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India stepping up to the challenge of post-2014 Afghanistan

Indians, please get it through your skulls. Uncle sam has called it a day and will leave very soon with his tail between his legs. The so called puppet goverment will last about 6 months after that. The taliban will be back in control and hence you will be more likely stepping down from the challenge.
You cant police what goes on in your own borders aur challe tekha laine dunya ka.
The talibs will only compromise with one, the good old ISI;) you know what I mean. Us ke baad sab ke sab ko behej daeing ge kashmir mei.

Worlds best Army now need Mujaheddin to help them, oh wait it was like that even before. A sign of weakness.
We won't have to actually.

The US is not going anywhere. They will maintain a smaller military force to ensure smooth functioning and drone strikes will continue against Pakistan-backed elements.

Not my words but the words of the new chief.

Worlds best Army now need Mujaheddin to help them, oh wait it was like that even before. A sign of weakness.

They won't last very long, thanks to the drones.

Either they will realize the futility of this madness or simply end up with a woman-majority population in a few years.
You called me a Mullah?

I've made my point. You would ensure your survival at any cost.

That line of thinking has turned you into an opportunist aka Indian.

Honor and dignity are foreign concepts to you.

While most of the people in our country would rather die free than live as slaves.

Panja does not equate to strength. It's physics more than anything else.


Trying to pull a fast one on me?

Dear friend...please donot generalize your opinion as most of the people...Beacuse it is very easy to fool people in our subcontinent....I feel it will be more convenient statement that most of the ordinary people of Pakistan may not have nothing to do with Pakistan adventurism in Afghanistan, So i feel most of your ordinary people might be interested to live a happy and dignified life than to be brainwashed and getting killed by being a member of fanatic adventurism in Afganistan due to some hypothetical concept of Strategic Depth that never exist in reality..
so super power india is set to take over in afghanistan where United States will leave :lol:

like they say 'muqabala tu dil e natawan nein khoob kiya'........... FAIL! :lol:
Let them waste their resources the afghans have been at war for very very long time n not yet tired. Iran will push for its influence too. it really unstable region there will never be a foot hold. nobody want to touch but pak n Iran are neighbors. USA has been there for ten years getting a ss kicking n all it can do is negotiate n pay them so they do not attack them. soviet union would have reach Pakistan if pak did not do what it had to do plus Saudis and USA were involved too why should pak take all the blame. back then Taliban was their friend and rambo was hot movie now they enemies. bin laden did not come from pak he is araaaab. but USA has interest so it okay Saudi get off the dog leash.
lol, biased article because its written by an Indian - Sanjeev Miglani

LOL, LOL. :lol: :lol:

Parts of Afghanistan use Pakistani rupee.

India cannot beat Pakistan when it comes to Afghanistan.

The Afghanistanis don't want Indians or Iranians interfering their houses.

Indian can lie all they on the media, but it won't change the reality on the ground.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are very much connected countries.

Who in Afghanistan is supporting Indian interests? Nobody. The Afghanistani government is going to collapse and Hamid Karzai will be running for his life like Najibullah did!

The Afghan people are united in their fight against occupation or foreign intervention.

Let them waste their resources the afghans have been at war for very very long time n not yet tired. Iran will push for its influence too. it really unstable region there will never be a foot hold. nobody want to touch but pak n Iran are neighbors. USA has been there for ten years getting a ss kicking n all it can do is negotiate n pay them so they do not attack them. soviet union would have reach Pakistan if pak did not do what it had to do plus Saudis and USA were involved too why should pak take all the blame. back then Taliban was their friend and rambo was hot movie now they enemies. bin laden did not come from pak he is araaaab. but USA has interest so it okay Saudi get off the dog leash.

lol, don't worry the odds are against them Who is supporting India in Afghanistan. Nobody! Let them lie in the media.
Sending in Raymond Davis who apparently believed to be a false flag operation nuke fail and killed two pakistanis is this not act of terrorism. if pak has water gun in his bag for his kid they will stripp him and water board him. politicians might be crooks n pu ssy but nation is mad dog. stable Pakistan is vital the enemies must remember that unstable pak will be hell on earth all kind of sh it will happen it borders many countries if it spill over say good bye for peace in the whole Asia. Indians as usual like to be lap dogs first learn who is your neighbor look on the map, USA will get off and be comfortable it you that will have to face many dramas afterwards. Their are many separatist in India working hard. china too has problem with it rivals in Asia combine all this with pak/china/India instability it will be blood bath. let add Iran and Afghanistan to the blood bath.
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