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India-South Korea Cooperation in Defense Sector


Jul 6, 2009
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India-South Korea Cooperation in Defense Sector | Asia-Pacific Business and Technology Report

The inclination for poaching along the borders of the Himalayan Mountain, transporting nuclear technology to Pak*istan and creating tactical alliances with Islamabad and North Korea has paved the way for tensions in both India and South Korea in the past few months. As their alliance in bilateral and economic trade is reinforced each year, the said countries are now strengthening tacti*cal alliances.
The first stage of the defense alli*ance between South Korea and India emerged when the first Memorandum of Understanding on Defense Logistics and Supplies was signed between the two countries in 2005. In May 2007, the agreement took its ultimate shape when the South Korean and Indian De*fense Ministers met for the first phase of deliberations on matters concerning mutual interest. The meeting ended with understanding of the swap of mili*tary domain detail and establishment of joint-defense technology progress.
The meeting also paved the way for the establishment of the two countries’ engagement and cooperation with de*fense personnel training. In 2010, the next stage of agreement took place when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South Korea President Lee Myung-bak officially announced strategic alli*ance between the two nations to pro*mote security and political cooperation.
This meeting was followed by the visit of Indian Defense Minister A. K. Anthony to Seoul, which led to the drawing up of two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) on exchange of technology, expertise and information in defense through defense technology joint-development.
The Defense Minister hoped that his visit to the country would start a new chapter in India and Korea’s close rela*tionship. Korean Defense Minister Kin Tae-Young also said that the two Memo*randums of Understanding signed that day would provide an excellent scenario for the two nations in several areas.
The first MOU signed by the two de*fense ministers will concentrate on the exchange of defense-related informa*tion and experience, joint exchange of visits by experts and military personnel, which include civilian staff that are as*sociated with exchange of aircraft and ship visits, training and execution of military exercises, military education and defense services, as mutually de*cided between India and Korea.
The memorandum also seeks to coop*erate with international peacekeeping and assistance services. It will be valid for five years with stipulation for its ex*tension by five more years.
The second memorandum was signed by Vice Commissioner of South Korean Defense Acquisition and Procurement Agency, Kwon Oh Bong and Chief Con*troller of Research and Development of DRDO, Prahlada. In order to be success*fully operational under the India-South Korea Defense Agreement’s umbrella, the memorandum seeks to identify the revolutionary defense technology as*pects of mutual interest and R&D proj*ects in the two countries.
The memorandum also envisions the co-production and co-development of de*fense products with the Indian industry by means of DRDO. It is expected that there will be a joint IPR on the products developed by means of this mechanism. Some aspects of immediate interest such as electronics and intelligent systems and marine systems will be prioritized.
As of now, India-Korea cooperation in the defense sector is still being rein*forced.
Korean companies are very active in India— appliances and mobile technol*ogy in particular. However, India still seeks greater investment by South Ko*rean infrastructure companies and total foreign direct investment remains very small.”
On the security front, “India has op*posed North Korea’s violations of its nonproliferation commitments,” notes Limaye, “and there are press reports that India acted on efforts by North Ko*rea to proliferate materials by ship. It is likely that India and South Korea have consulted in these case.


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