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India to study one-dish wedding law of Pakistan to cut food wastage


May 5, 2011
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The reason why I have started this thread is that, Food wastage in social event in India is at least account to 20%. The organizer of the event can pay for any dish to the vendor for excess variety of food, but food is not a commodity, its a resource. and any resource belongs to the society and not to any individual. Kindly post your valuable comments on this post.
I am happy that the Indian administration is looking form Pakistan on how to control its food being wasted

Perturbed over the huge wastage of food during social events in the country, the government today said it will study the “one-dish” law of Pakistan and similar legislation of other countries to deal with the problem.

“We have received many suggestions to control food wastage at social functions. A member of National Advisory Council (NAC) has recommended imposition of Pakistan’s one-dish law. We will look into that law and similar legislations of other countries,” food and consumer affairs minister KV Thomas told reporters.

The meeting convened on the issue was also attended by NAC member NC Saxena, former governor of Uttarakhand and Sikkim Sudharshan Aggarwal and Rajya Sabha member Rajiv Sukhla among others.

Thomas said about 15-20% of food is being wasted in India at social gatherings.

Elaborating on the suggestions that emerged during the meeting, the minister said: “Everybody agreed that country like ours, which is 63 in the hunger index, cannot afford to have such a huge loss of food during big events”.

“One view is to start awareness campaign via Jago Grahak Jago and later go for legislation if the need arise.” he said.

NAC member Saxena said India can take a look at the Pakistan’s one-dish law on weddings, which limits menu to one vegetable and chappati or rice.

Aggarwal and Sukhla suggested revival of the Guest Control Order, which limits number of dishes that can be served on weddings and also the number of guests, the minister said.

Thomas, however said, “the original papers regarding the Guest Control Order are not traceable. We have a copy of Assam Second Guest Control Order of 1966 for reference”.

The Assam second Guest Control Order limits guests to 25 in small parties and 100 on weddings and funerals.

To stop the ostentatious attitude, the minister said that a committee will be constituted to study recommendations of the members in today’s meeting and propose ways to contain food wastage in big events.

A national level conference would also be held sometime in June to sensitise the state governments in this regard, he added.

Thomas was also of the view that the government should also set an example in reducing food wastage during public events and conferences.
it was a very good step but as long as it is implemented strictly. i remember when i was a student this law was passed and in those days it was strictly implemented and i tell you even well off people were happy because it has saved them from spending alot of money.
What is the current status of this law. Is it being followed or gets ignored?
Wont work in india there are 1000 of marriages in one day alone how in the hell will they look for all those marriages
WE can't enforce population control because that going hurt vote bank politics , but we will curb on dishes served in marriages .

NAC is a scam , Sonia Gandhi typical anti indian Bit**.
it was a very good step but as long as it is implemented strictly. i remember when i was a student this law was passed and in those days it was strictly implemented and i tell you even well off people were happy because it has saved them from spending alot of money.

How strict is its implementation now ?

Dont know what they want to 'look into'. It is not rocket science only a law is only as good as its implementation / enforcement.
Well if this law is implemented, it will definitely be welcomed by a lot of People. This kind of a law was unofficially in India during its 1962 SINO INDIAN war, the reason it was implemented then was due to the fact the Government of India was economically not doing good and we bought weapons from Russia in exchange for Wheat and Rice. My father who lived in that period used to say that the Law Enforcing agency has arrested who violated this rule. The rule prevented the marriage organizers from not serving more than 50 guests.
It was not welcomed then as Land Lords where not able to entertain all their relations with a good meal. But now the scenario is entirely different, food is abundant and any marriage at least entertains all its guest with food three times a day with a lot of variety. and as a result the importance for conserving food has gone down in india. People who lived the SINO INDIAN war see this negligence to respect food as a major flaw in the younger generations. If this law is imposed now, this will not only stop food wastage but also stop food inflation and possibly put the nation in exporting agricultural products to countries like Somalia and Ethiopia where people die of hunger.
What is the current status of this law. Is it being followed or gets ignored?

Well honestly it was breached even when there was strict monitoring in the start but again alot of people themselves are following it as it saves alooooooooooot of money.

one dish or two dishes walima is enough to save aloot of bucks.

In Punjab even sometimes back the govt strictly monitored it.

You know in start when it was implemented, many marriage ceremonies only served Tea and cookies. it was soooooo good :D
No way, then why will we attend other's marriage??

You got to be a guy born with a silver spoon, have to ever thought of people who still die of hunger all over the world.
You are blessed with power, by not wasting food(power) you can give it to people who are in need of.
With more power comes more responsibility, act responsibly.
Going to a marriage is to bless the couple and to share some good time with family and fiends, not to eat and come
No such law can stand in a court especially in a democracy like India.

You cannot force people to do such things. It'll be a violation of their fundamental right.
No such law can stand in a court especially in a democracy like India.

You cannot force people to do such things. It'll be a violation of their fundamental right.

Well i dont know how come you guys bring in democracy and other such things into a social issue anyway the real violation of fundamentalist human rights is when the family of bridegroom asks the bride's family foot bill for food for the hundreds of larkay wala guests, when they demand dowry, when they ask for gold objects in puja and so on.

the better would be if the law is passed and imposed by the Court itself and then it will be fully implemented.

Its a good law if fully implemented and i wish in our country too if they fully impose it with strict punishment
Posted already some weeks before...even if this law is implemented, most of the people would like to give it a miss.Nothing gonna change with these kind of laws..
There was a news today and before how the Grain is wasting by providing poor storage facilities..First take a swift action regarding that issue than implementing another law which will stay on the papers forever.

Pawar admits foodgrains
in FCI godowns
You got to be a guy born with a silver spoon, have to ever thought of people who still die of hunger all over the world.
You are blessed with power, by not wasting food(power) you can give it to people who are in need of.
With more power comes more responsibility, act responsibly.
Going to a marriage is to bless the couple and to share some good time with family and fiends, not to eat and come

Let's talk on legal terms if not anything else, eh.

The six fundamental rights recognised by the constitution are:

1) Right to equality, including equality before law, prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, and equality of opportunity in matters of employment

2) Right to freedom of speech and expression, assembly, association or union, movement, residence, and right to practice any profession or occupation (some of these rights are subject to security of the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, decency or morality)

3) Right against exploitation, prohibiting all forms of forced labour, child labour and traffic in human beings;

4) Right to freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion;

5) Right of any section of citizens to conserve their culture, language or script, and right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice; and

6) Right to constitutional remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

Fundamental Rights in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A clear violation of the second fundamental right. Such a law will not stand in any court of law.
Well i dont know how come you guys bring in democracy and other such things into a social issue anyway the real violation of fundamentalist human rights is when the family of bridegroom asks the bride's family foot bill for food for the hundreds of larkay wala guests, when they demand dowry, when they ask for gold objects in puja and so on.

the better would be if the law is passed and imposed by the Court itself and then it will be fully implemented.

Its a good law if fully implemented and i wish in our country too if they fully impose it with strict punishment

Jana, I don't know about you guys but here in India, people are very very demanding when it comes to fundamental right.

Our constitution guarantess us certain freedoms and any such law will be in clear violation of that freedom.

I won't allow anybody to dictate to me how many people should I invite in my wedding and how many dishes should I serve. That is rubbish. Utter rubbish!

...and a violation of my 2nd fundamental right as well.
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