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India to launch GSLV Mark III by mid next year

Why are you guyz happy it will be another failed gslv launch

how..... are you some kind of fortune teller with a crystal ball? the only reason for the other GSLV failures was because of the Russian cryogenic engine used we will use an indigenous cryogenic engine on the next ones called CE-20

InshAllah this time we will get successful launch for GSLV. Failures also important as success from each failure you will learn a many thing and failure compelled you to research more and ISRO research will get more stronger than before . I hope ISRO already learned his lesson from her previous failure.

Snags spotted, GSLV Mark III by mid-2012 - Times Of India

Talking to TOI, Suresh said India had improved leaps and bounds in space research and was one among the two countries of the world to have successfully launched more than 10 satellites in a bunch. "Russia is the only other country to have this capability..

stupid bragging. any lauch vichicle can do that. you can launch 1000 satellites at a time. it's depend on how many useless 10kg student made satellite that dont last very long in orbit you want to put up there.
space agencies out side of india are more interested in launching larger real payload, more money, not for penny..or just free..lol
Well, its true that larger payloads is the real game, lets hope India is able to realize a fully functional GLSV Mk-III soon.

ALso, all future and important ISRO missions cannot be executed without GSLV, so thats the way we need to go.
stupid bragging. any lauch vichicle can do that. you can launch 1000 satellites at a time. it's depend on how many useless 10kg student made satellite that dont last very long in orbit you want to put up there.
space agencies out side of india are more interested in launching larger real payload, more money, not for penny..or just free..lol

Has it been done successfully besides Russi and India (launching more than 10 satellites in a bunch)? If yes then quote it or why not just shut up? Plain facts are stated, where is the bragging there? Regarding the free launches and for students etc. it is just the way a chinese would think or an India would think. Nothing wrong with either thinking there.
stupid bragging. any lauch vichicle can do that. you can launch 1000 satellites at a time. it's depend on how many useless 10kg student made satellite that dont last very long in orbit you want to put up there.
space agencies out side of india are more interested in launching larger real payload, more money, not for penny..or just free..lol

Only stupid cannot understand this. Only two countries has launched so many satellites at one go and it is a complex mission. So stop bragging and making yourself funny.
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