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Indian Christians flee India to forest

Pakistan is lecturing us about christian welfare...
Christians are butchered in pakistan if there is just a rumour about some1 saying anything about islam.......

see this report

Christian families have been forced to flee from a Pakistani village in Punjab province after Protestants there were attacked by an armed mob as they prepared for an evangelistic meeting earlier in the week, reports Compass Direct News.

According to the victims' lawyer, Khalil Tahir Sindhu, at least 41 men armed with guns, axes and wooden sticks attacked the Christians at their Salvation Army church in Chak 248, north of Faisalabad, on the evening of Sunday 17 June.

Seven Christians were left injured by the attack, which Sindhu said was prompted by their refusal to give in to demands from armed Muslims the previous day to cancel their evangelistic meeting.

"They had just put up posters advertising the event two or three days before, so this is what triggered the attack," Sindhu told Compass from Faisalabad.

Sindhu described how the mob attacked the Christians with axes and wooden sticks, leaving some of them with fractured bones, and fired their pistols into the air to cause further panic. He said that many of the church's books were ruined during the attack and alleged that one Muslim had been injured as the Christians fought back their attackers.

One Muslim resident in Chak 248, Abdel Ghafoor, submitted a First Information Report earlier in the week, in which he claimed that four Christian men had started the fighting by throwing rubbish at the home of Muslim Abdel Hammad before attacking and injuring him when he began to protest.

The local police have also registered a case from the side of the Christians, despite initial foot-dragging, according to Sindhu. He added that almost all of the Christian men from the village have fled in order to escape revenge attacks, while the few that have chosen to remain now fear for their safety. Sindhu is helping to house and feed 28 Christians from Chak 248 who are afraid to return to the village.

Christian politicians have come out in support of the Christian victims and have vowed to increase their lobbying efforts to ensure that the case is not dropped, according to Compass.

"We all condemn this tragic event," former district assembly member Shahid Arif told Compass.

Catholic priest Aftab James Paul responded to the attack from Faisalabad, where he leads inter-religious dialogue for the diocese. He warned that large parts of Pakistani society continue to victimise minorities.

"The whole education system is like that, the media, both print and electronic, and the Muslim religious clergy also teach negative things," Paul said. "The whole atmosphere in this country is anti-minorities and anti-poor. All the weak sections of society are victimised."

He called on Christians to join in prayer for the Pakistani church on Friday 22 June because a lot of violence occurs after midday prayers at the mosque on Fridays.

"All Muslims are not bad. In fact most of them are very good and want peace and harmony," he said.

Rather, the problem lies with Muslim fanatics. "To change the hearts and minds of these people is very difficult. It's not impossible, but I don't know how long it will take."

Christians Attacked with Axes, Guns in Pakistan

Friend Pakistan is not lecturing but a high IQ member is.

They don't discriminate in killing a Hindu, Sikh, christian even Muslims.

Remember Bangladesh and hundreds of riots in Pakistan, brother fighting brother?
This is just fake propaganda Christians don't face any such problems in India
i have doubt on u buddy

r u Indian or using false flag

Kiddo, before opening your big mouth uselessly, you should spend some time on the forum and try to gain knowledge rather then posting useless remarks...

Hint: Go through my posts to ascertain my nationality (i.e., if you know how to do it).. And I'm no buddy of yours.. I'm from the Y generation, not X, Mr. pretending Englishman!!!
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Was any one brought to justice , may be Pakistan Army need to go help the christians inside india

Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State - Gospel for Asia

Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State
August 27, 2008

Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan
Mob violence in India's Orissa state continues to escalate, and reports coming from Gospel for Asia leaders in Orissa say that as many as 20 GFA-related churches were destroyed and hundreds of Christian families have been burned out of their homes. At least a dozen members of GFA-related churches have been murdered, but no one knows the overall death toll.

"The Christians in Orissa have fled for their lives into the forests," GFA President K.P. Yohannan said, "and some have been in hiding for three days without food or water.

"Several of our pastors are in the forest along with their church people, and one said that he could have escaped, but would rather die with his people than leave them."

Dr. Yohannan called the situation "unprecedented in his 30 years of ministry in South Asia."

"I have never seen persecution so bad in my life," Dr. Yohannan said, "and I have seen a lot of opposition to the Gospel over the years."

Orissa, the state where Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were burned to death by anti-Christian militants in 1999, has a long history of opposition to the Gospel.

"Yet this past year, we have seen more people place their faith in Jesus Christ in Orissa than in any other Indian state," Dr. Yohannan noted. "So it is no surprise that opposition is increasing."

The latest reports coming in include a long list of specific attacks against pastors, missionaries and their followers—including Christians being hacked to death. One believer's body was cut into seven pieces.

"They are raping Christian girls—and some gang rapes are taking place," Dr. Yohannan said. "We are praying that the young women on our Bible college campus will remain safe. There are 250 students there, and 90 of them are girls. A handful of police officers are trying to protect them, and that is a blessing. But we have had people come on campus and attack students in the past, so I am asking for all Christians to pray for their protection."

The violence began after the Saturday night murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a top leader of the VHP (World Hindu Council) and an outspoken opponent of Christianity. He was killed in an attack by 20 men armed with guns and hand grenades. While the murderers are suspected of being Maoist rebels, the Hindu radicals seized on the killing as an excuse to incite violence against the area's Christian community.

This congregation from Orissa was the target of persecution several years ago.
"What is most disturbing," Dr. Yohannan said, "is that the radicals have not only incited this violence, but they are also orchestrating it. And the latest reports are that they are bringing in militants from Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and other states to carry out their evil plans."

Because the swami's goal was to stop the spread of Christianity, especially among tribal and lower-caste Indians, an attack on him last December incited a similar wave of violence—again targeting Christians.

"Between December 24 and January 15, some 730 Christian homes and more than 100 churches were destroyed," Dr. Yohannan recalled. "Several dozen Christian women were sexually assaulted, and more than 40 shops owned by Christians were looted."

"Most of the victims were Dalits, formerly known as Untouchables," he noted.

"Basically, what we are facing is genocide—ethnic cleansing—against Christians, and so far, no government has spoken out against it."

Dr. Yohannan asks that concerned people in the West call on their government officials—as well as those in India—to intervene in this disaster.*

"But most important is prayer," Dr. Yohannan emphasized. "Please pray that God will intervene in this situation, that His peace will descend on the people of Orissa, and that His message of love will fill the hearts of all of India's people.

R u Quting k.yohnnan he is not accepted by any of christian diocese in india so he started his own church and became bishop of that one....he is getting lots of $$$$ in the name of charity from usa...now he owns 1000 of acres of land and recently he buy a medical college and give it as daughters dowry,i can say althese things bcse he is frm my own stae...so plz check authencity of person who said this,may be he collected plenty of dollars in the name of those
Know more abt him

A high-profile evangelist is under pressure to explain an “unaccounted” amount of Rs 900 crore his trust received from the US as Kerala’s crackdown on “commercial spiritualism” gathers pace.

Bishop K.P. Yohannan has been under the watch of regulators and police since the hunt for “fake godmen” began in the first week of May for having received the funds from the Texas-based Gospel for Asia in the past 12 years. Failure to explain could make him the subject of a probe.

The police claim that a trust closely held by Yohannan and his relatives had received Rs 1,044 crore for charity and church activities from Texas body since 1995 but spent only Rs 144 crore on such purposes.

Director-general of police (intelligence) Jacob Punnose has told home minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan about the “unaccounted cash” and recommended an inquiry to verify how the trust had used the Rs 900 crore. Chief minister V.S. Achuthanandan is aware of the matter.

The assets of Believers’ Church, Yohannan’s trust, were estimated at Rs 572 crore and Gospel for Asia’s at Rs 472 crore. The nature of the probe is yet to be decided since there are several departments and agencies concerned with the activities of Believers’ Church and Gospel for Asia.

Since the amount flowed in from a single source, the Gospel for Asia, the Reserve Bank will have to probe if any part of it had been spent on activities outside the country and whether it was done with permission. Another matter to be examined is how Yohannan’s trust has retained 2,500 acres when the law allows only 2,000 acres and whether it had secured special permission. The bishop was not available for comment.

Yohannan is not the only one facing the heat in the drive “commercial spiritualism”. Other Christian prayer-healing organisations like Swargeeya Virunnu (Heavenly Feast), run by Brother Thanku (Sam Kuruvila) and Brother Thomas Kutty are also under the scanner.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Cash scanner on evangelist

sorry azadpakistan better luck next time...i can give 100's of authentic reports aganist the fake godman whom you quated so it loses the authenticity of this man...i am sure u dont know abt this guy tat why you posted his rants
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another post against aganist fake priest
these are only some part of allegation against him in early 2009..but the state or central government never took any action against this man,now he will go all christian countries with a lot of false stories and earn millions....
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Mate, you shouldn't be calling yourself Adolf Hitler, unless of course that the name mamma and pappa gave you...
Mate, you shouldn't be calling yourself Adolf Hitler, unless of course that the name mamma and pappa gave you...

no dude its just my user name here nothing more than that,do u think any mummy papa in the world will give their son this name after 1945..plz don think i believe in Aryan blood (my blood is A -ve)and a Jewish hater...or can u tell me how to change my user name
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