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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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I agree with that
congrats to security forces for concluding the operation as planned
rest in peace to the IAF personal killed in action.

In such terrorist attacks, nothing can be planned. I am sure the Pakistani forces didn't plan to kill the terrorists in Peshawar, only after they had killed 150 children.

But it does speaks volumes about our preparedness to tackle such situations, and since the area was near the Pakistani border, the forces always remain alert of such terrorist strikes.
Its just another falseflag operation but a badly planned one. It is falling apart even before it could stir anything.
a JeM note is found next to a terrorist does it not authenticate the attack as being legit?
So what is the general Pakistani consensus of the terror attack? I'd not hold my breath considering after mumbai attack mods and tts were arguing that attackers cant be Pakistani since they don't 'look like' pakistani but south indians, with model phenotypic look of different pak ethnic groups to help poor harebrained Indians. :)

Anyway I simply don't understand Modi's strategy vis a vis Pakistan, not that we should hold him to the standard what he showed as opposition leader after he became a pm, but for all his blasters as opposition leader, he doesnt look like any more effective than MMS when it comes to Pakistan.

As I have said best way is to ignore Pakistan unless balance of power has obviously shifted to India and raise a big wall on border may be.

@Bang Galore @Rain Man

a JeM note is found next to a terrorist does it not authenticate the attack as being legit?

Have you considered this that terrorists themselves want people to find out who they are and where they come from? Helps in the PR and purpose. No terrorist groups work discreetly to hide their identity, Islamic State videotapes beheading people and distribute to rest of the world.
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a JeM note is found next to a terrorist does it not authenticate the attack as being legit?

No, but cell phone intercepts between these Pakistani terrorists and their handlers in Bhawalpur, sure does.
a JeM note is found next to a terrorist does it not authenticate the attack as being legit?

Yes it does sound legit! What's the purpose of conducting a terrorist attack if you are not given credit for it.

Btw, remember 2008 Indian embassy bombings in Kabul. The CIA had found similar type of evidences against the ISI. The people in ISI should get a crash course from you maybe on how to clean all evidences.

Edit: we are still waiting for the voice sample of Hafizz Sayed. Surely, we cannot fake that in the recordings we have.
Its just another falseflag operation but a badly planned one. It is falling apart even before it could stir anything.

You are the foremost authority in planning false flag attacks, APS massacre , Mehran base amongst numerous others.

Might we have your expertise on planning false flag attacks??
You just depicted your sick frame of mind by generalizing the entire nation. This goes on to show what you think about your neighborhood. The question was why on earth did Indian media started blaming Pakistan without a shred of evidence or do they have access to something that Indian security agencies don't have or is it just a norm in India to blame everything on Pakistan without putting forth any evidence whatsoever.

Ironically, the latter seems to be the case.

Ah 'shred of evidence'. Tell me sire, whatever was achieved after evidence surfaced that Ajmal Kasab was a Pakistani, was trained in Pakistan? Nothing.

Pakistan is a state which does not have enough balls to take out it own terrorists forget about abandoning its state policy of using terrorism for achieving it's objectives. The radicals are roaming free in Pakistan and you want us to believe that Pakistan is not to be suspected?

For Pakistan state some narrative and some stories are enough to prove our involvement in terrorist activities but for India hard evidence is required.

Pakistan and it's duplicitous ways are for the world to see.
Just another failed low budgeted Bollywood attempt by Modi Productions.
Forget what control GoP has over ISI, what this is really showing is:

1) Despite a heads up, the Indian Military failed to put in adequate defensive measures.

The very fact that all the terrorist couldn't make any damage to the assets and cant cross the internal periphery of the base should speak volume of the defense put up

2) Despite just a handful of infiltrators, even after 10+ hrs the operation is still ongoing
There is something called combing operation which has to be carried out and that takes time if the base is too long . And

Despite just a handful of infiltrators, even after 10+ hrs the operation is still ongoing even on the PNS Mehran

3) "150 commandos" as per Sahara News, were deployed at Pathankot Airbase. Results are in front of us.

Any which way you look at it, looks bad for the Indian Military.

Yes the result are infront of US no IAF assests damaged and not a big loss on the security side but the result of PNS Mehran both in terms of the assets damaged and causality are in front of us
Just another failed low budgeted Bollywood attempt by Modi Productions.

What to do , we don't have your kind resources for planning false attacks, our terror budget is low.

Also unlike you, we also don't have strong stomachs to kill hundreds of own kids, hence we kept casualties low in this one.
RIP the martyred Indian officers.

Goodwork by the Indian intelligence experts. This is for those who doubted Ajit Doval's abilities.

BTW: Fateh Singh, one of the martyred Indian soldier was a Commonwealth Gold medalist.
RIP the martyred Indian Jawans .
President's Secretariat
02-January, 2016 21:22 IST
President of India condemns terrorist attack on Air Force Base in Pathankot in Punjab

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Air Force Base in Pathankot in Punjab.

The President complimented our jawans for their valour and courage while fighting terrorists. He also called upon security forces to remain vigilant against any threat to the peace and security of our nation. He conveyed heartfelt condolences to the grieving families of our brave soldiers who lost their lives in the attack, and prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured.


Prime Minister's Office
02-January, 2016 20:16 IST
PM condemns terror attack in Pathankot, says evil designs of India’s enemies will never succeed

Strongly condemning the terror attack in Pathankot today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that enemies of humanity who cannot see the nation succeed, had attempted to cause harm to the Indian Armed Forces. He appreciated the Armed Forces for successfully defeating the designs of the terrorists, and paid homage to the jawans who were martyred during the operation. He said he is proud of the jawans and the security forces. The Prime Minister said that the nation stood united against these enemies and therefore their evil designs would never succeed.
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