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Indian army admits Pakistan army has better trained and equipped snipers

Had the complete truth been posted, their orgasm would have punctured. So selective para is posted. Double damage is a minimum ratio. In many cases, Indian army has done manifold damage.

I already mentioned those bollywood style claims of Indian army in the OP. You missed that I guess.

Just like your soldiers miss our snipers at LOC and get a hole in the head :lol:
When you say we are not well trained, we have out dated equipment
Other side has better training, equpiment and real life experience
And still claim we will do twice the damage.
Only in case of snipers, which is just a small part of LoC warfare.
When it comes to mortars, artillery, rockets, ATGMs, machine guns, IEDs, BAT raids etc India rules.
People who cant fight a face to face war resort to such cheap tactics. And your celebration is not a surprise. I dont know what the professional IA will do apart from respecting the ceasefire agreement signed by both countries, while lobbying against Pakistan in international forums by GoI is becoming effective.

Lets see how long Pakistan can sustain this, while they bleed economically.
Only in case of snipers, which is just a small part of LoC warfare.
When it comes to mortars, artillery, rockets, ATGMs, machine guns, IEDs, BAT raids etc India rules.
In regards to artillery Pakistan does have upper hand as they have invested and deploying alot of SPG, and MRL
systems more than india , india is catching up now but i still i will give Pakistan upper hand.
Machine guns India has clear edge here with different varients and modern systems than Pakistan.
In regards to BAT raids ? according to india media its always Pakistan who the aggresser , if you meant Surgical strikes , Pakistan took international media at the sites where just few hours ago according indian media to Indian army did the surgical strike i think that pretty much gave answer to whole media. it was more for indian population to clam them down rather than actually doing something.
In regards to artillery Pakistan does have upper hand as they have invested and deploying alot of SPG, and MRL
systems more than india , india is catching up now but i still i will give Pakistan upper hand.
Machine guns India has clear edge here with different varients and modern systems than Pakistan.
In regards to BAT raids ? according to india media its always Pakistan who the aggresser , if you meant Surgical strikes , Pakistan took international media at the sites where just few hours ago according indian media to Indian army did the surgical strike i think that pretty much gave answer to whole media. it was more for indian population to clam them down rather than actually doing something.
SPG/SPH or MRL are not used on LoC.
Both sides use only 105mm gun on LoC and India has twice the number of 105mm regiments on LoC.

You own general confirmed India uses BAT teams on LoC.
SPG/SPH or MRL are not used on LoC.
Both sides use only 105mm gun on LoC and India has twice the number of 105mm regiments on LoC.

You own general confirmed India uses BAT teams on LoC.

Not sure about BAT but Hanuman does attack as per the lore being fed in india.
People who cant fight a face to face war resort to such cheap tactics. And your celebration is not a surprise. I dont know what the professional IA will do apart from respecting the ceasefire agreement signed by both countries, while lobbying against Pakistan in international forums by GoI is becoming effective.

Lets see how long Pakistan can sustain this, while they bleed economically.

From claims of 10 Pakistani heads for 1 Indian head to this

True indeed, Indians just can not digest any defeat to a fair note rather try to play hero's from behind the screens not everything is Bollywood. There always be others who are better then you in somethings you have to learn to digest that if you cant respect it .. now make sure you go to sleep alright lolz.
This is the only thing that matters:

During WW2 Japanese had better snipers than US army but in the end we all know who won.
usa invented nuclear bomb . what do u have?

Oh wow !! He needn't have said anything if he had worried about the morale. Selective perception eh?
continuous hunting of indian soldiers do raise questions .
Had the complete truth been posted, their orgasm would have punctured. So selective para is posted. Double damage is a minimum ratio. In many cases, Indian army has done manifold damage.

Than why is it that everytime its the Indians crying and even complaining to americans and not vice verse?
But whatever helps you sleep better.
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