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India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims'


Sep 5, 2006
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United Kingdom
State-owned banks in India have been accused of discriminating against the country's Muslim minority.

India's minorities watchdog has received a record number of complaints from Muslims who say they have been prevented from opening bank accounts.

India's Muslim community is among the poorest in the country.

Some bankers say it is not so much their religious background, but their economic status that makes it hard for Muslims to get banking facilities.

The National Commission of Minorities says that there has been a 100% increase in the number of complaints it has received over the past year from Muslims who say they are being prevented from opening accounts in state-run banks.

Reports say the worst case took place in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, where some 90,000 Muslim students were unable to open accounts to deposit scholarship cheques given to them by the government.

Official reports frequently put Muslims at the bottom of India's social and economic ladder - even beneath than low-caste Hindus.

Their economic status means they are often excluded by private banks, which prefer more well-to-do clients.

Already a number of reports have suggested that India's Muslims fare poorly when it comes to getting access to quality education or employment opportunities.

This latest finding will add more pressure on a government which is seen as doing very little for the country's largest minority group.

source BBC News - India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims'
Now this is something similar but much less intense to what led Muslims ,ask for freedom 60 years back!!
Wow talk about discrimination... this is why we needed Pakistan. Now watch instead of addressing the problem, some indians are going to come and drag Pakistan in without any reason.
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How stupid ...lol not allowing customers to open bank accounts all banks are happy to open bank accounts ...

They can be sued for rejecting to open new bank accounts :police:

Kinda very ... harsh

Its a vicious cycle , frist your community ppl don't get jobs
Then you are born in community where unemployment is high
Then you still make it to schools get scholor ships and you can't cash your cheque
Then you finally open a bank account some way - only for you to not being able to get home mortgage loans since your salary is low
Then you want to open business you can't get finance due to same old caste system
Then you do open a business and some riots errupt angry hindu mob burns down your shops and accuses you of stealing business and jobs
Then you start supporting Pakistan your politicians call you unpatriotic
You apply to go to Indian army get rejected as you have beard only seikhs are allowed
Obviously you get dejected and lose intrest ... and that is where things get interesting
you figure , I am like this why .... I need my own country or rights

So ... eventually muslims in India do what the maoist are doing in eastern side ... ask for a seperate state - this is the part where - gov agencies will do a false flag and deem the ppl demanding seperate state as terrorist and pakistan sympathisers

This will eventually lead to crisis of great magnitude - and indian economy will get struck down by seperation movements in east and western states

So in the above story timeline India is right in the middle part - of that timeline ...aproximately 12 years away from civil war , I think Muslims are 20-30% in india the consensus is not done correctly

As the distance between the rich class and poor class will continue to rise , more and more Muslim Indians will start to realize their neighbourhood and parks and schools are less cared for , there is less hospitals in their towns and the angery will grow with time

Mean while the hindu nationalist will rally the public with notions that Muslims are not patriotic , and they don't love their country and ungrateful. They will blame their Faith as the reason why they are backward - that muslims students and families prefer not to go to universities and they prefer to live in slums
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But still when ever u sit down with an Indian..you will always hear Hydrabad / Bombay / Banglore / Karnataka / Kerala / any state name / here me muslims bhoot strong hai"

Every time i meet an Indian "political" muslims, I depart with greetings "thanks Allah for Pakistan" in a loud and clear message

Their economic status means they are often excluded by private banks, which prefer more well-to-do clients.

That is the crux of the matter. Any one below a certain level of income will face the same issue.

Many banks insist on a minimum savings level. Even here in the UK, HSBC will not give me a premier account unless I have a certain level of income.

I did think that the government recently had asked the banks to provide accounts to people without insisting on a minimum balance.
.........to say that a bank doesnt want customers.......hazam nahi hota.....i never knew someone need to have some level of income to open an bank account...............maybe the article is missing something...
Surely not in 2010.

Hope something is done regarding the Issue
Now this is something similar but much less intense to what led Muslims ,ask for freedom 60 years back!!

Wow talk about discrimination... this is why we needed Pakistan. Now watch instead of addressing the problem, some indians are going to come and drag Pakistan in without any reason.

No Indian had said anything before you gentlemen brought Pakistan into this. Then you wonder why Pakistan gets dragged into it.

How stupid ...lol not allowing customers to open bank accounts all banks are happy to open bank accounts ...

They can be sued for rejecting to open new bank accounts :police:

Kinda very ... harsh

Its a vicious cycle , frist your community ppl don't get jobs
Then you are born in community where unemployment is high
Then you still make it to schools get scholor ships and you can't cash your cheque
Then you finally open a bank account some way - only for you to not being able to get home mortgage loans since your salary is low
Then you want to open business you can't get finance due to same old caste system
Then you do open a business and some riots errupt angry hindu mob burns down your shops and accuses you of stealing business and jobs
Then you start supporting Pakistan your politicians call you unpatriotic
You apply to go to Indian army get rejected as you have beard only seikhs are allowed
Obviously you get dejected and lose intrest ... and that is where things get interesting
you figure , I am like this why .... I need my own country or rights

So ... eventually muslims in India do what the maoist are doing in eastern side ... ask for a seperate state - this is the part where - gov agencies will do a false flag and deem the ppl demanding seperate state as terrorist and pakistan sympathisers

This will eventually lead to crisis of great magnitude - and indian economy will get struck down by seperation movements in east and western states

So in the above story timeline India is right in the middle part - of that timeline ...aproximately 12 years away from civil war , I think Muslims are 20-30% in india the consensus is not done correctly

As the distance between the rich class and poor class will continue to rise , more and more Muslim Indians will start to realize their neighbourhood and parks and schools are less cared for , there is less hospitals in their towns and the angery will grow with time

Mean while the hindu nationalist will rally the public with notions that Muslims are not patriotic , and they don't love their country and ungrateful. They will blame their Faith as the reason why they are backward - that muslims students and families prefer not to go to universities and they prefer to live in slums

Heck a lot of work to post meaningless drivel.
One important point to note, same thing when happens to poor Hindus does not get accounted. When minorities are declined they at times feel it might be due to their religion and launch a complain. Do we have a single case if they had all they needed and were declined? I was declined 10 times by SBI but it is because they have rule that someone should introduce you to bank. I do not complain to anyone since that is a rule but some others folks might feel differently.
One example of what I mentioned above, Mh Azharuddin when facing match fixing allegation said he is targeted because he is from minority. Same thing cannot be used by majority.
How stupid ...lol not allowing customers to open bank accounts all banks are happy to open bank accounts ...

They can be sued for rejecting to open new bank accounts :police:

Kinda very ... harsh

Its a vicious cycle , frist your community ppl don't get jobs
Then you are born in community where unemployment is high
Then you still make it to schools get scholor ships and you can't cash your cheque
Then you finally open a bank account some way - only for you to not being able to get home mortgage loans since your salary is low
Then you want to open business you can't get finance due to same old caste system
Then you do open a business and some riots errupt angry hindu mob burns down your shops and accuses you of stealing business and jobs
Then you start supporting Pakistan your politicians call you unpatriotic
You apply to go to Indian army get rejected as you have beard only seikhs are allowed
Obviously you get dejected and lose intrest ... and that is where things get interesting
you figure , I am like this why .... I need my own country or rights

So ... eventually muslims in India do what the maoist are doing in eastern side ... ask for a seperate state - this is the part where - gov agencies will do a false flag and deem the ppl demanding seperate state as terrorist and pakistan sympathisers

This will eventually lead to crisis of great magnitude - and indian economy will get struck down by seperation movements in east and western states

So in the above story timeline India is right in the middle part - of that timeline ...aproximately 12 years away from civil war , I think Muslims are 20-30% in india the consensus is not done correctly

As the distance between the rich class and poor class will continue to rise , more and more Muslim Indians will start to realize their neighbourhood and parks and schools are less cared for , there is less hospitals in their towns and the angery will grow with time

Mean while the hindu nationalist will rally the public with notions that Muslims are not patriotic , and they don't love their country and ungrateful. They will blame their Faith as the reason why they are backward - that muslims students and families prefer not to go to universities and they prefer to live in slums
Pranam jyotish baba!
You seem to a kind of Astrologist!,the future of India is in your hand!?
What BS about economic status? What economic status does a person need to deposit funds into a banks account? They are giving money to a bank not taking it!

Their economic status means they are often excluded by private banks, which prefer more well-to-do clients.

That is the crux of the matter. Any one below a certain level of income will face the same issue.

Many banks insist on a minimum savings level. Even here in the UK, HSBC will not give me a premier account unless I have a certain level of income.

I did think that the government recently had asked the banks to provide accounts to people without insisting on a minimum balance.
What possible link can there be to open a current deposit/saving bank account with a bank, with economic status?

If they maintain less than the minimum balance requirement, then the bank can place minimum balance charges. I'm sure there are banks in India where they offer zero balance accounts as well with no minimum balance charges.

Stop protecting racists.
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