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India stalls Direct flights to Tehran

Stop trolling Sir !

let the concerned parties discuss it. You just wait, watch and :pop: .
Gone are the days when you could have a civil discussion in PDF.
Nowadays you cannot even talk to the people who are willing to act like humans.
So don't bother bro, he will continue to troll and he successfully took a dump on this thread
TEHRAN, Feb. 11 (MNA) – An aviation official, while rejecting claims on the halt in flights of Hindi airlines to Iran due to US sanction, said the Asian country never performed flights to Iran.

Deputy Director of Administrative Affairs in Tehran Imam Khomeini Airport City (IKAC) Kourosh Fatahi said Hindi airliners have never scheduled any flights to IKA refuting the news by some media on stoppage or halt in flight timetable of Indian companies to Iran.

“Indeed, Iranian airliners perform regular flights to various Indian cities while Indian airplanes have never landed in Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA).

Economic Times, India's leading business newspaper, had earlier claimed that Indian airlines had stopped their flights to Iranian airports following Donald Trump’s tough stance against Iran and six other Islamic countries. The media had also maintained that Hindi airlines had prepared a substitute program comprising flights from New Delhi to Almaty, Tashkent of Bahrain though the schedules had not been finalized.

Kourosh Fatahi reiterated that Indian airliners have never operated flights to IKA and all passengers to and from India are carried by Iranian companies.

Indians airlines never performed flights to Iran: official

@شاھین میزایل @RealNapster @war&peace
Pakistanis have no says on this as Pakistan also does not have any direct flight by Pakistani airlines to Iran.
PIA stopped flights to Zahedan in October 2013 and to Mashhad in September 2014.
Iconair had plans for flights to Iran but that got cancelled.

Currently no Iranian destinations for PIA:


Gone are the days when you could have a civil discussion in PDF.
Nowadays you cannot even talk to the people who are willing to act like humans.
So don't bother bro, he will continue to troll and he successfully took a dump on this thread

True, Sir.
Iran is not a failed state & don't let other dictate their foreign policies..Why the hell would Iran fire mortar cause "India told them so"?
Every country works for own interest.If you open up to Iran or other countries they would reciprocate same way.

@Abingdonboy @Robinhood Pandey @egodoc222 @Kinetic
What you guy's opinion?
It's mere symbolic move nothing else....I wouldn't read too much into it....we have a mad man in white house this time...MFA is treading cautiously....ties with Iran will always be on our terms and not external pressure!!
It's not Obama's administration....we need different approach!!

Not that its very important for us but my question is that why would Indians cite "sanctions" as a reason? What does that have to do with anything? Are sanctions targeting counties who have direct flights to Tehran?
Even if they did, why would India be the only country to take action for it?
We're at a time when everyone is trying to establish ties with Iran specifically after the nuclear deal.
But India feels the need to do the exact opposite?
We need cooperation now more than ever. We need expansion of bilateral ties and we definitely need expansion of tourism to help both of our economies
AFAIK ,These Air carrier companies have certain level of autonomy like our ONGC.
Govt cant impose their will on them that concerns business matters .
Most of them are totally depending on US loans ,their rented fleets etc .
So there is some problem there .But noone of this changes our excellent relations with
Iran .
Both of us had seen worst kind of sanction around few years ago .
AFAIK ,These Air carrier companies have certain level of autonomy like our ONGC.
Govt cant impose their will on them that concerns business matters .
Most of them are totally depending on US loans ,their rented fleets etc .
So there is some problem there .But noone of this changes our excellent relations with
Iran .
Both of us had seen worst kind of sanction around few years ago .
All things considered bro, i think India is a heavy-weight in international arena and should act like it

You guys need to be enforcing your will on others not the opposite. You get what I mean?
All things considered bro, i think India is a heavy-weight in international arena and should act like it

You guys need to be enforcing your will on others not the opposite. You get what I mean?
I am actually supportive of D. j. Trump policy of US first. Why are our countries not putting our priorities first that's a query. But let's wait for few days. It might be that selective news bite may be released to harm some section interests. We know because it happens in India.
All things considered bro, i think India is a heavy-weight in international arena and should act like it

You guys need to be enforcing your will on others not the opposite. You get what I mean?
All illnesses cannot be treated with one drug....Indian govt defied previous Obama govt sanctions and continued the trade even china backed down....but with trump it's a different story....he is unpredictable and mad...!! Give some time for our foreign office to decipher him!

Not that its very important for us but my question is that why would Indians cite "sanctions" as a reason? What does that have to do with anything? Are sanctions targeting counties who have direct flights to Tehran?
Even if they did, why would India be the only country to take action for it?
We're at a time when everyone is trying to establish ties with Iran specifically after the nuclear deal.
But India feels the need to do the exact opposite?
We need cooperation now more than ever. We need expansion of bilateral ties and we definitely need expansion of tourism to help both of our economies

the recent shopping spree of airlines by Iranians means Indians will soon find themselves out competed from Iran market..so rather than absorbing a shock..they are preparing themselves in advance.
All things considered bro, i think India is a heavy-weight in international arena and should act like it

You guys need to be enforcing your will on others not the opposite. You get what I mean?

Yup .I can understand .
But our aero industry is still in evolving stage .If we have an indigenous industry things would have been much different .
No bro ,usually we dont force our will on others .But some times we do if it protects our main strategic interests.
Trump is a head ache both economic and diplomatic to all nations including India and China.
I hope our Govt take necessary decision to solve this issue .
A lots of Indian tourists like to visit Iran.
I am actually supportive of D. j. Trump policy of US first. Why are our countries not putting our priorities first that's a query. But let's wait for few days. It might be that selective news bite may be released to harm some section interests. We know because it happens in India.
America is not just any other country....entire world would be effected even if the president sneezes...it's his unpredictable nature that worries people than his policies...
Visa ban....the uproar that is created to some extent is media hype....it had approval rating 50+ % in multiple independent surveys!!
Just a signal to iran by india . that iin case of any usa's strikes in iran where will india stands :) .
indications are enough for wise .
India cooperated to implement UN-mandated sanctions against Iran: US Report

India, a major buyer of oil from Iran, has implemented UN-mandated sanctions against it, a bipartisan Congressional report has said amid the Trump administration’s efforts to muster international support against Tehran after conducting a missile test.

The independent Congressional Research Service (CRS) said in its latest report said that India began reducing economic relations with Iran in 2010 when India’s central bank ceased using a Tehran-based regional body, the Asian Clearing Union, to handle transactions with Iran.

“India implemented UN-mandated sanctions against Iran and generally cooperated with multilateral efforts to use sanctions to achieve a nuclear agreement with Iran,” the report which was presented to lawmakers on Monday.

CRS is the independent research wing of the US Congress which prepares periodic report on issues of interest for lawmakers for them to make informed decisions. Its report are not considered as official report of the US Congress.

In its 42-page report CRS notes that during 2010-2016, India’s private sector described Iran as a “controversial market” a term used by many international firms to describe markets that entail reputational and financial risks.

In January 2012, Iran agreed to accept India’s currency rupee to settle 45% of its oil sales to India, which Iran mostly used to buy Indian wheat, pharmaceuticals, rice, sugar, soybeans, auto parts and other products.

“India reduced its imports of Iranian oil substantially after 2011 - by the time of the JPA, Iran was only supplying about six per cent of India’s oil imports, down from over 16% in 2008. India incurred significant costs to retrofit refineries that were handling Iranian crude. However, since the JCPOA, oil imports apparently have increased to close to 2011 levels,” the report said.

Indian firms ended or slowed work on investments in Iranian oil and gas fields—work that is likely to resume now that sanctions have been lifted, CRS said, adding that India and Iran are considering using Turkey’s Halkbank to transfer to Iran $6.5 billion for oil purchased by India during 2012-2016.

In 2015, India and Iran agreed that India would help develop Iran’s Chahbahar port that would enable it to trade with Afghanistan unimpeded by Pakistan.

“With sanctions on Iran now lifted, that project no longer entails risk to Indian firms involved. In May 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Iran and signed an agreement to invest $500 million to develop the port and related infrastructure,” CRS said.

The report came as US President Donald Trump criticised Iran over its actions. The White House put Iran “on notice” over the move and vowed to take action, setting the stage for confrontation between the two nations.

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