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India working to make Bangladesh a desert

But they surrendered in their thousands and dropped the gun along with the barrel at the sight of the same Indians!

Guess it was good for you. Though I hope the Indians would have delayed the advance by a day.

May be just may be we would have one less lunatic here! ;)

The Muktijuddha's (freedom fighters) would have pointed their guns at the Indians if they stayed a month longer and would not have stopped firing until the last jawan crossed the border.
Well, I guess they need all the water they can get to rid their overpopulated country of thirst.
It's India first in their opinion, the neighbours and all the other comes later, as long as those hundreds and hundreds of millions of Indians have acces to water, who cares what happens to the Bangladeshis and Pakistanis for that matter, they need all the resources they can get to sustain growth and reasonable living standards for their own people.
I believe this selfishness, this blind eye they are turning towards others, the focus they're putting on only themselves without caring too much about their neighbours, is going to work in very bad for them in the long run.
This slogan of "We are a peaceful nation" or "India desires only peace with its neighbours" says quite enough about the people itself, even when they read news like this, they couldn't care less, it's a matter of only the strongest survive for our Indian friends.
It's this curtain they hide behind when these issues arise.
Yes a good question dimension117. These Indians are devious and cunning and must be confronted with a barrel of a gun.

Pakistan and India should sign agreement of mutual cooperation incase of war , this is only way both can stop india from future evil plans .

They have similar type of plans for Pakistan also
The Muktijuddha's (freedom fighters) would have pointed their guns at the Indians if they stayed a month longer and would not have stopped firing until the last jawan crossed the border.

Mr. Munshi, my father was a freedom fighter... he told me that he and his men(and other freedom fighters) right after the liberation had shot down many Indian soldiers after they had committed looting to our assets... So, i'd like to say, many Indian soldiers were already shot dead... Stayin for a month is out of question...!!:smokin:
[mod edit]I am afraid you may be rite. Awami is dalal of india and they will cave in to their master in Delli. Only hope here is that people of BD vigilant and anti Indian by nature. So if Awami mingle with India too much than there will be backlash and that just might be suicidal for Awami dalal....:frown:
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india is worst neighbour on could have
no country in indian subcontinent is happy with india
sri lanka,banghladesh,pakistan,china
now pakistan has better relations with sri lanka than india, but they are hidden beacause sri lanka accepts indias bully, dont know about banghladesh, with RAW party in power in bangladesh i don,t think pak-bangla relations will increase.

With Zardari in Pakistan and Sk. Hasina in Bangladesh the set up is ideal for India. The Indians have always preferred an AL/PPP combination as both in the end serves their regional interests.
The Tipaimukh barrage

Mahmud ur Rahman Choudhury

Three important events have taken place in Bangladesh since I wrote the commentary last Monday. These are: (1) The Indian external affairs minister has visited Bangladesh barely a month after the AL government took office, (2) Student agitations on various issues have again taken a violent and destructive turn and (3) The Indians are going ahead with the construction of the massive Tipaimukh barrage - all of these events collectively impinge on us in more than one ways but the one which directly affects our very ability to survive is the issue of water-sharing of some 53 common rivers between India and Bangladesh. By constructing Tipaimukh and other barrages, India is depriving us of life-giving waters, drastically reducing our ability to survive and therefore this is the issue needing immediate and continued public attention and the subject of this commentary.

India has resumed construction of the Tipaimukh barrage on the Barack river just a kilometer north of Jakiganj in Sylhet; the construction work was stalled in March 2007 in the face of protests within and outside India. The barrage when completed in 2012 is supposed to provide 1500 megawatts of hydel power to the Indian state of Assam but in return its going to bring about a major disaster for Bangladesh, practically contributing to drying up of 350 km long Surma and 110 km long Kushiara rivers which water most of the north-eastern regions of Bangladesh. The Tipaimukh barrage is going to seriously affect not only agriculture in large portions of Bangladesh, particularly in winter, but is also going to bring about negative ecological, climatic and environmental changes of vast areas in both Bangladesh and India.

It's not just this one Indian barrage that is a source of considerable concern and trepidation in Bangladesh; in 1976 India put into operation the Farraka barrage which more or less destroyed the Ganges-Brahamaputra basin, most of which lies in the deltaic plains of Bangladesh and in 1990 India also constructed a barrage along the Teesta river thereby virtually making ineffective much of the Teesta barrage project constructed down-stream in Bangladesh to support irrigation and agriculture in the north-west region of the country. What is even more worrying is that India has evolved plans to divert waters, from the north of the country to its drought-prone southern and eastern states, of some 53 river which flow from India to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh shares a common border with India in the west, north and east and with Myanmar in the southeast. These borders cut across 57 rivers which discharge through Bangladesh into the Bay of Bengal in the south. The upstream courses of these rivers traverse India, China, Nepal and Bhutan. Trans-boundary flows, which enter Bangladesh from remote catchments extending short distance to thousands of kilometers upstream, are the important source of water resources. Among the trans-boundary rivers, the ones most affected by Indian barrages and their related systems of canals, reservoirs and irrigation schemes are Ganges, Brahmaputra, Meghna and Teesta. Although the Indian and Bangladeshi governments have a water sharing agreement for the Ganges, there are none for the other 53 rivers that cross the border. With the Tipaimukh barrage now underway, India seems to be going ahead with its mega-project of diverting river waters from its north to its south and east, thereby putting Bangladesh's very survival at stake.

As to how the AL government is going to handle this issue of our survival through water-sharing of common rivers between India and Bangladesh is difficult to say because right now the government is suffering from a sense of complacency and deja vu over "friendship" with India forgetting the fact that India is a state with interests to maintain and that Bangladesh too is a state with equally pressing imperatives to survive as such. India is taking unilateral decisions about matters which affect Bangladesh's core interests and if these cannot be resolved bilaterally, Bangladesh must look at options of going to multilateral forums such as the UN to get its right not only recognized but also implemented. International laws dealing with water-sharing of common rivers and sources are ambiguous, unclear and contentious and so, Bangladesh ought to vigorously pursue these matters, perhaps even garner international support for a change in those laws dealing with water-sharing - this international dimension is a crucial factor affecting the management of the trans-boundary river systems. There is thus, no scope for Bangladesh to be deflected from this core issue of water-sharing notwithstanding Indian deceitful and diversionary insistence and propaganda on "terrorists and transit".

The Bangladesh Today – February 16, 2009
Then why are you blaming India ?

OOOHHHH thats a long theory abt how india got them elected etc etc :) u know how the devious evil hindooos work don't u? have u not been attending our secret meetings?:rofl:

ppl filled with hatred are the biggest challenge facing us, but we'll prevail, because for every hate spewing angry idiot, there are hundreds who are more interested in getting their childred educated and leading a decent life.
Then why are you blaming India ?

I am not blaming India rather very much disgusted about Awami dalal for their slave mentality toward your country. So it's not India's fault that Awami bastards like to suck up to their Indian master even if it's goes against BD's interest. Simply put Awami league became Indian dalal the day they took out Muslim from Awami Muslim league.
I am afraid you may be rite. Awami is dalal of india and they will cave in to their master in Delli. Only hope here is that people of BD vigilant and anti Indian by nature. So if Awami mingle with India too much than there will be backlash and that just might be suicidal for Awami dalal....:frown:

How did they win then? Pakistanis and Bdesh posters here cry as if they are only left patriots in thweir country. Pakistani leaders being sold off to US and Bdeshis to India. Lol. How pathetic?
Indians wanted to stay much longer but the freedom fighters didn't want these [Mod edit] Bharat soldiers on their land.

The objective was to keep Bangladesh subjugated with a permanent military presence but that was unpopular so they were shoved out.

You think BD is a bad place haven't you watched slumdog millionaire yet?
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