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Indian Christians flee India to forest


Sep 8, 2009
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Was any one brought to justice , may be Pakistan Army need to go help the christians inside india

Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State - Gospel for Asia

Christians Flee to Forests as Mob Violence Escalates in Indian State
August 27, 2008

Gospel for Asia President K.P. Yohannan
Mob violence in India's Orissa state continues to escalate, and reports coming from Gospel for Asia leaders in Orissa say that as many as 20 GFA-related churches were destroyed and hundreds of Christian families have been burned out of their homes. At least a dozen members of GFA-related churches have been murdered, but no one knows the overall death toll.

"The Christians in Orissa have fled for their lives into the forests," GFA President K.P. Yohannan said, "and some have been in hiding for three days without food or water.

"Several of our pastors are in the forest along with their church people, and one said that he could have escaped, but would rather die with his people than leave them."

Dr. Yohannan called the situation "unprecedented in his 30 years of ministry in South Asia."

"I have never seen persecution so bad in my life," Dr. Yohannan said, "and I have seen a lot of opposition to the Gospel over the years."

Orissa, the state where Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were burned to death by anti-Christian militants in 1999, has a long history of opposition to the Gospel.

"Yet this past year, we have seen more people place their faith in Jesus Christ in Orissa than in any other Indian state," Dr. Yohannan noted. "So it is no surprise that opposition is increasing."

The latest reports coming in include a long list of specific attacks against pastors, missionaries and their followers—including Christians being hacked to death. One believer's body was cut into seven pieces.

"They are raping Christian girls—and some gang rapes are taking place," Dr. Yohannan said. "We are praying that the young women on our Bible college campus will remain safe. There are 250 students there, and 90 of them are girls. A handful of police officers are trying to protect them, and that is a blessing. But we have had people come on campus and attack students in the past, so I am asking for all Christians to pray for their protection."

The violence began after the Saturday night murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, a top leader of the VHP (World Hindu Council) and an outspoken opponent of Christianity. He was killed in an attack by 20 men armed with guns and hand grenades. While the murderers are suspected of being Maoist rebels, the Hindu radicals seized on the killing as an excuse to incite violence against the area's Christian community.

This congregation from Orissa was the target of persecution several years ago.
"What is most disturbing," Dr. Yohannan said, "is that the radicals have not only incited this violence, but they are also orchestrating it. And the latest reports are that they are bringing in militants from Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and other states to carry out their evil plans."

Because the swami's goal was to stop the spread of Christianity, especially among tribal and lower-caste Indians, an attack on him last December incited a similar wave of violence—again targeting Christians.

"Between December 24 and January 15, some 730 Christian homes and more than 100 churches were destroyed," Dr. Yohannan recalled. "Several dozen Christian women were sexually assaulted, and more than 40 shops owned by Christians were looted."

"Most of the victims were Dalits, formerly known as Untouchables," he noted.

"Basically, what we are facing is genocide—ethnic cleansing—against Christians, and so far, no government has spoken out against it."

Dr. Yohannan asks that concerned people in the West call on their government officials—as well as those in India—to intervene in this disaster.*

"But most important is prayer," Dr. Yohannan emphasized. "Please pray that God will intervene in this situation, that His peace will descend on the people of Orissa, and that His message of love will fill the hearts of all of India's people.
such an old story ! The problem has been solved right now. By the way tribal rivalry was the reason the violence took place. One tribe just happened to be Christian.
In India, Hindu Threat to Christians: Convert or Flee (India)
Oct 13, 2008

In India, Hindu Threat to Christians: Convert or Flee (India)

I mean really !! ....

By Somini Sengupta (probbly she is dead by now)

The International Herald Tribune
The family of Solomon Digal was summoned by neighbors to what serves as a public square in front of the village tea shop.

They were ordered to get on their knees and bow before the portrait of a Hindu preacher. They were told to turn over their Bibles, hymnals and the two brightly colored calendar images of Christ that hung on their wall. Then, Digal, 45, a Christian since childhood, was forced to watch his Hindu neighbors set the items on fire.

" 'Embrace Hinduism, and your house will not be demolished,' " Digal recalled being told on that Wednesday afternoon in September. " 'Otherwise, you will be killed, or you will be thrown out of the village.' "

India, the world's most populous democracy and officially a secular nation, is today haunted by a stark assault on one of its fundamental freedoms. Here in eastern Orissa State, riven by six weeks of religious clashes, Christian families like the Digals say they are being forced to abandon their faith in exchange for their safety.

The forced conversions come amid widening attacks on Christians here and in at least five other states across the country, as India prepares for national elections next spring.

The clash of faiths has cut a wide swath of panic and destruction through these once quiet hamlets fed by paddy fields and jackfruit trees. Here in Kandhamal, the district that has seen the greatest violence, more than 30 people have been killed, 3,000 homes burned and over 130 churches destroyed, including the tin-roofed Baptist prayer hall where the Digals worshiped. Today it is a heap of rubble on an empty field, where cows blithely graze.
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The Indians had first started killing Christians in Mezoram few decades back and then now we see the Hindu fundos just like TTP fundos are threatening Christians in India
02/22/2010 NEW !!!

INDIA Punjab: clashes between Christians and Hindu extremists, Protestant church burned - Asia News

Punjab: clashes between Christians and Hindu extremists, Protestant church burned
by Nirmala Carvalho
Violence sparked by an image of Jesus drinking beer and smoking. The faithful protest, demanding the closure of shops and businesses. Hindu fundamentalist groups wage urban warfare. Bishop of Jalandhar condemns the "provocative actions", but calls on the faithful to peace and forgiveness.

Jalandhar (AsiaNews) - Authorities in Batala, a town of Punjab, have partially removed curfew after clashes broke out last February 20 between Hindu extremists and the Christian minority. To violence was sparked by the publication of a cartoon with a picture of Jesus raising a beer in one hand and holding a cigarette in the other. The chief minister of Punjab condemns the blasphemous image and promises an iron fist against anyone who "foments sectarian hatred." Bishop Anil Couto, Bishop of Jalandhar, invites the faithful "to peace and brotherhood."

The cartoon, published by a publisher in Delhi, has sparked protests from the Christian community of Batala, a town in the district of Gurdaspur in Punjab. On 20 February the city streets were the scene of violent clashes between Hindus and Christians, who wanted the closure of shops and businesses. Activists of Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Shiv Sena - Hindu extremist groups - waged a guerrilla war on the Christians, injuring to 10 people, damaging several shops and the burning of the Salvation Army Mukhi Fauj church, the city's oldest and best known.

To stem the violence, local authorities have imposed a curfew, which has been partly removed today. A police official says that they want to give people the possibility to "to leave their homes for shopping or other necessities." He also adds that "the level of alert" remains high to prevent new clashes.

Parkash Singh Badal, Chief Minister of Punjab, has condemned the offensive image and points the finger at "those who do not appreciate peace” and foment sectarian hatred. He adds that the police have recieved well-defined guidelines to "punish those guilty of sacrilege."

Mgr. Anil Couto, Bishop of Jalandhar, appeals for calm and brotherhood. The prelate calls the faithful to practice the teachings of the Gospel, promoting peace and forgiveness, but at the same time points out that too often "provocative actions or images" wound the soul and the religious feelings of Christians. He invites the faithful to "be proud" of their religion, while not forgetting the message "of peace and love brought by Jesus Christ."


.... I wonder what GOP and republicans will do once they see this :usflag:

REMEMBER GOP ... you gave the nuclear technology ok -_- one day .. you will rememer my post .. tell your Member of parliment now GO... go go before its too late

Some where in India , a nuclear scientist - is a hardliner , and his finger is on the nuke be afraid , be very afraid
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I wonder what would happen if anyone saw family guy ... in india, very dangerous out there
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If i start personal attacks against some perverts such as the thread starter and some woman, this forum will ban me. If i report this post, some moderators will make this a sticky thread....

Pisses you off. Doesn't it??
Don't worry. Let them have fun while it lasts...
If i start personal attacks against some perverts such as the thread starter and some woman, this forum will ban me. If i report this post, some moderators will make this a sticky thread....

And where you have been attacked personally ?

If it had happend then you are free to report it. The forum gives equal rights of reporting personal attacks to all members irrespective of their nationality.

Please dont accuse the mods and admin without any proof.

And trust me anyone can be banned for personal attacks on others.
why don't you work for your minorities peoples they are living hell life

Sikhs and Hindus are killed in Pakistan

Yes Indeed we should and my govt should work for our people.

But as this thread is about India so we are bound to reply in the same context.

As far as about Pakistani issues we have plenty of threads
Yes Indeed we should and my govt should work for our people.

But as this thread is about India so we are bound to reply in the same context.

As far as about Pakistani issues we have plenty of threads

double standard

what govt is doing just nothing in Pakistan

and what you say when Muslim christian rights and how they killed by Muslim
Yes Indeed we should and my govt should work for our people.

But as this thread is about India so we are bound to reply in the same context.

As far as about Pakistani issues we have plenty of threads

Yaar you very well know the intention behind this thread. People are just scanning the internet looking for articles that insult, defame Pakistan and India. It would be good if wise people like you just don't reply to things like this.

The thread has a funny name. Well , even if Christians are fleeing into the forests , they are still technically in India.
Moreover , this news item should have been posted around an year ago
If i start personal attacks against some perverts such as the thread starter and some woman, this forum will ban me. If i report this post, some moderators will make this a sticky thread....

Well it would be personal if anyone stated Mr Red Dwarf , burnd some christians down ..

This is a new article , a social issue , and we are concerned otherwise , our Army might have to go in to help out the christians :pakistan:

We kicked Taliabans out may be we can help India with their home grown terrorist group s:pop: may be a sergical strike

But in any case - all reference are provided for you to read they are also Indian authors in some cases -
double standard

what govt is doing just nothing in Pakistan

and what you say when Muslim christian rights and how they killed by Muslim

You are free to start a thread separatly and criticise Pakistani govt for doing nothing for them.

No one is stoping you dear.
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