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Indian Bollywood Propaganda targeting Muslims and malicious attack on H Umar RA

I beginning to worry about the sanity of Indian propaganda, they are pushing their own population to hate Muslims beyond the point of no return. Have they ever thought about it, what will happen after fascist Modi death, how long they will be able to sustain this fascism.
New movie "Srinagar" tailor, Bollywood BS accusing Kashmiri Muslims as rapists and killers of Pundits in Kashmir.

But the worse is the attack on H Umer RA in its dialogue. This is becoming humiliating for all Indian Muslims. What Owaisi would say now!!

Good movie, I will definitely watch it
I beginning to worry about the sanity of Indian propaganda, they are pushing their own population to hate Muslims beyond the point of no return. Have they ever thought about it, what will happen after fascist Modi death, how long they will be able to sustain this fascism.

Hindus, Hindutva etc. you can understand them spreading their dirty and malicious propaganda, but the trailer also gives a name "Waseem Rizvi". I hope this is not what it seems and wouldn't cause the problems among the Indian Muslims.
But the attack on H Umer RA in particular could not be a coincidence. Lets hope, it is not what it looks like.
There cheap attack make sense

If there would have been Umar bin Khattab (RZ) today then these Gau mutra fan boys would have lost Delhi too along with Kashmir

Delhi would have been a bonus in the package.
Did not see any malicious reference to any religious figure in the trailer.
Why am I not surprised he says it's a good movie right after learning there're a few rape scenes in it?

None of us is surprised

Did not see any malicious reference to any religious figure in the trailer.

Multiple ID rat enjoyed the rape scenes too


Another confirmed sanghi viewer for the movie
Once a general under the command of Khalid bin waleed RA raped a female prisoner of war and came back to Khalid that he think that what he did was wrong, Khalid asked him that leave this matter but he insist to ask from the caliph (Umer R.A) for the verdict. When this matter came to Umer RA he gave him DEATH sentence for raping that prisoner. However, when the verdict received on the front lines that general was already died in some skirmish.

Once a Muslim person slapped his female war prisoner and the prophet PBUH asked him to set her free.
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