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Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

Already said enough and opened eyes of many wannabe aryans. Infact one Indian retarded even said he looked like German, :omghaha: now i have permanent avatar with photo of your ancestors aka Ancestral South Indian. These guys in photo are pure ASI and not mixed ones you find in India.

Looks like you're the one who got enlightened by us.....and changed your avatar after we made you realize who you actually are.....
Thank us, we made your inferiority-complex go away....
Now be a proud Dravidian instead of a self-hating wannabe 'Aryan'
Duh. I proclaim myself as a Shudra - who the heck are you to dictate otherwise? :azn:
Modern careers has nothing to do with caste. A Brahmin can be a beggar. And a dalit can generously give money to a Brahmin beggar.
In my locality that was the case :D Most Brahmins were beggars. They used to clean the temple stairs and in return got some food from the visitors. Otherwise there are teachers. The rest had left.
Look at these guys, being proud of imaginary caste :cry: When ever i see Hindu baniya it always remind me of horrible deeds my ancestors did. I again apologize to lower caste Hindus. This is my message to lower castes, as a descendent of original brahmin homeland i release all of you from caste system. Now you guys are free to be what ever you want. my best wishes are with you. :cry:
Look at these guys, being proud of imaginary caste :cry: When ever i see Hindu baniya it always remind me of horrible deeds my ancestors did. I again apologize to lower caste Hindus. This is my message to lower castes, as a descendent of original brahmin homeland i release all of you from caste system. Now you guys are free to be what ever you want. my best wishes are with you. :cry:

Stay on topic or GTHO !!
All the while you keep your avatar to denigrate the same folks you wish to wish! :nana:
Look at these guys, being proud of imaginary caste :cry: When ever i see Hindu baniya it always remind me of horrible deeds my ancestors did. I again apologize to lower caste Hindus. This is my message to lower castes, as a descendent of original brahmin homeland i release all of you from caste system. Now you guys are free to be what ever you want. my best wishes are with you. :cry:
I would like to say India's main contribution was western secularism. The fascination with eastern religion inspired critical thought in the western minds of the time, and led to the realization that perhaps most of it was tribal bullsh!t.
All the while you keep your avatar to denigrate the same folks you wish to wish! :nana:

Learn some history kiddo, and not from RSS mandir. These guys from my avatars escaped caste system because they lived far away in Islands. I dont know who you are, probably baniya or brahmin believing in his superiority. Stop shitting on lower castes hindus, consider them equal.
Learn some history kiddo, and not from RSS mandir. These guys from my avatars escaped caste system because they lived far away in Islands. I dont know who you are, probably baniya or brahmin believing in his superiority. Stop shitting on lower castes hindus, consider them equal.

Don't confuse RSS with your Madrassa. RSS has no official mandirs ...nor do they give lessons on History! :omghaha:

Your sarcasm is tasteless.
I really love the liberalism of the Indian culture in KamaSutra..

Since then we've all been moving backwards and becoming less tolerant...
Don't confuse RSS with your Madrassa. RSS has no official mandirs ...nor do they give lessons on History! :omghaha:

Your sarcasm is tasteless.

Who are you kidding with? I know how RSS invent history and later on pass upon higher caste baniyas like you. Spare us mandir learned history.
rss has no schools man...........its a fact

Its a fact they changed history books, invented history and brainwashed baniyas all over Bharat.

I would like to say India's main contribution was western secularism. The fascination with eastern religion inspired critical thought in the western minds of the time, and led to the realization that perhaps most of it was tribal bullsh!t.

I think you didnt read the op properly, even when your **** in toilet has Indian origin.
Its a fact they changed history books, invented history and brainwashed baniyas all over Bharat.

I think you didnt read the op properly, even when your **** in toilet has Indian origin.

give me a single thing they changed??
their concept is that all ppl in subcontinent have a hindu heritage and those who are muslims,buddhists,jains,sikhs and christians are mostly converted

i am a sikh myself,whats wrong in that??
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