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Indian Army Soldier Succumbs to Injuries by Pakistani Firing on 18 January in Sunderbani Sector of LoC

Just wait and mark my words. You will soon be crying again.
Just means more Indian widows will cry:-

Nishant Sharma G made Shaant Sharma.....
Jaye Siri paye...
Whatever but three things you can't avoid in life

1. Death
2. Taxes
3. Pakistani guns at LOC

Keep that in mind
You forget to add natural call especially Indians have to do it openly :lol:
As per reports Sharma G was busy in attending natural call but P.A sniper can't wait to let him finish :lol:
Bullet laga Sharma G ko but koi new hole nahien howa, guess what :sniper:
Don't think Indians mentioned this injury casualty on the 18th? Only now that he's killed, has it been revealed.

God knows how many such casualties they've been hiding, as there are several CFVs daily along LOC & WB.
Revenge will be taken on pakistanis for sure. RIP brother.

Why are you here crying on a Pakistani forum?

The Indian Army is full or amazing ‘’WORRIERS’’, cant blame them for it though, Pakistani snipers makes great ‘WORRIERS’ out of them 😂
Please keep reporting of Indian Army jawans death - a video in making in commulatative.
Another "WORRIER" sent to stoke the hellfire !
What are gangus doing on LOC anyway?
They are not fighters.
They only belong in call centers, "IT" sweatshops and the scammer "officer Gorge/ James (in heavy Indian accent)" calling from "IRS" to let you know that warrants are out for your arrest if you don't make a payment on your credit card immediately. I used to ignore such calls, now I pick some up during my free time just for shit and giggles. I cannot believe the amount of verbal abuse these assholes can tolerate while sticking to a line they need to read off repeatedly. ( I guess their upbringing in the most vile and degenerate filthy society known to mankind and the the parental abuse in their rapeaholic culture makes them immune to any verbal onslaught or rational thinking).
Live on in your Bollywood dream world. Real life is going to deal deal you a mega surprise and reality check soon. IA !
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