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India soon to be ready for any missile attack


Nov 29, 2010
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New Delhi: India is likely to come up with a state of the art technology which will allow it to counter any missile attack. The new missile defence system is likely to be up and running in two years.
When Pakistan tested its 60-km range tactical nuclear missile, the Nasr, a few months ago, the message was clear, that it now had the weapon to block any Indian military thrust into Sindh or Punjab.
But Indian scientists say that a ground based ballistic missile defence system they are working on will take care of any missile challenge, whether from the Nasr or longer range missiles Pakistan has in its inventory.
Scientist VK Saraswat, "We can intercept these missiles at exo-atmospheric range, that is beyond 40 to 50 km in altitude and endo-atmospheric bracket, that is between 15 and 30 km. This gives us the capability to take care of missiles that are ballistic in nature which could be nuclear powered or non-nuclear powered."
But right now this is work in progress with more tests of the missile interceptor planned for this year. The development of the first phase will be complete only in 2013 and after that, the integration of ground systems into a seamless network will begin.
"Today all the building blocks of the BMD are in position. We have radars, command and control systems, mobile launchers and command and control decision making software. So as far as Phase One activities go, they are by and large complete," said Saraswat.
It's only in 2016 that work on the more ambitious second phase of the missile defence network will be complete and that is when the contours of India's space based missile defence network will be revealed.

India soon to be ready for any missile attack - India News - IBNLive
Make a defence against pahaar,prithvi,brahmos,agni,shourya.
That would be able to counter our neighbors missiles for atleast up to 2050.
Can anyone share some Light on , If Akash can be used for such a purpose?
Scientist VK Saraswat, "We can intercept these missiles at exo-atmospheric range, that is beyond 40 to 50 km in altitude and endo-atmospheric bracket, that is between 15 and 30 km. This gives us the capability to take care of missiles that are ballistic in nature which could be nuclear powered or non-nuclear powered."

India soon to be ready for any missile attack - India News - IBNLive

i have never heard that Pakistan has a nuke powered ballistic missile nuke war head true not nuclear powered ballistic missile
we talk about peace
not war
we talk about economical relations
any single missile fire will start nuclear war in the region
i have never heard that Pakistan has a nuke powered ballistic missile nuke war head true not nuclear powered ballistic missile

The same reason for this faux pas which was for the recent Pakistani media reporting about Pak inducting 700 Km range Air to Air nuclear missile :)

Idiot reporters... :)
any single missile fire will start nuclear war in the region

No it will not because we have 'no first use' policy. We are taking measures to face such missiles with multilayer missile defence. We will reply with hydrogen bomb only if we targeted with nuclear weapons.

PDV, PAD, AAD, Barak-8/LRSAM, Iron Dome, Stunner all are advance missile defence system under various stages of developments.
By 2012 - AAD/PAD
By 2014 - AAD/PDV
By 2016 - AD-1,2 (For ICBM - 5,000KM)

SAM - Akash, S-300 operational and Akash-2, Barak-8, ????(Secret SAM - Not yet disclosed) will be operational By 2014-15.

After 2014-15, We will have 3 Layer of Protection Shield (Even Multiple Missile Launch, MiRV, MaRV won't breach our Shield)
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System
DRDO's Layered Missile Defense using Prithvi Air Defense and Advanced Air Defense Missiles
Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is developing a Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system to be deployed by 2015.


The Advanced Air Defense (AAD) endo-atmospheric interceptor lifts off during a test on July 26, 2010.

Phased Development and Deployment
DRDO Chief V.K. Saraswat told the press on March 21, 2010, that the Ballistic Missile System is being developed in two phases under a capability based deployment plan.

In the first phase, which is currently underway, DRDO will develop and deploy a system for defense against missiles with less than 2,000 km range like Pakistan's Ghauri and Shaheen missiles.

In the second phase, system capability will be upgraded to defend against missiles with ranges greater than 2,000 km that can additionally deploy decoys or maneuver.

Phase 1 system will be deployed within two years and Phase 2 system by 2016.

The Phase 2 system will require longer range radars (Detection range of 1,500km as opposed to 600 km for Phase 1 radars), and new hypersonic interceptor missiles flying at Mach 6-7 (As opposed to Mach 4-5 for Phase 1 missiles) with agility and the capability to discriminate against ballistic missile defence counter measures.

“Our effort is to have interception at very high altitudes, and the entire system will be able to handle multiple, simultaneous attacks,” Saraswat said.

Phase 1 System Overview
The system will be based on radar technology for tracking and fire control which the DRDO developed jointly with Israel and France.

It will be implemented as a two tiered terminal phase interceptor system comprising of

1. Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) exo-atmospheric interceptor missile for intercepting targets outside the atmosphere.
2. Advanced Air Defense (AAD) endo-atmospheric interceptor missile for intercepting targets up to an attitude of 30 kms .
3. 'Swordfish' Long Range Tracking Radar (LRTR). The Swordfish LRTR has been developed jointly by India and Israel. It is based on the Israeli Green Pine early warning and fire control radar imported by India from Israel in 2001-2002.

The integrated exo and endo-atmospheric systems offer a hit-to-kill probability of 99.8 per cent.

Prithvi Air Defense
To begin with the exo-atmospheric interceptor PAD-1 was a two stage missile with one liquid and one solid stage.

PDV Interceptor Missile
The PAD-1 missile is now being replaced with the PDV missile, which does away with the liquid fuel first stage and has two solid fuel stages.

The PDV will armed with a 'kill vehicle' which destroys the enemy missile and equipped with a innovative system to allow the missile to maneuver at altitudes approaching 30km, where the air is thinner.

The first trial of the missile is scheduled for late June or early July 2010.

"The PDV will be the mainstay of the defence shield," Dr Saraswat told India Today in June 2010.

Advanced Air Defense
The endo-atmospheric interceptor AAD is a 7.5m long, single stage solid fueled missile, equipped with a ring laser gyro based inertial navigation system, a hi-tech computer and an electro- mechanical actuators totally under command by the data up-linked from the sophisticated ground based radars to the interceptor.

P-Charge Interceptor Warhead
The AAD interceptor is equipped with a P-charge [projectile charge] warhead that can penetrate thick steel and cause damage with a high hit [repeat hit] density.

"That means the number of holes you create per unit area is very high," a DROD official told the press in October, 2009.

Phase 2 System
Phase 2 Interceptor Missiles
The Phase 2 missile defense system will be based on the AD-1 and AD-2 interceptor missile that are currently under development.

"Ground testing of the AD-1 will begin next year and the AD-1 missile will be test-fired in 2012," Saraswat told India Today in June 2010.

These interceptors would be capable of shooting down missiles that have ranges greater than 5,000 km, which follow a distinctly different trajectory than a missile with a range of 2,000 km or less. During their final phase, ICBMs hurtle towards their targets at speeds twice those of intermediate range missiles.

The Phase 2 system will match the capability of the THAAD or Terminal High Altitude Area Defence missiles deployed by the United States as part of its missile shield beginning this year. THAAD missiles can intercept ballistic missiles over 200 km away and track targets at ranges in excess of 1,000 km.

Phase 2 Radar
Unlike the Phase 1 Swordfish radar developed by India in partnership with Israel, the radar to support Phase 2 interception will have 80% indigenous component, DRDO chief VK Saraswat told the press on May 15, 2011.

"Only some of the equipments and consultancy would be provided by Israel," Saraswat said.

Floating Test Range for Phase 2 system
A floating test range is being developed for developing the Phase 2 system.

Scientists have started designing the ship and associated systems such as radar, mission control centre, launch control centre, communication network and many other equipment needed for phase-II trials, Sarsawat told the press.

"Only some of the equipments and consultancy would be provided by Israel," Saraswat said.

Floating Test Range for Phase 2 system
A floating test range is being developed for developing the Phase 2 system.


AAD interceptor missile displayed on Republic Day 2009

Scientists have started designing the ship and associated systems such as radar, mission control centre, launch control centre, communication network and many other equipment needed for phase-II trials, Sarsawat told the press.

BMD Tests
A total of five successful test of the BMD system have been carried out: Two using the PAD exo-atmospheric interceptor and three using the AAD endo-atmospheric interceptor.

First Test
On March 6, 2006 a PAD missile successfully intercepted a modified Dhanush surface-to-surface missile fired from INS Rajput anchored inside the Bay of Bengal, towards Wheeler Island, simulating a target “enemy” missile with a range of 1,500 km.

Second Test
On November 27, 2006 a PAD missile intercepted a Prithvi ballistic missile at 48 km altitude.

Third Test
In December 2007 an AAD missile intercepted a target missile at an altitude of 15kms.

The interceptor used a 'gimbaled directional warhead' or a warhead only one side of which explodes close to an incoming ballistic missile, shattering it.

The Advanced Air Defense (AAD) interceptor has so far been successfully tested up to an altitude of 15 kms.

The interceptor will next engage an incoming target missile at 30 km to validate the efficacy of the missile in its entire endo-atmospheric envelope.

Fourth Test Aborted
A test of the AAD missile on March 15, 2010 at 10010 was aborted after the modified Prithvi (Dhanush) missile launched to simulate the target deviated from its flight path.

In the test, a Dhanush missile launched from a naval ship was be guided along a trajectory similar to that of an 1,500 km range Ghauri missile in its terminal phase zeroing in on the Wheeler Island, off Damra village on the Orissa coast. A PAD interceptor launched from Wheeler Island was to intercep the "enemy" missile with a hit to kill at 70-80 km.

In an explanatory statement, DRDO said:

"The target missile took off in normal way; at T+20 sec (approx) the target deviated due to some onboard system malfunction and could not maintain the intended trajectory, failing to attain the desired altitude profile. The Mission Control Centre computer found that the interception is not warranted as the deviated target did not present the incoming missile threat scenario and accordingly the system intelligently did not allow take-off of the interceptor missile for engaging the target. The cause of the target malfunction is being investigated by analysis of tele-metered data."

On March 18, after analyzing the telemetry and other data, DRDO scientists conclude they had figured out the reason for the failure.

The target missile reached an altitude of nearly 65 km and then spiralled down into the Bay of Bengal having travelled 27 km.

Fuel leak caused test failure
On April 11, 2010, DRDO Chief VK Sarsawat said:

“Analysis of the earlier trial revealed there was a leakage in the target missile leading to system failure. We are rectifying it to ensure the next flight test in June will hit the target and demonstrate our advance capability in developing the missile defence shield against any adversary missile attack.”

He was speaking at the sidelines of a national convention on 'The Frontiers of Aeronautical Technologies', organised by the Aeronautical Society of India in Bangalore..

Fifth Test


A Prithvi target missile lifts off during a BMD test on July 26, 2010

A test of the AAD interceptor missile was conducted on Monday, July 26. The test was partially successful as the missile failed to score a direct hit.

A modified surface-to-surface Prithvi was launched from a mobile launcher at 10:05 am from launch complex-3 of ITR at Chandipur-on-sea.

The interceptor AAD missile, positioned at Wheeler Island, about 70 km across sea from Chandipur, engaged the target missile at an altitude of 15 km.

The warhead exploded within a few metres of the target missile releasing multiple bullet-like particles which hit and destroyed the target missile 26 seconds after its launch. The debris which fell into the sea was tracked by radars located along the coast.

The AAD missile for the first time used P-charge directional warhead.

A DRDO press release cryptically stated

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), today successfully conducted fourth consecutive Interceptor Missile test in Endo atmospheric regime at 15 Km altitude off ITR, Chandipur, Orissa. The single stage Interceptor Missile fitted with Directional Warhead and other advanced systems neutralized the target.

The target ballistic ‘enemy’ missile was launched from Launch Complex – III, ITR Chandipur. The Interceptor Missile fitted with directional warhead was launched from Wheeler Island and destroyed the Target Missile breaking it into fragments. This was tracked by various Radars and sensors. All weapon system elements including Command and Control, Communication and Radar performed satisfactorily.

Sixth Test

AAD Interceptor missile test on Sunday, March 6, 2011.

An AAD interceptor missile armed with a P-charge directional warhead was successfully tested on Sunday, March 6, 2011.

A Target Missile mimicking an enemy Ballistic Missile with a 600-km range was launched from Launch Complex –III, ITR, Chandipur at 9.32 AM. The target missile climbed to an altitude of 120 km and began its downward trajectory.

The missile tracking network consisting of long range and multi function Radars and other Range sensors positioned at different locations detected and identified the incoming Missile threat.

The radars tracking the Ballistic Missile constructed the trajectory of the missile and continuous complex computations were done in real time by ground guidance computer to launch the interceptor at an exact time.

The fully automatic launch computer launched the interceptor at 9.37 AM and the onboard INS (Inertial Navigation System) and ground based Radars guided the interceptor to the target (incoming Ballistic Missile).

The Interceptor intercepted the Ballistic Missile at an altitude of 16 km and blasted the missile into pieces. It was a text book launch and all the events and mission sequence took place as expected.

The falling debris was tracked by various radars and sensors.

The test was witnessed by Scientific Advisor to Defense Minister V.K. Saraswat and other top DRDO officials.

Following the successful launch, Sarsawat told the press that after launch the interceptor maneuvered in the direction of the target; the maneuvered is referred to as the “least energy maneuver. In the terminal phase of the attacker's flight, as it was hurtling towards the earth, the interceptor's radio frequency seeker “acquired the target, rolled the interceptor in the right direction and, when it was a few meters from the target, gave the command to the directional warhead to explode,” Dr. Saraswat explained.

The warhead detonated, blasting the attacker to pieces. The ground-based radars and the sensors on board the targeted missile tracked the debris, which rained down over the Bay of Bengal, “confirming a very good kill,” the DRDO Director-General said. “Based on the data from the target, a 100 per cent kill was achieved.” The radars were located at Konark and Kendrapara, near Paradip, in Orissa.

It was earlier reported that the test would involve a maneuvering target missile. The report had quoted DRDO sources as saying it will be “a tricky mission” because the attacker would have a manoeuvrable trajectory and try to dodge the interceptor from homing in on it.

The test was earlier scheduled for for February 10, 2011 which was completed.

PDV Test

DRDO had scheduled a test of its PDV Phase-1 endo-atmospheric interceptor missile (See above) in end June - early July 2011.

"We will have a test in end June or early July and are calling this new missile the PDV and it will have two solid stages," Dr Saraswat had said.

Boost Phase Missile Defense
The Laser and Science Technology Centre (LASTEC) is also reported to be developing lasers to takeout enemy missiles during their boost phase, when they are most vulnerable.

"It's easier to kill a missile in boost phase as it has not gained much speed and is easier to target. It cannot deploy any countermeasures and it is vulnerable at that time," DRDO's Air Defense Program Director V K Saraswat told PTI in January 2009.

"In LASTEC, we are developing many of these technologies. We have to package these technologies on aircraft like the Americans have done on their systems," he added.

"It is an involved process and not just about producing lasers. We have to put in many systems like the surveillance and tracking systems together for such a system to work. It will take another 10-15 years before we talk of integrating all these elements," he said.

A Boost Phase Missile defense system will need to rely on a space based launch detection system like the SBIRS satellite constellation being deployed by the US. Unlike the SBIRS, which is global in scope, India would require a more limited system to monitor Pakistan and China. India could also buy into the US SBIRS while developing its own limited constellation.

Satellite Kill Vehicle
ISRO is developing a satellite kill vehicle as part of its BMD system, according to DRDO Defense Research and Development Organization Director General V.K. Saraswat.

The hit-to-kill vehicle will use an imaging infra-red seeker and a 3-D laser image of a target satellite in low earth orbit to guide itself to impact.

No tests of the system have been scheduled so far.

"We are working to ensure space security and protect our satellites. At the same time we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to our space assets," Saraswat told newsmen at the Science Congress on January 4.

Capability Maturity
On February 10, DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat told the press that India’s BMD programme is more advanced than China’s.

“This (BMD) is one area where we are senior to China. We knew they had acquired the building blocks for BMD when they shot down a satellite in 2007. But we have been working on this programme since 1999.”

DefExpo 2010 Visuals

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The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Also it's funny to read certain comments of our Indian members, they're all obsessed and speculating IF and WHAT happens if they get struck by missiles.
Judging by the posts, I sometimes get the feeling Indians actually want to get struck by a missile from e.g. Pakistan, just to see how their country will retaliate.

Relax guys, don't get your pants on fire, play a strategy game or two on the computer to settle these nerves, but any real missile strike coming from India's neighbours is not on the agenda.. :coffee:
The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Also it's funny to read certain comments of our Indian members, they're all obsessed and speculating IF and WHAT happens if they get struck by missiles.
Judging by the posts, I sometimes get the feeling Indians actually want to get struck by a missile from e.g. Pakistan, just to see how their country will retaliate.

Relax guys, don't get your pants on fire, play a strategy game or two on the computer to settle these nerves, but any real missile strike coming from India's neighbours is not on the agenda.. :coffee:

There is no Guarantee that Pakistan won't attack. Pakistan could attack multiple Nuke against India as per many posters and political leader of Pakistan and We will also attack accordingly in no time. But we need to Protect ourself. It's defensive Missiles and not offensive. Although it would work as offensive too.

I am sure, Pakistan will try some way to breach Indian shield. But our priority is to stop 99% in many ways. 2nd Strike and retaliation are already deployed.
There is no Guarantee that Pakistan won't attack. Pakistan could attack multiple Nuke against India as per many posters and political leader of Pakistan and We will also attack accordingly in no time. But we need to Protect ourself. It's defensive Missiles and not offensive. Although it would work as offensive too.

I am sure, Pakistan will try some way to breach Indian shield. But our priority is to stop 99% in many ways. 2nd Strike and retaliation are already deployed.

Breathe in, breathe out..

Look outside, (hopefully) the sun is shining.
Take a walk...enjoy life. ;)

Why are you so nervous :lol: this news made you so insecure :rofl: are you Afraid that it will be now easier for India to divide Pakistan in pieces like it did in 1971??
if yes, then you are right..!! Beware :devil: no body knows India's secret policy ;)

I don't feel insecure nor am I afraid, sorry to burst that bubble.
I am worried though to read these kinds of warmongering posts coming from your people, I know you're not the only one with such a narrow mindset when it comes to Pakistan.
Perhaps in due time you'll shift your stance.
The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Also it's funny to read certain comments of our Indian members, they're all obsessed and speculating IF and WHAT happens if they get struck by missiles.
Judging by the posts, I sometimes get the feeling Indians actually want to get struck by a missile from e.g. Pakistan, just to see how their country will retaliate.

Relax guys, don't get your pants on fire, play a strategy game or two on the computer to settle these nerves, but any real missile strike coming from India's neighbours is not on the agenda.. :coffee:


I did not get a word out of your post! Did you missed the introduction and conclusion? :hitwall::hitwall:
The game goes on.
Pakistan will find ways to penetrate, India wil counter attack it etc.

Don't ever think you're completely safe, that's an illusion.
Also it's funny to read certain comments of our Indian members, they're all obsessed and speculating IF and WHAT happens if they get struck by missiles.
Judging by the posts, I sometimes get the feeling Indians actually want to get struck by a missile from e.g. Pakistan, just to see how their country will retaliate.

Relax guys, don't get your pants on fire, play a strategy game or two on the computer to settle these nerves, but any real missile strike coming from India's neighbours is not on the agenda.. :coffee:

developing a credible anti-missile system is one among the many steps to be taken to ensure our national security and to boost our military might.
it is true that we see pakistan as a threat.but these programs are not "specially dedicated to pakistan".its for any missile that comes to hit us,be it from pakistan or from malidives.

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