherjee

India never escalated tension with Pakistan: Mukherjee
Updated at: 1525 PST, Tuesday, December 30, 2008
NEW DELHI: Indian External Affairs Mininster Pranab Mukherjee said India has not escalated tension with Pakistan.

Commenting on Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Querashi’s statement, Mukherjee said India neither took any action, which increase tension in the region nor deployed additional troops at the border.

He said India has provided sufficient evidences to Pakistan and now its Pakistan’s turn to take action on the basis of these evidences.

Pranab says No escalation of border tensions by India
NEW DELHI: Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that there had been no escalation of tensions on the part of India and that there was no additional troops deployment at the borders.

Commenting on his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mehmood Qureshi's statement that India had deployed ground forces to forward positions and activated forward airbases, Mukherjee said that there had been no such action on the part of India to escalate tension.

"We have not created any tension first there should be escalation from Indian side, then the question of de-escalation will come. We have not escalated anything," the minister said.

He said India has provided sufficient evidences to Pakistan and now its Pakistan’s turn to take action on the basis of these evidences.
He urgently needs a brain scan to remove those bad sector(s). Unfortunately not much shall remain after that in his brain.
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Isn't the thread title a tad misleading?

At first I thought our foreign minister had met with some accident.
I completely disagree. This is not I expected from Mod of the forum. Horrible statement and u guys are making fun here.
Who said CONGRESS foreign minister has brain at the first place? He has NO BRAIN. How come suddenly he got brain damage. Illagical. Stongly condem this ..esply from pak frens
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