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India tried to attack the US Navy in 1971 (repost with proof)


Apr 16, 2020
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Indian Air Force Pilot (now Air Cmmdr.) K.K Badhwar's logbook, where the incident is visible in the last entry.

Repost with proof because this story is so ridiculous mods think I'm trolling

Per a retired US Navy officer who used to operate on the Enterprise in 1971, they were deployed to the Bay of Bengal to assist in rescue operations of Americans in the conflict zone.

The Indians panicked, and sent a group of jets to the Enterprise. They radioed the Enterprise, (I don't recall his exact words)

"US Carrier, you entering Indian waters. Turn back or our planes will attack you!"

The captain of the USS Enterprise then replied,

"Send only the planes you don't want back."

After realising their aukaat, the Indians quickly aborted their balakot-esque mission mid flight and ran away - visible in Air Commodre K.K B's log book.
On December 13, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, General Raza, requested the US Seventh Fleet deployment in the Bay of Bengal as well as in the North Arabian Sea to deter further attacks by the Indian Navy. This proposal was repeated by the President of Pakistan to Nixon, stating: “The Seventh Fleet does not only have to come to our shores but also to relieve certain pressures which (we are) not in a position to cope with. (We) have sent a specific proposal…about the role the Seventh Fleet could play at Karachi which, I hope, is receiving your attention.”

(This excerpt from the conversation between Nixon and his assistants is from December 15, 1971, 8:45-11:30 am.)

Kissinger: The Russians came in yesterday giving us their own guarantee that there would be no attack on West Pakistan.
Nixon: A letter from Brezhnev.
Kissinger: An addition – an explanation of the letter to – of Brezhnev saying, they, the Soviet Union, "guarantees there will be no military action against West Pakistan". So we are home, now it’s done. It’s just a question what legal way we choose.
Nixon: Well, what the UN does is really irrelevant.
Kissinger: Well, it’d be, the bastards (he’s referring to the Indians), of course, have broken promises before. It’d be better to have it on public record. We might be able to do it in an exchange of letters between Brezhnev and you. That is made public, in which you say you express your concern, and he says he wants to assure you.
Nixon: Well, what does that do now to the Chinese?
Kissinger: Oh, the Chinese would be thrilled if West Pakistan were guaranteed.

Based on an Indian intercept of US communications, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) prepared a six-page note, which said: “The assessment of our embassy reveals that the decision to brand India as an 'aggressor' and to send the 7th Fleet to the Bay of Bengal was takenpersonally by Nixon.”

The MEA felt that “the bomber force aboard the Enterprise had the US President's authority to undertake bombing of Indian Army's communications, if necessary”.

Following this assessment, India secretly activated a provision in the Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty, according to which either party would come to the defence of the other.

A Russian naval task force from the Pacific Fleet based in Vladivostok, consisting of a cruiser, a destroyer and two attack submarines under the command of Admiral Vladimir Kruglyakov intercepted Task Force 74.

Sebastien Roblin writes in War is Boring that Kruglyakov revealed in a Russian TV interview about “encircling” the task force, surfacing his submarines in front of the Enterprise, opening the missile tubes and “blocking” the American ships.

Two further task groups that arrived in the Indian Ocean on December 18 and 26. These Soviet naval assets continued to shadow the TF 74 off Sri Lanka until its return passage to the Pacific theatre on January 8, 1972.”

In addition, 12 other Soviet naval ships were present in the Indian Ocean.

The page shows Indian willingness to attack the US to denfend its objective, only the USSR arrived in time and IAF did not have to proceed with the hostile action.

THE US BACKED DOWN and Bangladesh was free.

SO if anyone soiled the "dhoti", it was US and paksitan who ended up surrendering 73,000 POW.
Truth is not Citizens of FauJiaStan are used to. Tell them that they let go of East Pakistan as they had dark skin color and Pakistanis cannot be dark....and they will be happy as in heaven.
On December 13, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, General Raza, requested the US Seventh Fleet deployment in the Bay of Bengal as well as in the North Arabian Sea to deter further attacks by the Indian Navy. This proposal was repeated by the President of Pakistan to Nixon, stating: “The Seventh Fleet does not only have to come to our shores but also to relieve certain pressures which (we are) not in a position to cope with. (We) have sent a specific proposal…about the role the Seventh Fleet could play at Karachi which, I hope, is receiving your attention.”

(This excerpt from the conversation between Nixon and his assistants is from December 15, 1971, 8:45-11:30 am.)

Kissinger: The Russians came in yesterday giving us their own guarantee that there would be no attack on West Pakistan.
Nixon: A letter from Brezhnev.
Kissinger: An addition – an explanation of the letter to – of Brezhnev saying, they, the Soviet Union, "guarantees there will be no military action against West Pakistan". So we are home, now it’s done. It’s just a question what legal way we choose.
Nixon: Well, what the UN does is really irrelevant.
Kissinger: Well, it’d be, the bastards (he’s referring to the Indians), of course, have broken promises before. It’d be better to have it on public record. We might be able to do it in an exchange of letters between Brezhnev and you. That is made public, in which you say you express your concern, and he says he wants to assure you.
Nixon: Well, what does that do now to the Chinese?
Kissinger: Oh, the Chinese would be thrilled if West Pakistan were guaranteed.

Based on an Indian intercept of US communications, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) prepared a six-page note, which said: “The assessment of our embassy reveals that the decision to brand India as an 'aggressor' and to send the 7th Fleet to the Bay of Bengal was takenpersonally by Nixon.”

The MEA felt that “the bomber force aboard the Enterprise had the US President's authority to undertake bombing of Indian Army's communications, if necessary”.

Following this assessment, India secretly activated a provision in the Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty, according to which either party would come to the defence of the other.

A Russian naval task force from the Pacific Fleet based in Vladivostok, consisting of a cruiser, a destroyer and two attack submarines under the command of Admiral Vladimir Kruglyakov intercepted Task Force 74.

Sebastien Roblin writes in War is Boring that Kruglyakov revealed in a Russian TV interview about “encircling” the task force, surfacing his submarines in front of the Enterprise, opening the missile tubes and “blocking” the American ships.

Two further task groups that arrived in the Indian Ocean on December 18 and 26. These Soviet naval assets continued to shadow the TF 74 off Sri Lanka until its return passage to the Pacific theatre on January 8, 1972.”

In addition, 12 other Soviet naval ships were present in the Indian Ocean.

The page shows Indian willingness to attack the US to denfend its objective, only the USSR arrived in time and IAF did not have to proceed with the hostile action.

THE US BACKED DOWN and Bangladesh was free.
A load of cow shit copy pasted from an Indian source.

SO if anyone soiled the "dhoti", it was US and paksitan who ended up surrendering 73,000 POW.
And yet you ceded territory to this surrendered army in the very same war, and to this day have been unable to take back an inch of the 86,000km^2 of Kashmir that Pakistani civilians conquered from the the Indian Army and Air Force combined.

And I can guarantee you the US is not afraid of you. The US would ravage India so hard you all would be begging the British and Muslims to enslave you again instead.
Truth is not Citizens of FauJiaStan are used to. Tell them that they let go of East Pakistan as they had dark skin color and Pakistanis cannot be dark....and they will be happy as in heaven.
Not far off because Bengalis and Indians were seen as subhuman gangetic filth by Pakistan, who did not hesitate to rape and murder them en masse after ignoring all their demands for rights.

OP is trying his hand at creative fiction, but the quality is mediocre.
So tell me, did the US 7th fleet with 10 times the firepower of the entire Indian Navy combined run away after hearing India's warning?
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And I can guarantee you the US is not afraid of you. The US would ravage India so hard you all would be begging the British and Muslims to enslave you again instead.
They have no idea. All the *** kissing wont do them any good. Indians and to extend most South Asians aren’t fighters. Indians are timid by nature. They will claim xyz would’ve occurred if abc weren’t followed.
Make it 900,000. And keep adding extra '0' on right side with every passing decade.
The stamp I posted was released by the Government of Bakistan:


So tell me, did the US 7th fleet with 10 times the firepower of the entire Indian Navy combined run away after hearing India's warning?
The 7th fleet ran away when Soviet nuclear submarines popped up to say hello to them. This is recorded history, as opposed to your creative writing.

Not far off because Bengalis and Indians were seen as subhuman gangetic filth by Pakistan, who did not hesitate to rape and murder them en masse after ignoring all their demands for rights.
And how did that end up?

Humiliating defeat:


Literally having their pants yanked off by the superior foes:

And how did that end up?

Humiliating defeat:


Literally having their pants yanked off by the superior foes:

Come out of your diapers, Bakhtoras keep rejoicing over what they achieved over a country several time smaller fighting a two front war a thousand miles away. This is now 2023 so go wipe your nose.

Come out of your diapers, Bakhtoras keep rejoicing over what they achieved over a country several time smaller fighting a two front war a thousand miles away. This is now 2023 so go wipe your nose.

View attachment 922801
You don't know what "two front war" means. It was India that was fighting a war on both her eastern and western fronts. You had the advantage of making India fighting a two front war, and lost half your country.

You can post that image of one PoW till the cows come home, but that only serves to remind you that you had 90,000 PoWs that Indians had to transport to safety in 1971.

Do you understand ratios or magnitudes? 90,000:1?

@SQ8 @PakSword @waz
Can you put this stray out of his misery.
Why? Because I spoke the unpleasant truth? Is there anything factually wrong in my post? That was a stamp released by the Government of al-Bakistan, begging the world to free their 90,000 PoWs. Shame, shame.
Even israeli navy attacked US intelligence ship in 1967 war

Even israeli navy attacked US intelligence ship in 1967 war

Indian Air Force Pilot (now Air Cmmdr.) K.K Badhwar's logbook, where the incident is visible in the last entry.

Repost with proof because this story is so ridiculous mods think I'm trolling

Per a retired US Navy officer who used to operate on the Enterprise in 1971, they were deployed to the Bay of Bengal to assist in rescue operations of Americans in the conflict zone.

The Indians panicked, and sent a group of jets to the Enterprise. They radioed the Enterprise, (I don't recall his exact words)

"US Carrier, you entering Indian waters. Turn back or our planes will attack you!"

The captain of the USS Enterprise then replied,

"Send only the planes you don't want back."

After realising their aukaat, the Indians quickly aborted their balakot-esque mission mid flight and ran away - visible in Air Commodre K.K B's log book.

Really that's why Ghandi was made to wait in the Oval office by the Nixon to show her place at the world stage.

Indians are at the different planet for having wet dreams. Which ever planet they reside on one thing to be sure of they will pollute the atmosphere like Ganges river.
Really that's why Ghandi was made to wait in the Oval office by the Nixon to show her place at the world stage.
Gandhi (note the spelling) died in 1948. Nixon became president of the US in 1969.

You Pakistanis are a funny and pathetic lot.

Indian Air Force Pilot (now Air Cmmdr.) K.K Badhwar's logbook, where the incident is visible in the last entry.

Repost with proof because this story is so ridiculous mods think I'm trolling

Per a retired US Navy officer who used to operate on the Enterprise in 1971, they were deployed to the Bay of Bengal to assist in rescue operations of Americans in the conflict zone.

The Indians panicked, and sent a group of jets to the Enterprise. They radioed the Enterprise, (I don't recall his exact words)

"US Carrier, you entering Indian waters. Turn back or our planes will attack you!"

The captain of the USS Enterprise then replied,

"Send only the planes you don't want back."

After realising their aukaat, the Indians quickly aborted their balakot-esque mission mid flight and ran away - visible in Air Commodre K.K B's log book.
Their "pride" is only limited to defeating a weak and disorganized Pakistani army which is more of a company rather than a force. Face them off against an actual organized and strong army, and they completely fold like a deck of cards.

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