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May 12, 2017
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Ever since iv been on this forum (relatively short but still significant) I've noticed that this forum (and the public alike) is as obsessed with India as its the other way round (debatable ?).

Open a thread about our shit education stats and the first thing you'll see is
"But India has similar/worse stats"

Even in a thread from last week where a research concluded that the height of the average Pakistani has FALLEN 3 INCHES since three years ago there were so many consulatory comments saying its all good as long as we're taller than Indians .

Are you guys serious ? Competing with a fellow third world country is not our goal in life. We need to strive to be the best in the world. India can become heaven or hell for all I care. Stop this stupid obsession. Start thinking about yourselves.
Says a bharati on a Pakistani forum who has been banned at least 9-10 times by Pakistani moderators but still comes back.

So what ; I know that we are enemies ; But I m confident of my country's
status and strength
Says a bharati on a Pakistani forum who has been banned at least 9-10 times by Pakistani moderators but still comes back. :rolleyes:
Bharatis mostly post thread about Bharatis.Hardly seen any Bharati meddling in Pakistani social or political affairs by themselves.
For Pakistanis...They take from front & back both due to unbearable obsession.
I must agree. When I first joined this forum, I expected to learn about Pakistan, its people, socio-economic conditions and its military capabilities together with its tourist destinations. I recently asked an Indian member here whether this forum is actually owned by an Indian since this forum does promote India more than Pakistan and most topics which do involve Pakistan usually become topics centred around India. I also joined an India defense forum recently and the trend isn't like that at all there
That comes naturally, comparing and trying to reach the benck mark is natural human quality, and pakistanis are no different.
I also joined an India defense forum recently and the trend isn't like that at all there

Because there are hardly any Pakistanis on Indian defense forums. While Indian presence on Pakistani forums is easily 10 times to any Pakistani presence on Indian forums.

Indians are highly and pathetically obsessed with Pakistan. The reason you see India being more discussed is heavy Indian presence on this forum. Indians due to their national obsession with Pakistan are come in droves to this forum and hene you see more and more India getting discussed.

It is very easy to understand. If Indians can control their obsession with Pakistan then you might never see India getting discussed here.
Bharatis mostly post thread about Bharatis.Hardly seen any Bharati meddling in Pakistani social or political affairs by themselves.
For Pakistanis...They take from front & back both due to unbearable obsession.
which forum do you visit ?Yesterday a baharati was commenting on Karachi Bahria town thread where no one even mention India ...Lol i believe more then Pakistanis , Indians are present on Pakistani forum this shows obsession
You should know better..

You are lying. You are here after getting banned dozens of times.

Do I need more proof that you like other bharatis is obsessed with my country?

Keep abusing ; who cares
My country is getting richer and stronger every year

The GAP between India and Pakistan is getting bigger every year

Nobody here gives a rats as$ that you getting richer or bitcher.

You are here despite all the insults. Despite our mods ban you again and again. This clearly shows that you can't stop yourself from coming to a Pakistani forum. You can't help yourself.

Only Pakistanis can stop you from coming to this forum by banning you permanently. At least you can't stop yourself.
Because there are hardly any Pakistanis on Indian defense forums. While Indian presence on Pakistani forums is easily 10 times to any Pakistani presence on Indian forums.

Indians are highly and pathetically obsessed with Pakistan. The reason you see India being more discussed is heavy Indian presence on this forum. Indians due to their national obsession with Pakistan are come in droves to this forum and hene you see more and more India getting discussed.

It is very easy to understand. If Indians can control their obsession with Pakistan then you might never see India getting discussed here.

I agree partly with you. However, most of the threads here, even the ones started by Pakistanis, is about India. Just look at the new threads/topics sections..Pakistan hardly features. Surely mods should be moderating the topics here. Some topics which are posted by Pakistani members are started with the intent of beguiling India but ends up with Indians posting material which shows Pakistan in a bad light. My point being that this is a Pakistani Defense forum and the topics should centre around Pakistan its culture and its people. Reality is that right now that isn't the case
which forum do you visit ?Yesterday a baharati was commenting on Karachi Bahria town thread where no one even mention India ...Lol i believe more then Pakistanis , Indians are present on Pakistani forum this shows obsession
I said about posting threads..Posting comments are different things..
Even mother daughter contentions are posted here..It's like I am following PTI(Press trust of India)..:rofl:
Only Pakistanis can stop you from coming to this forum by banning you permanently. At least you can't stop yourself.

You really do not understand the meaning of CONFIDENCE

also we Indians have a sense of SUPERIORITY with respect to Pakistan
I agree partly with you. However, most of the threads here, even the ones started by Pakistanis, is about India. Just look at the new threads/topics sections..Pakistan hardly features. Surely mods should be moderating the topics here. Some topics which are posted by Pakistani members are started with the intent of beguiling India but ends up with Indians posting material which shows Pakistan in a bad light. My point being that this is a Pakistani Defense forum and the topics should centre around Pakistan its culture and its people. Reality is that right now that isn't the case

Pakistanis start more and more threads about India since there dozens and dozens of bharatis on this forum who think too high of themselves. If there are no Indians here, you won't see any Pakistani opening threads about India. There are dozens and dozens of threads where Indians try to mock Pakistan and end up getting shown India as a sh!thole which it is.

It is a simple logic. Pakistanis don't go to Indians forums. Indians come to every Pakistani forum and website. And when Indians come to Pakistani forums, talk sh!t about Pakistan then obviously Indians get banged in return and India gets discussed more and more.

But even that won't stop Indians coming to this forum. All the bharatis who have posted on this thread have been tens of times on this forum. But still they come back. Why????

Because they like their nation are obsessed with Pakistan. They can't cure it. They can't stop themselves about not getting obsessed with Pakistan. It is a very simple logic. Indians need to do something about their obsessed and believe me you won't see India being discussed that much.

You really do not understand the meaning of CONFIDENCE

also we Indians have a sense of SUPERIORITY with respect to Pakistan

The way you keep talking about so called superiority of India it sometimes it feels like that you are actually pleading to us Pakistanis to accept that you are superior and are a boss in this region. :lol:

Like you are begging to us. Oh plea say once that we are a super power so that my ego can get some boost.

Stop begging to us kid. Don't please to us. Take your superiority and shove it where jana gana mana comes out from. :lol:

I follow forum of several countries. Isn't PDF a international forum?

And what does P in PDF stands for?

Come on admit it. You have been banned many times here. You have been abused and insulted. But still you come back. And we all know the reason. ;)
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