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India: white skin is the right skin ?

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Feb 12, 2006
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India: white skin the right skin for fashion models

www.chinaview.cn 2008-01-28 14:44:25

BEIJING, Jan. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- The faces of white women and men, mostly from Eastern Europe, stare out from billboards, from the facades of glitzy, glass-fronted malls and from fashion magazines in India. At an international automobile show this month in New Delhi, most of the models were white.

The presence of Caucasian models in Indian advertisements has grown in the past three years, industry analysts say. The trend reflects deep cultural preferences for fair skin in this predominantly brown-skinned nation of more than 1 billion people. But analysts say the fondness for "fair" is also fueled by a globalized economy that has drawn ever more models from Europe to cities such as Mumbai, India's cultural capital.

"Indians have a longing for that pure, beautiful white skin. It is too deep-rooted in our psyche," said Enakshi Chakraborty, who heads Eskimo India, a modeling agency that brings East European models here. "Advertisers for international as well as Indian brands call me and say, 'We are looking for a gori [Hindi for white] model with dark hair.' Some ask, 'Do you have white girls who are Indian-looking?' They want white girls who suit the Indian palate."

Family elders commonly comment on a newborn baby's color, after checking out the gender. One of the best-selling skin creams in India is called Fair & Lovely. A men's version, Fair and Handsome, was launched last year.

"The Indian mind-set prefers light skin. My pictures are routinely Photoshopped to make me look a bit lighter -- a lot lighter, actually," Riya Ray, 23, a dark-skinned Indian model, said with a laugh. "But when I work in Britain and France, my color is praised as exotic. It is a two-way trend: Indian models are going abroad, and foreign models are coming here."

Advertisers say that white female models appeal to them because they are typically less inhibited than their Indian counterparts when it comes to showing skin and posing in lingerie.

International fashion magazines in India, such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, Marie Claire and Vogue, regularly feature white women in their spreads. The fashion features editor of Vogue's Indian edition, Bandana Tiwari, calls the approach "going glocal," combining the words "global" and "local" to describe the new urban Indian consumer.

"When we put the white model in Indian clothes, it is a cultural exchange. It shows India's economic self-confidence," Tiwari said. "Of course, it also caters to the general feeling that 'fair' and 'beautiful' go together. For a rickshaw-puller who earns 2 dollars a day, seeing a fair-skinned woman is an escape, a fantasy."


its a big sign that "WHITE MEN COMPLEX" India is suffering to be like Americans trying thier best to adopt western culture.

Walk down the aisles of any Indian grocery store in the U.S., and you are bound to come across an old friend - or nemesis - from India: the innocuous, very bland looking Fair & Lovely cream. It promises a fairer skin in days, and more than that, a perfect life: a sure-shot at a husband, a super job and instant acceptance.
Walk down the aisles of any Indian grocery store in the U.S., and you are bound to come across an old friend - or nemesis - from India: the innocuous, very bland looking Fair & Lovely cream. It promises a fairer skin in days, and more than that, a perfect life: a sure-shot at a husband, a super job and instant acceptance.

you use Fair and Lovely ?? I suggest, if you can afford, go for Lancome's Blanc expert Ultimate whitening series... you can find at any high street store in North America...

PS: whats up with Indian stores these days ? they are selling teeth whitening pastes, body toning gels, anti-wrinkle creams, and hair colors too...
Walk down the aisles of any Indian grocery store in the U.S., and you are bound to come across an old friend - or nemesis - from India: the innocuous, very bland looking Fair & Lovely cream. It promises a fairer skin in days, and more than that, a perfect life: a sure-shot at a husband, a super job and instant acceptance.

Completely off topic, but u r a mod, so how can i complain :)

in india (and in most of asia east of india too, dunno abt pakistan) beauty is linked with being fair. i think the advt tactics used by these guys who make these creams are pathetic. but its still a beauty product. i have no clue how it is linked to wanna become white!!!

its like saying sun tan oil users in europe wanna become african :) they just wanna look tanned because it confirms to their idea of beauty.
you use Fair and Lovely ?? I suggest, if you can afford, go for Lancome's Blanc expert Ultimate whitening series... you can find at any high street store in North America...

PS: whats up with Indian stores these days ? they are selling teeth whitening pastes, body toning gels, anti-wrinkle creams, and hair colors too...

ha ha ha... and the guy wearing jockey underwear getting the girl, chivas drinkers succeeding in business, AXE users attracting everyone in sight etc etc are just products of consumerism :) only fair and lovery is symptomatic of something deeper....:yahoo:
Since people were complaining that I am going off topic, I have created new thread.

Keep it civil guys, no name calling or India bashing.
Just facts.

The issue I am trying to raise here is that in India people are brainwashed to idolize white skin, which leads to good job, good mate and social status.

For example I saw this in yahoo question

How to get white skin without bleeching? - Yahoo! Answers India

What leads to such inferiority complex? does Indian media ie bollywood has a hand in it? like how they always portray white actors, with foreign white girls dancing in background.

can this problem be solved? if so what steps should be taken?
A.R, the question you posted, received an amazing Answer from the first person who replied!


"Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
The easiest way, of course, is to have white grandparents."
I for one agree that looks is everything. In business if you hire a tall handsome/beautiful person they will likely sell more then short, fat, and ugly person. Even though the good looking people might have a less knownledge about the product there are selling, they will do a better job for selling.

Likewise, this is not only a Indian problem, in japan the largest facial surgery is on the eye to make it look more caucasian. One get higher in social status there is this perception to look more caucasian, and that buisness is bombing with eye color contacts to hair coloring.
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I don't know what the obsession is about white skin being the "right" one. As I know when it comes to skin color there is no right or wrong. I think people should be proud of their original skin color as this is your unique feature.

Of course, some people might want to change their skin color in line with their own personal preferences. They have the right and choice to do this but still...there is no right/wrong.

But, in my opinion, white/fair skin color does bring out the beauty of the person.
Since people were complaining that I am going off topic, I have created new thread.

Keep it civil guys, no name calling or India bashing.
Just facts.

The issue I am trying to raise here is that in India people are brainwashed to idolize white skin, which leads to good job, good mate and social status.

For example I saw this in yahoo question

How to get white skin without bleeching? - Yahoo! Answers India

What leads to such inferiority complex? does Indian media ie bollywood has a hand in it? like how they always portray white actors, with foreign white girls dancing in background.

can this problem be solved? if so what steps should be taken?

I'll assume that these questions are in good faith and not another lame excuse for India bashing.

Obsession with fair skin isn't exclusively an Indian phenomenon - you see it with the Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, etc as well (can't speak for Pakistan). It probably comes from the creation/domination of a global culture by Hollywood. The "in" thing nowadays is to be as "western" as possible and trying to look white is a natural extension of that.
i have seen in a lot of interviews and chat shows and personally have been subjected to a very popular pakistani belief that indians are dark-skinned monkeys.
i've heard imran khan call us dark-skinned...people in india are so different that you cant potray us like that....and even if we are dark why do you have a problem with that?
it's a common myth in pakistan that we have the most fair people in bollywood so that we can wrongly potray to the world what we look like.
your perception is very racial!
and yes the complex is deep in pakistan too...

Luscious beauty cosmetics online - luscious Pakistan offers quality cosmetics with international standards and reasonable prices
this link of a pakistani cosmetics company would prove it.theres a complete section devoted ot women's fairness creams...and the icing on the cake is that it's called 'whitening'!!!

stupid thread i'd say in the end...it's not an india-centric syndrome.i hope you end this futile discussion.
I'll assume that these questions are in good faith and not another lame excuse for India bashing.

Obsession with fair skin isn't exclusively an Indian phenomenon - you see it with the Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, etc as well (can't speak for Pakistan). It probably comes from the creation/domination of a global culture by Hollywood. The "in" thing nowadays is to be as "western" as possible and trying to look white is a natural extension of that.

I think it stems from something deeper than that.

Historically, the fairer skinned Aryans came to dominate Bharat Varsha, and they subjugated the local dark skinned population (compare todays adivasis, shudras and dravidians with northern Indian or higher caste skin colours).

This has been ignrained into the Bharati psyche, where they associate fairness with beauty while a person with darker skin but better features is still considered ugly.

This is exemplified in the famous Bollywood song of yore "Hum Kaale hain to kya hua Dilwale hain".
your countrymen no different..read my previous post.
i have seen in a lot of interviews and chat shows and personally have been subjected to a very popular pakistani belief that indians are dark-skinned monkeys.
i've heard imran khan call us dark-skinned...people in india are so different that you cant potray us like that....and even if we are dark why do you have a problem with that?
it's a common myth in pakistan that we have the most fair people in bollywood so that we can wrongly potray to the world what we look like.
your perception is very racial!
and yes the complex is deep in pakistan too...

Luscious beauty cosmetics online - luscious Pakistan offers quality cosmetics with international standards and reasonable prices
this link of a pakistani cosmetics company would prove it.theres a complete section devoted ot women's fairness creams...and the icing on the cake is that it's called 'whitening'!!!

stupid thread i'd say in the end...it's not an india-centric syndrome.i hope you end this futile discussion.

Strange how people in the west want to be brown and people from india-pak want to be white.

The colour thing is bought up by pakistanis becauce they know the indians hold some sort of value to the colour of a person skin and hold fair skin in a much higher regard then the pakistanis.
that is funny...i can say the exact opposite...it's our nature as south asians bro...to counter as in
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