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India Special Forces kick off anti-terror exercises in SL ignoring resistance from Tamil Nadu

We shouldn't . ...the Sri Lankan SF will then train with the Pakistani SF and share these details.

I have already read headlines about the SL SF training Pakistan SF in guerilla warfare....SL SF are trained in CIJWS.
Sri lankan forces already train with Indian army in India, I met with one soldier of theirs
And i thought your talking about the Kashmiri separatists here.. When did India start confronting the Taliban ?? No need to shift the goal posts here, If you cant come up with a legit reason

The militants fighting in Kashmir were trained by folks involved in fighting USSR in Afghanistan or directly infiltrated to fight like Pashtuns or Pakistani Punjabis or even Chechans. They had high confidence of defeating a superpower.
heart burn? quite the opposite.

At least now you see the difference when one country fails to stop a terrorist group from overrunning half its territory and one country smashes multiple terrorist groups within a few years and sends remnants back to the trainers across the border with tails between their legs

And which country did that ? Surely not the one that got it's financial capitol held hostage for days by some teenage goons wearing knapsacks ? So with insurgency group have this country destroyed ? East or west ? Name one ?

Surely a case of writhering in pain, when shown the reality.. Sorry size of the landmass or numbers does not mean success.. Tactical superiority and determination does
You know what. I thik there is a logical way to end this. Merge with India. Then we'll have to look at you and TN as equals, intervene and work out a compromise. Always works in the Indian federation :coffee:

Do you want me to give a lesson about nobody cares Tamilnadu again??? do you want me to show the true status of Tamilnadu?? lol
And which country did that ? Surely not the one that got it's financial capitol held hostage for days by some teenage goons wearing knapsacks ? So with insurgency group have this country destroyed ? East or west ? Name one ?

Surely a case of writhering in pain, when shown the reality.. Sorry size of the landmass or numbers does not mean success.. Tactical superiority and determination does

Want to compare terrorist attacks by LTTE across Lanka to terrorist attacks by Jihadis across India?

Forget scale even in sheer numbers you will have more attacks and much more dead. How many time Colombo was attacked? Should we start counting? How many decades it took you to crush LTTE? How many years/months it took us to crush a much more funded/equipped insurgency across Kashmir? Khalistan? NE? If facts are looked at your SF has peanuts worth of experience in relative and gross terms compared to various Indian SF operations
The militants fighting in Kashmir were trained by folks involved in fighting USSR in Afghanistan or directly infiltrated to fight like Pashtuns or Pakistani Punjabis or even Chechans. They had high confidence of defeating a superpower.

So did the LTTE.. The RAW, PLA and they were supported by the likes of Maoists in India to Eretrea to Kurdish separatist groups..

The fact remains the LTTE was one of the best funded most ruthless terrorist groups in the world that went to the extent of acquiring light air craft.. And the SL SF was instrumental in defeating
Do you want me to give a lesson about nobody cares Tamilnadu again??? do you want me to show the true status of Tamilnadu?? lol

Well, till you merge we'll have to consider you at a lesser level. I'm making this a logical suggestion so that you don't keep getting butt hurt in discussions. TN is a many times your economy, billions of $$ in tax revenues and 40 MPs in parliament. SL won't get 40, but then there will be an obligation to treat you as more equal if you join the federation.

He is just trolling mate, no need take it as hard.

It was a SERIOUS suggestion. I do not see the logic of you staying out of the fold. COming in will mean that we will have to work meaningful compromises. TN & Karnataka had long standing issues that were solved under Yeddy and Karuna. Something like that can be worked out between the CM of SL and CM of TN.
Do you want me to give a lesson about nobody cares Tamilnadu again??? do you want me to show the true status of Tamilnadu?? lol

Tamil Nadu is an Indian state and I can't understand what's your obsession of your hypothetical disagreement of TN with rest of India. :girl_wacko:
Want to compare terrorist attacks by LTTE across Lanka to terrorist attacks by Jihadis across India?

Forget scale even in sheer numbers you will have more attacks and much more dead. How many time Colombo was attacked? Should we start counting? How many decades it took you to crush LTTE? How many years/months it took us to crush a much more funded/equipped insurgency across Kashmir? Khalistan? NE? If facts are looked at your SF has peanuts worth of experience in relative and gross terms compared to various Indian SF operations

Lol.. Ok.. So please answer me ? With all your brouhaha.. SL forces defeated the LTTE after 30 years.. So who have Indian forces defeated ?

I'm not trying to belittle Indian armed forces i'm not crass like yourself to bring up unnecessary BS when run out of arguments but Kashmiri's are going on for close to 30 years now, So are the Maoists so are the numerous insurgencies in the North East.. So tell me except for the cold blooded massacre at the Golden temple what exact successes have the India forces had ? Just one would be sufficiant
Well, till you merge we'll have to consider you at a lesser level. I'm making this a logical suggestion so that you don't keep getting butt hurt in discussions. TN is a many times your economy, billions of $$ in tax revenues and 40 MPs in parliament. SL won't get 40, but then there will be an obligation to treat you as more equal if you join the federation.

It was a SERIOUS suggestion. I do not see the logic of you staying out of the fold. COming in will mean that we will have to work meaningful compromises. TN & Karnataka had long standing issues that were solved under Yeddy and Karuna. Something like that can be worked out between the CM of SL and CM of TN.

Yup, in your Kollywood dreams I guess, just another uneducated Tamilnadu bugger. Mate tell Jayalalitha aunty to build more toilets from the money she bribe lol.. Billions of Dollars ehh?? lol Tamilnadu an insignificant state can compare it self to Somalia, Ethiopia etc. lol
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