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India Tests 'Akash Prime' Missile, Destroys Aerial Target

Don’t know what trap you are laying.

India is acting to protect its interests after seeing China do so relentlessly. China didn’t build massive border infra to organise picnics in these areas. Can’t be ignored anymore.

Inadia is just playing catch up. Hence, no guilt this side.
That's an excuse and quite lazy one as well.
The region cannot afford a decade of arms race inspired by panic Indian buying.
In fact this one.
Is there no freedom at all?
Akash-1 night firing demo against a live target during Iron Fist 2019 excercise

Akash-1 tested against a low flying Spice-2000 PGM.
That's an excuse and quite lazy one as well.
A hostile Chinese having a decade plus of lead in arms race may sound lame to anyone but is not for India.

Care to explain how Russia is prime adversary to China?
China doesn't see India as a competition. Her arms race is more to do with Russia and USA.

You Indians would only use this weapon against Pakistan.

That's paranoia. It maybe simply about favorable trade
Pakistan on its own can barely trouble India. However, we all know that in the event of an invasion by China or a 2 front war, we will need all the deterrence to overcome the situation.
They couldn't careless about that. Matter fact, that's their very intention, to force us to either match it, counter it, or go bankrupt doing it, and accept hindutva fascists as our daddy.

Yes.... I guess a cunning atheist communist would prove to be a better daddy.....let's embrace our new daddy.
Blatant escalation of arms race in the region is India's unilateral doing.

I don't know how to answer your post. Because if I wrote reality, you and others will call me an Indian and that's insulting. Open debate should be allowed with getting personal.

India wants to become a super power and with the US / QUAD, it's the immediate party to counter China first, from land as well as from the seas. So it's natural they are going to build and adopt various weapons to get to their national goal. I think Pakistan needs to work on it's economy, grow, get more funding and start these sensitive tech projects too.
We cannot accept Indian hegemony

With a crippling economy......how else would you counter the 3rd largest economy of the world? I read these amazing posts but the reality is much different. You shouldn't accept it if you got into a situation where you could do something. That only happens with trade. And frankly speaking, with every passing day, the trade spectrum is getting competitive and saturated as other nation's have started to build and export stuff in large quantities. To grow militarily, you need to first grow your economy and get to a better GDP where you can afford to spend on military more.
A hostile Chinese having a decade plus of lead in arms race may sound lame to anyone but is not for India.
China has officially stated it does not see India as a competition. India is a member of Shanghai Corporation.
Care to explain how Russia is prime adversary to China?
I never said prime.
Pakistan on its own can barely trouble India. However, we all know that in the event of an invasion by China or a 2 front war, we will need all the deterrence to overcome the situation.
This paranoia is fuelling doctrine of clash of civilisation in India.
India wants to become a super power and with the US / QUAD, it's the immediate party to counter China first, from land as well as from the seas. So it's natural they are going to build and adopt various weapons to get to their national goal. I think Pakistan needs to work on it's economy, grow, get more
One shouldn't do anything just because it can be done. Quad is not military alliance aimed at crowning India a super power.
With a crippling economy......how else would you counter the 3rd largest economy of the world? I read these amazing posts but the reality is much different. You shouldn't accept it if you got into a situation where you could do something. That only happens with trade. And frankly speaking, with every passing day, the trade spectrum is getting competitive and saturated as other nation's have started to build and export stuff in large quantities. To grow militarily, you need to first grow your economy and get to a better GDP where you can afford to spend on military more.
We have priceless geography which no economy in the world can buy.

We will resist Indian hegemony to the best of our capabilities.
One could call it mere paranoia of India if there were no actual skirmishes between Indian and Chinese troops in the last few years.

Has India acknowledged those?
- Who told you "QUAD" is a military alliance? As we speak, there are 3 CBG's within a few hundred miles of China. UK's contingent is about to park on Vietnamese beaches. You think hundreds of millions is being spent to "show off"? Your answers are hard to even logically comprehend.
- Priceless geography means what? You live in the Social Welfare Kingdom of Canada and enjoy every single benefit. While 80% of your countrymen you left, can't make ends meat properly while you enjoy Canadian geography and don't talk about how the 80% people can be helped? Kingship mentality much?

Yes when i return to Pakistan, i shall wear no crown either. Crownless monarchy.

Hundreds of trillions cannot change geography or human instinct. and yes hundreds and trillions are being spent on keeping peace not waging war.
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