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India vehemently ratifies the two nation theory after 8 decades of denial.

You sound a bit scared to be honest.......

Give it time sir. I am more than confident there will be no Communal violence in India for the next 5 years
because this is not hoe Modi will be re-elected and he wants re-election you can be damn sure of that. Modi was not elected on communal lines but because INDIANS as a whole spoke with a united voice and said "we want the DEVELOPMENT and prosperity you offer". If Modi fails to deliver he'll be out on his backside come 2019.

The fact you have tried to communalise this result is rather pathetic to be honest sir. You seem to be stuck in a backwards mindset and your fellow Muslims to the East of you have shown you how to put your nation above all else.

The fact you only see Modi as a Hindu fanatic says a lot about you to be honest.

This election has demonstrated a new chapter in the story of India's democracy. It is no longer about communalism, divisive politics and buying votes. It is about moving India foreword as a whole. This election wasn't about Hindu vs Muslim. For ever 1 time Modi said Hindu or Muslim in his election rallies he said development 500 times.

You sir, are missing the forest for the trees.

Alot of your predictions in your post have been trashed now. and all this when india has the most benign of all the muslim world.

who couldn't raise a voice for either the gujrat muslims,or mumbai muslims and let's not even speak about the kashmiri muslims.
Alot of your predictions in your post have been trashed now. and all this when india has the most benign of all the muslim world.

who couldn't raise a voice for either the gujrat muslims,or mumbai muslims and let's not even speak about the kashmiri muslims.

You will not get what he meant by communal violence, cause you live in a imaginary perfect world called Pakistan.
You will not get what he meant by communal violence, cause you live in a imaginary perfect world called Pakistan.

surely the same way indians would not understand the 2 nation theory. if they did they would have let Kashmir go. But from day one they just cared about the land not the people.

i am sure if muslims had decided to walk over to myammar they would not have a problem. the problemfor india was they (muslims under Jinnah) wanted to own the land they lived on control it.

the indians to date try to ridicule MAJ for the fact that he was far sighted to see that muslims without a piece of land they can call their own would be at the mercy of the majority.

Yugoslavia is a prime example so is rohnghiya muslims and Palestanians.

so yes the main indian problem is not the theory but the fact that MUSLIMS dared to ask for a piece of land which hindus considered there own.
surely the same way indians would not understand the 2 nation theory. if they did they would have let Kashmir go. But from day one they just cared about the land not the people.

i am sure if muslims had decided to walk over to myammar they would not have a problem. the problemfor india was they (muslims under Jinnah) wanted to own the land they lived on control it.

the indians to date try to ridicule MAJ for the fact that he was far sighted to see that muslims without a piece of land they can call their own would be at the mercy of the majority.

Yugoslavia is a prime example so is rohnghiya muslims and Palestanians.

so yes the main indian problem is not the theory but the fact that MUSLIMS dared to ask for a piece of land which hindus considered there own.
We don't want to understand the two nation theory cause only Pakistan needs to rationalise their existence based on it. The Indian muslims in India if wanted to separate from India they would have done back in 1947, the fact that so many stayed back means that TNT was a load of BS.
We don't want to understand the two nation theory cause only Pakistan needs to rationalise their existence based on it. The Indian muslims in India if wanted to separate from India they would have done back in 1947, the fact that so many stayed back means that TNT was a load of BS.

like i said the indian muslims the less we talk about them the better they couldn't do anything about their so called left over brother kashmiris nor could they stop babri masjid neither could they stop gujrat massacre.

so yes they are so numb that they cannot be expected to even speak up for themselves.

if you "don't care" about the two nation theory and don't wish to rationalize it then why keep arguing about it? ignore the posts move on.

but most of the indian posters go to great lengths to make some sense out of it for themselves so they might find some solace.
like i said the indian muslims the less we talk about them the better they couldn't do anything about their so called left over brother kashmiris nor could they stop babri masjid neither could they stop gujrat massacre.

so yes they are so numb that they cannot be expected to even speak up for themselves.

if you "don't care" about the two nation theory and don't wish to rationalize it then why keep arguing about it? ignore the posts move on.

but most of the indian posters go to great lengths to make some sense out of it for themselves so they might find some solace.

The less spoken about Pakistani Muslims the better.

They are lining up to migrate to other countries, Shias Muslims are getting killed on a daily basis Ahemdiya Muslims are being persecuted day in day out. And others simply get blown up.

I don't know what is that you got from TNT which you keep boasting about. TNT was destroyed the day Muslims stayed back in India and their population has since only increased. :)

We see the mod of this forum justifying TNT and so we pitch in with the reality. Facts are that and if putting out facts makes you think that we care for the misguided ones then god bless you. We could care less.

Believe me Indians dont care about TNT but those who are on this forum tend to see stupidity time and again on the said topic and we come on this forum to pass time anyways, I thought you knew that. :)

The less spoken about Pakistani Muslims the better.

They are lining up to migrate to other countries, Shias Muslims are getting killed on a daily basis Ahemdiya Muslims are being persecuted day in day out. And others simply get blown up.

I don't know what is that you got from TNT which you keep boasting about. TNT was destroyed the day Muslims stayed back in India and their population has since only increased. :)

We see the mod of this forum justifying TNT and so we pitch in with the reality. Facts are that and if putting out facts makes you think that we care for the misguided ones then god bless you. We could care less.

Believe me Indians dont care about TNT but those who are on this forum tend to see stupidity time and again on the said topic and we come on this forum to pass time anyways, I thought you knew that. :)

repeating yourself again and again doesn't convince anyone except maybe yourself that you don't care.

so i would let you go back and read my post number 378 enjoy
repeating yourself again and again doesn't convince anyone except maybe yourself that you don't care.

so i would let you go back and read my post number 378 enjoy

Your assumptions are laughable at the least.
Incorrect assessment - From the beginning to the end.
For India - TNT never had any significance. Neither positive nor negative. We never felt the need to prove it right nor wrong.

UP election results live: Maya loses big, Modi wins Muslims; voting trends go haywire | Firstpost

In Pics: Myth exploded! BJP wins in Muslim, Christian- dominated seats - News Oneindia
As far as Pakistan is concerned, I really don't care if the TNT worked for them. If this reassures them - good. Overcoming insecurity is always a good thing - not that I necessarily imply anything.
If india never cared abt 2 nation theory then why indira gandhi had made a famous statement upon bangladesh's break up,'today 2nation theory has sunk in bay of bengal'? U guys cant get over ur obsession with anything and everything Pakistan ,yet ur denial is always the loudest.

Even Gandhi eventually accepted Pakistan which is why he fasted until his death to try and get GOI to release funds to GOP. It was Nehru who never accepted Pakistan from its first day to his last day.

From the name he chose for his Republic, to the comments by his ministers, to trying to force the collapse of Pakistan by withholding money that was promised to Pakistan ultimately the man was bitter till the very end.
The whole thing that gandhi's last fast had demands including release of pakistani funds were all indians' cooked up lies. He had never made any such demand. No source has it recorded or archived.
The difference between Hindus and Muslims, and this is the basis of Two Nation theory:

Hindus believe that all Gods and Goddesses live inside a Cow

But Muslims do this, on Eid Celebrations, yum, yum!
Not only on eid. I do it every month.
View attachment 30866

Today after 8 decades of self inflicted denial the Hindu majority of India have finally ratified the two nation theory for themselves, by themselves on the democratic ballot box without compulsion or coercion. A resounding victory for the Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi indeed is a new chapter in South Asian history. For his Hindu nation he represents a strong leader, for Muslims of India he remains the butcher of Gujarat with blood on his hands.

With his fundamental support coming from the right wing Hindu camp of the BJP being sufficient for such a victory, the BJP did not care about the Muslim vote for the first time ever. They were simply sidelined as no effective election campaign was mounted to attract the Muslim vote. This electoral segregation will have a deep imprint and strategic implications on Indian social makeup of the future. Since the Muslim vote is not included, their participation in an overwhelmingly BJP govt will cease to exist.

For Pakistan it marks the end of an ideological battle spanning 8 decades. This is a victory we must celebrate, as our historic pretext has dawned into the day of correctness and approval. Visionaries who coined the two nation theory saw this day coming 8 decades ago. Its because of their genius, connection to our past, hard work and sacrifices that we Pakistanis today see the dawn of a day which proved us 'historically right' from this side of the border. It also therefore proves that the struggle of our ancestors for independence was both historically correct and strategically right, henceforth the long treacherous journey, that has tested the Pakistani time and again, has been worth it.

What tomorrow holds for India's Muslim is unknown, though for us we can finally rest this debate and move on with our nation building, knowing that our struggle had been righteous despite the tact of Gandhi and Nehru in order to convince our forefathers to the contrary. Those who asked us for proofs and ridiculed us, themselves have democratically ratified the robustness and righteousness of our historic narrative.

Let it be a source of humility and confidence for the Pakistani, as those who conspired to mislead our march in the past, today find themselves marching willingly and proudly along a parallel route, the same route our ancestors had created. Today we can safely write this for the historians that the future of sub continent was shaped by none other than our ancestors.

"The truth can only be delayed"

My father one of the most liberal person always against Army and in favor of good relations with India even he is now pissed of and says Indians deserved what Mughals used to do to them.
surely the same way indians would not understand the 2 nation theory. if they did they would have let Kashmir go. But from day one they just cared about the land not the people.

i am sure if muslims had decided to walk over to myammar they would not have a problem. the problemfor india was they (muslims under Jinnah) wanted to own the land they lived on control it.

the indians to date try to ridicule MAJ for the fact that he was far sighted to see that muslims without a piece of land they can call their own would be at the mercy of the majority.

Yugoslavia is a prime example so is rohnghiya muslims and Palestanians.

so yes the main indian problem is not the theory but the fact that MUSLIMS dared to ask for a piece of land which hindus considered there own.

Nobody will donate their motherland for the sake of some bogus theory.

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