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Indian consulate post attack Pics

Not a single Pakistani in this thread so far has condemned the terrorist attack.That effectively means they support the terrorists.We can very well understand how much do they really care about human life in general and Afghans in particular.

These are the very same Pakistanis who cry out loud when their own house is lit in fire by the very same people.That explains in lengths and volumes about the hypocrisy of these people.
This is the result of systematic brainwash of Pakistani society.When the educated sections of society start supporting such activities, it means the damage has been already done beyond repair.
The voices of these common Pakistani people simply reaffirms the notion that Pakistan is the epicenter of global terrorism.
talibs attack consulate without any success n die...
GOI gets more inspiration for cooperating with Afghanistan,,n push for a more robust presence there...
Want a bet on it?,

2015 another mountain range will be named after the Hindus.

What a travesty, you quoting history like that.Had it not been for the invaders you would have no reasons to call yourself a Muslim.
A proper student, a scholar never takes sides in history, for it talks about things long past. History is a means of gaining experience from the study of happenings in the past, so that we can work in the present to create a better future..

Instead of that, you distort history , or at least learnt a distorted version of history, upto such an extent that you tend to identify yourself with those who invaded you. If that is not identity crisis, then what is ??
ISI phobia
I'm sorry but it is OBVIOUS. Who else if not Pakistan/the ISI has ANYTHING to gain in launching an attack on Indians in Afghanistan? Afghans largely have either favourable views of India or complete indifference. There is no reason for an attack on Indians unless there is a Pakistani hand behind it. Past attacks have linked back to Pakistan and I'm sure this one does too.

But sure, you'll all stick your heads in the sand and rue the fact no evil Bhratis were slaughtered in this episode.
I understand the identity crisis on your side, after all you guys have been passed around a whore in a gang bang from one foreign ruler to another.

My great ancestor Allayuddin Khilji was one of so many who gang banged you guys, no identity crisis here buddy.
not to foreget kutub shahi awan also gang banged these brainless slaves in mugal era
o ma ghosh indian sikh visiting our daral ulom with these fancy heels and fancy dress must be a fan of our Pakhtoon brothers :rofl::rofl:

A Proud Sikh


I understand the identity crisis on your side, after all you guys have been passed around a whore in a gang bang from one foreign ruler to another.

My great ancestor Allayuddin Khilji was one of so many who gang banged you guys, no identity crisis here buddy.

Yeah yeah.. a few years back I met someone who claimed himself to be direct descendent of the Mughals..apparently every other guy like you is a Khilji or a Lodi or Badshah Gazi etc etc...and now half the World calls you a terrorist nation...Can you tell me, what went wrong ?
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