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Pakistanis start more and more threads about India since there dozens and dozens of bharatis on this forum who think too high of themselves. If there are no Indians here, you won't see any Pakistani opening threads about India. There are dozens and dozens of threads where Indians try to mock Pakistan and end up getting shown India as a sh!thole which it is.

It is a simple logic. Pakistanis don't go to Indians forums. Indians come to every Pakistani forum and website. And when Indians come to Pakistani forums, talk sh!t about Pakistan then obviously Indians get banged in return and India gets discussed more and more.

But even that won't stop Indians coming to this forum. All the bharatis who have posted on this thread have been tens of times on this forum. But still they come back. Why????

Because they like their nation are obsessed with Pakistan. They can't cure it. They can't stop themselves about not getting obsessed with Pakistan. It is a very simple logic. Indians need to do something about their obsessed and believe me you won't see India being discussed that much.

With respect my friend, I think that you are missing the point. Leave aside the Indians and your complaint about their conduct. This forum is an ideal platform to promote Pakistan. Instead you and your fellow Pakistanis (according to you) have allowed the Indians to hijack this forum. You claim that they insult your country so you insult theirs in return. What transpires in reality is that other nationals such as myself, the Turks, the Americans etc are all reading about India, its achievements, its shortfalls and its people..and that too on a Pakistani Defense Forum :D
I agree with OP partially. Pakistanis should focus on developing the country; comparing with a country that is performing worse than you in some field will only drag you down to their level. Bangladeshis used to lookup to the economy of Pakistan when their economy was down, and Pakistanis instead of looking up to higher economies, compare their economy with bdsh. The reason provided was "similar population". My question to them is that if you cannot compare your economy with india because you claim their population is higher, then what about Russia or Japan whose population is less than us?

I disagree with the part where op claim that pakistan is obsessed with india, but i will add that in order to progress we have to look up to better performing economies, without any excuses.
You really do not understand the meaning of CONFIDENCE

also we Indians have a sense of SUPERIORITY with respect to Pakistan

If what you say is true than you wouldn't be here. You have blatantly contradicted yourself. I have confidence in my race and nation and as a result have NEVER EVER been on an indian forum, watched an indian film/program or entertained anything indian whatsoever in my entire life. White Western people have achieved the most and are the most confident of all peoples. That's why tou never see them any forum that is not connected to their race or culture.

Keep abusing ; who cares
My country is getting richer and stronger every year

The GAP between India and Pakistan is getting bigger every year

So says the same people who vehemently proclaimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance.
And what does P in PDF stands for?

Come on admit it. You have been banned many times here. You have been abused and insulted. But still you come back. And we all know the reason. ;)

Had I been counting Pakistani insult I wouldn't have made this comment.Specially I consider you a hyper sensitive aggrieved troll
I agree partly with you. However, most of the threads here, even the ones started by Pakistanis, is about India. Just look at the new threads/topics sections..Pakistan hardly features. Surely mods should be moderating the topics here. Some topics which are posted by Pakistani members are started with the intent of beguiling India but ends up with Indians posting material which shows Pakistan in a bad light. My point being that this is a Pakistani Defense forum and the topics should centre around Pakistan its culture and its people. Reality is that right now that isn't the case

But then when you ask them to post links to their alleged evidence and point fallacies to their narratives they scupper and disappear :lol:
With respect my friend, I think that you are missing the point. Leave aside the Indians and your complaint about their conduct. This forum is an ideal platform to promote Pakistan. Instead you and your fellow Pakistanis (according to you) have allowed the Indians to hijack this forum. You claim that they insult your country so you insult theirs in return. What transpires in reality is that other nationals such as myself, the Turks, the Americans etc are all reading about India, its achievements, its shortfalls and its people..and that too on a Pakistani Defense Forum :D

You are missing the point my dear. Or don't want to accept it even though it is simple to understand. ;)

India is not getting promoted through this forum. Pakistanis can simply ban all Indians and nobody can do anything about it. I am not saying our forum is hijacked since things are in control and fellow Pakistanis get a good time pass by insulting and humiliating their enemies.

The thing is that all this won't be happening and you won't see Pakistanis discussing India if there are no Indians on this forum. Indians despite all issues, despite bans, despite all the abuses and insults come back again and again to this forum

We Pakistanis can abuse these guys all we want to. We can say whatever sh!t we want to about their families. But these poor souls can't stop themselves and keep coming back for more.

The question is why??? Can't you understand? It is their obsession with Pakistan. They are obsessed with my country. They can't live without talking about it. They can't live without feeling about it.

If you want Pakistani to discuss India less and Pakistan more than ask these guys to have some shame and try at least once to control their obsession with their enemies.

I can guarantee you, if these bharatis somehow can control their obsession with Pakistan then you won't see any Pakistani discussing India here. It is a sure guarantee. Try it once. ;)

Had I been counting Pakistani insult I wouldn't have made this comment.Specially I consider you a hyper sensitive aggrieved troll

You don't count Pakistani insults since you can't stop yourself from coming here. :lol:

Either you think about insults or control your obsession with Pakistan that you can't control. :)
You don't count Pakistani insults since you can't stop yourself from coming here. :lol:

Either you think about insults or control your obsession with Pakistan that you can't control. :)
OK it you think so who am I to say :lol:
It's your forum.You have no boundary to even ideate.
You are missing the point my dear. Or don't want to accept it even though it is simple to understand. ;)

India is not getting promoted through this forum. Pakistanis can simply ban all Indians and nobody can do anything about it. I am not saying our forum is hijacked since things are in control and fellow Pakistanis get a good time pass by insulting and humiliating their enemies.

The thing is that all this won't be happening and you won't see Pakistanis discussing India if there are no Indians on this forum. Indians despite all issues, despite bans, despite all the abuses and insults come back again and again to this forum

We Pakistanis can abuse these guys all we want to. We can say whatever sh!t we want to about their families. But these poor souls can't stop themselves and keep coming back for more.

The question is why??? Can't you understand? It is their obsession with Pakistan. They are obsessed with my country. They can't live without talking about it. They can't live without feeling about it.

If you want Pakistani to discuss India less and Pakistan more than ask these guys to have some shame and try at least once to control their obsession with their enemies.

I can guarantee you, if these bharatis somehow can control their obsession with Pakistan then you won't see any Pakistani discussing India here. It is a sure guarantee. Try it once. ;)

It's so true. If indians disappear we would hardly ever talk about them. I put this down as a challenge to indians on PDF. Disappear and we will no longer talk about your country or race. Are you up for the challenge?

Lol......lol......lol.....no matter how much we insult, humiliate and ridicule indians and india, no matter how many times we ban indians on PDF, they ALWAYS come back to PDF in massive droves.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:.....so true........:lol:
i agree, we should dream big..
Stay here till we allow you. We know you can't stop yourself. ;)
You have to allow..You are obsessed..

I had little hope before starting this thread. But now all of it is lost. It has turned into a mirch masala thread where as expected its pak vs Ind again. Shame on everyone.
Exactly..I am out..
I hope for healthy & debatable discussion further..
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