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India Should Accept 'Olive Branch': Chinese Media On Top Pakistani General's Offer


May 17, 2015
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A revamped Gwadar Port forms a strategically important part of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

BEIJING: India should accept "olive branch" extended by a top Pakistani army general to join the USD 46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China's state-run Global Times said in an article today.

"Surprise aside, New Delhi should consider accepting the olive branch Pakistan has extended in a bid to participate in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor," said the article.

Reiterating China's support for its all-weather ally, the article added that Beijing will strongly oppose any attempt to label Pakistan as "supporting terrorism".

Lt Gen Riaz, Commander of the Pakistan's Southern Command which is based in Quetta, this week reportedly said India should "shun enmity" with Pakistan and "join the USD 46-billion CPEC along with Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries and enjoy its benefits".

"The best way to reduce hostilities is by establishing economic cooperation based on mutual benefits to put aside what cannot be reached by a consensus," it said.

The offer by Pak, the article said, could be transient and could be overwhelmed by opposition voices if New Delhi "does not respond in a timely manner to the General's overture".

The article said that India could boost its exports and slash its trade deficit with China via new trade routes that would be opened up by the CPEC and the northern part of India bordering Pakistan and Jammu and Kashmir will gain more economic growth momentum if India joins the project.

Another article in the in the same daily said that Pak general invitation, is mainly intended as a gesture that Pakistan does not want to exclude India.

The article said that some international forces, and India in particular, are accustomed to look at the CPEC and the One Belt and One Road initiative from a geopolitical perspective.

"To ensure the smooth advancement of the CPEC, it is necessary for Pakistan to have a stable and peaceful domestic and periphery environment and a favourable profile," it said.

"The CPEC is not only a bilateral cooperation, but also a multilateral project in the long-run, which aims at regional economic integration. So it's open and inclusive, and China and Pakistan hope India, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asian countries can participate and become stakeholders," the article added.

Source: http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/afte...join-china-pakistan-economic-corridor-1641057
has CPEC started producing anything yet? What is Pakistan planning to do in CPEC other than a transit for goods produced in western china? So much is unknown , What will we do in CPEC?
Isn't this offer a little above pay grade of Lt Gen Riaz, Commander of the Pakistan's Southern Command which is based in Quetta? Pak Army should focus more on terror groups running wild in Pakistani Punjab and let their Elected Civilian Government clean the mess left behind by them when it comes to foreign relations.
i think people especially Kashmiris will not tolerate them on our soil unless they agree on demilitarize Kashmir and hold plebiscite under UN.. otherwise we will face huge blow back and maybe few will start burning bhartis with their vehicle..

btw in what capacity Gen offer something like this? is there any parliamentary, GHQ or political consensus to involve bhartis in CPEC? is he sole representative of people of Pakistan?
:rofl:Regular UN, Plebiscite, Kashmir..... :offtopic:

Don't be delusional thinking CPEC is something India wants cooperate badly. India got nothing to do with CPEC as it is connecting China and Pakistan. India already ship goods to China and back without 'cheepec'.
If ever India wish to have a transit route through Pakistan it will be to Afghan into Central Asia.

whole Pakistan is aware bharti want to destroy it and destroy Pakistan at slighest chance, bhartis will never become part of it or any program which provide prosperity and economic boost to Pakistan. my opinion was for deluded General..
whole Pakistan is aware bharti want to destroy it and destroy Pakistan at slighest chance, bhartis will never become part of it or any program which provide prosperity and economic boost to Pakistan. my opinion was for deluded General..

Average Indians don't care about Chee pec or Pakistan. But whenever you have a turn on when hearing chee pec you people drag India into it and you are thinking like 10 yo boys who calls his enemy for a candy and then eating it by yourself for a revenge as you might think.
In fact we welcome an economic giant Pakistan with highly educated people and then there might be some sane people who can discuss the issues between two countries without the shadow of terrorism.
Ah.. these dramebaaz again...

When we don't have access to trade with Afghanistan then why the hell on earth India should join and bear the cost that too for pakistans development. Its like fools trying to make sure not to miss them.
I think the Pakistani general is looking at the $385 billion sitting in indian forex AND thinking we could do with some of that money.

CPEC is of no benefit or consequence to indian thriving economy

India has ZERO interest in trade with some poor central Asian countries.

indian focus is South East Asia , Middle East Europe & USA ....and here CPEC is USELESS .
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