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Indian Female Students Kidnapped in Ukraine. One Male Student Shot Dead. Other Female Students Get Thrown Out of the Train by Ukrainians

I hope the girl returns back safely without any harm.

Judging how nasty eastern europeans are ( both Russians and Ukrainians) , they are probably being raped and/or have been killed.


It was found out to be canard.
One on the videos, one Indian student was saying their pakistani classmates were caught by Russians and missing ever since.

Fake news. Our embassy has evacuated all PAkistani nationals. There are none in the active war zone.

The war in Ukraine is highlighting racial differences in how Europe treats refugees

As neighboring countries welcome thousands of fleeing Ukrainians, the experience has not been the same for foreign students and refugees of color.​

People fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, including international students from Africa and South Asia, at the Medyka pedestrian border crossing in eastern Poland on February 27, 2022. [Photo: Wojtek Radwanski/AFP/Getty Images]
By Adele Peters3 minute Read
For the hundreds of thousands of people that have fled Ukraine so far, the experience has in some cases been very different depending on the color of their skin. African and South Asian students studying in Ukraine have reported racial discrimination, including being pushed by Ukrainian border guards to the back of the line to let Ukrainians pass. One medical student from Ghana told the Globe and Mail that she spent nearly two days waiting in line, in the cold, with no food, and watched border guards repeatedly hit a man who tried to cross the border. Ukrainians shouted at her and other Africans to “go back,” she said.

Other Africans in Ukraine said they were forced off trains and buses to make room for Ukrainians, and had to walk to the border. A Nigerian man who has lived in Ukraine for over a decade told The Independent that when he tried to board a bus to flee, he was told, “No Blacks.”


Love Jihad is cheating Hindu women by Muslim men while faking identities as Hindus. And then forcing them to convert and marriage after sometime into relationship.

The "Cheating by the man pretending to be Hindu" is just an excuse. The real intention of the Hindutvadis is to prevent by coercion or violence any marriage or relation of a Hindu female with males who are Muslim, Christian or even Dalit or even a Hindu progressive. Don't talk as if honor killing doesn't exist among Hindus. Just late last year there was a case in Maharashtra where an upper caste Hindu girl married a Dalit and fled from her village because of threat by her family. A time later she and her husband returned. Knowing this her mother called her on phone and said she wants to mend relations with the daughter and her husband. The daughter called the mother to her house. The mother and the girl's brother went to her house. The girl's husband was out but he returned in time to see that the girl's mother hold the girl's feet down and the girl's brother severing her head with a machete. This was not just murder by the mother and her son but murder by the Indian traditional social system. So much for the traditional Hindu festivals of Raksha Bandhan and Bhai Dooj where sisters celebrate their brothers and the brothers are supposed to be the "protectors" of their sisters. Why should the brothers protect their sisters anyway ? Shouldn't the entire society be a harmonious one where no special every-man-for-himself idea should exist ? Did Modi get the mother and her son in the Maharashtra case to be presented before a firing squad ? No, he is busy building a palace for himself in Delhi, busy religious statues and temples and campaigning for his party in state elections even though his party's ideology is a 3000-year-old oppressive, extremely Capitalist one that is one of the main causes of the misery in India.
Fair point, at the same time those people could have also left on their own. They too saw how things were unfolding.

I believe the Ukranian educational institutions told the foreign students that if they leave the country ( this was before the war ) they will not be allowed to resume studies at a later point after the hostilities have finished. And in case of Indian students this posed a great difficulty because the students, their families, had come up with 20 lakh rupees or so as the study fee and accommodation and miscellaneous costs in Ukraine and not only it would be difficult to raise this money for resuming studies in India the Indian medical studies can cost up to one crore, let alone being free, and has lesser number of medical colleges ( thus less number of "seats" ) so the combination of these two things made the Indian students go to Ukraine.


Hindutva is a hateful political ideology.
It's not Dharma.

Why can't a Hindu female convert to Islam? There is no concept of apostasy in Hinduism.

Well, in the year 2022 there should be no need for someone to convert. People should be giving more priority to the rational, practical, justice-driven and scientific sides of their religion instead of the ritualist side because it is the generally the ritualist side that divides people and creates disharmony.
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Well, in the year 2022 there should be no need for someone to convert. People should be giving more priority to the rational, practical, justice-driven and scientific sides of their religion instead of the ritualist side because it is the generally the ritualist side that divides people and creates disharmony.
People should have freedom of choice.
People should have freedom of choice.
What is your opinion about Kashmiris like me? We have been suffering for 7.5 decades at the hands of India for the sake of our lands, water & other resources. We have been oppressed ever since by India and no one from India talks about it pretending they do not know the genocide of Kashmiri Muslims and 8+ lacs of the army to suppress our voice? Why so much hypocrisy and double standards inside your own house? Why don't Kashmiris have freedom of speech and freedom to decide their future?
No Surprise, @Areesh and @Windjammer making their best to report everything about "Indian Females"
And, Still its India which is being "Obsessed" with pakistan.

meanwhile :

Chandigarh, March 1: India’s ‘Operation Ganga’ — a massive rescue operation being carried out to evacuate all Indians stranded in Ukraine — has been going on in full swing. As of Tuesday, a total of nine flights have brought back several Indian citizens from the warn-ridden zone.

Following the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, social medial handles, especially Twitter, got flooded with SOS videos from Indian students left stranded in Ukraine amid the current turmoil. These disturbing videos show how Indian students trying to flee Ukraine are being assaulted by forces at the borders.

On Monday, India Today encountered a Chinese student not far from a building in Kyiv hit by a cruise missile.

The Chinese student, a resident of Beijing studying piano in Kyiv, said he does not know whether he wants to return to China and even if he did, the same is "not possible".

He said that he was aware of India's efforts to evacuate its citizens, adding that he was aware that Indians are being taken to Poland, Romania and Hungary.

Asked if he expects similar efforts from his own government, the student told India Today that the Chinese government must also evacuate its nationals, including students, from Ukraine like India.

Pajeet, is our Vishwaguru i.e. world's most loved and powerful leader Modi also evacuating students of other countries ?
What is your opinion about Kashmiris like me? We have been suffering for 7.5 decades at the hands of India for the sake of our lands, water & other resources. We have been oppressed ever since by India and no one from India talks about it pretending they do not know the genocide of Kashmiri Muslims and 8+ lacs of the army to suppress our voice? Why so much hypocrisy and double standards inside your own house? Why don't Kashmiris have freedom of speech and freedom to decide their future?
Do you think that the Indian government consults me while taking decision on Kashmir?

I personally belive that people should have the right of self determination all over the world.
Why so many Indian studuents chose to study in Ukraine?

Because Govt of regulations, for example a minimum faculty of 140 and 200 bed hospital is a must for opening a medical college, makes it's difficult to establish medical collages though they produce 85 thousand doctors every year. The fees in Indian private medical colleges are three to five times higher than China, Russia or Ukraine. That's why Indian students go there. Anyways this event will bring changes to rules.
these Ukrainian degree holders have to take multiple examinations on returning to India.
The degrees aren't accepted straightaway.
No solution but to open more medical colleges in India because the demand is their.
Have no idea about unemployment in the medical field ? Is their already a surplus of doctors in India ? Do these guys retuning from abroad get suitably employed or it's just a stepping stone degree for them ?

"One hundred and thirty buses are ready to evacuate stranded Indian students and other foreigners from war-torn Ukraine's Kharkov and Sumy cities to Russia's Belgorod Region, a top Russian military general said on Thursday."
This will make a great Bollywood Movie. Tiger Zinda Hai Part II: Operation Ukraine.

First Tiger Zinda Hai, they rescued Indian nurses from Iraq,

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