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India’s Muddled Carrier Plans

Maybe it's just lip service to please Indian to place an order for Mig-29k :coffee:, have Russians build Mig-29k for themself to serve on their aircrat carrier I'm just curious?

The Russian Navy ordered 20 MiG-29K and 4 MiG-29KUB in 2012 for the Admiral Kuznetsov. Russia will begin receiving the first MiG-29K in 2013 and deliveries are to be complete in 2015.
Irrelevant questions, if Indian navy is most significant in Indian ocean mean that China will be scare to Challenge Indian navy in this region? and if China face max. threat mean that we will be confined ourself within our boundary?...only if you know how we play "GO" game.

No, the context was, Chinese navy's reason to challange Indian navy. This is what Dillingers post implied. Be it south China sea or Indian ocean, it is USN vs PLN whose interest collide, not with IN. IN is happy securing its trade routes in the west, Somalian pirates are more of a threat than PLN for IN.
In East Asian countries usually play down any major weapon system.
The Japanese Hyuga is officially called an Helicopter carrying destroyer.
In fact the Chinese aircraft carrier was initially called a floating casino. Fooled everybody didn't it

In India, its just the opposite. India like to brag about when AMCA will be available when LCA is not even inducted.
lol this is what you call diplomacy my friend ,every1 has the right to say whats in their mind too bad u r not gonna enjoy that :-(

I think you meant Freedom of Speech. Democracy also does not necessarily mean freedom of speech!
Dreaming again。

Let's be clear:this Russian aircraft carrier will NOT be inducted by the IN before 2013.

2015 is a more appropriate date。:azn:
Don't worry,if you do come we will show u the hospitality u deserve by making sure u never leave.The indian ocean seabed is a rather cold place.

Welcome to the Indian Ocean!





Brahmos,scorpene,andaman-junk scrap metal PLAN.
Rubbish article to begin with. Training is a dynamic process in every field so as in armed forces. Just because we'll have to train navy personals to get used of Russian carrier we should not induct it? Seriously What idiot would write a stupid article like this one? :banghead:
Maybe it's just lip service to please Indian to place an order for Mig-29k :coffee:, have Russians build Mig-29k for themself to serve on their aircrat carrier I'm just curious?

Or maybe your denial is due to ur fear of the inevitable.
Dreaming again。

Let's be clear:this Russian aircraft carrier will NOT be inducted by the IN before 2013.

2015 is a more appropriate date。:azn:

We already are half way through 2013, so induction before 2013 is out of the question anyway. Also induction and taking delivery are two different things, even your carrier, nor the fighters are inducted into operational service of the fleet. Both are still testing operational procedures. The delivery of INS Vikramaditya this year is not unrealistic, most of the aircrafts and support vessels are already available and Indian crews are already training in Russia, so the induction of the vessel should not take that long.
Don't worry,if you do come we will show u the hospitality u deserve by making sure u never leave.The indian ocean seabed is a rather cold place.

Brahmos,scorpene,andaman-junk scrap metal PLAN.

They will have to get past Type-52C and D defenses, HQ-9C missiles, Goldkeeper CIWS etc.
They will have to get past Type-52C and D defenses, HQ-9C missiles, Goldkeeper CIWS etc.
Navy Lacks Plan to Defend Against `Sizzler' Missile (Update1) - Bloomberg
Not a problem,even USN with AEGIS can't realiably handle klub atm.Add to it brahmos.And these will be launched from 3 dimensions,from the air su-30mkis from our unsinkable aircraft carrier andaman, carrying ALCM brahmos,and P-8I poseidons with harpoons,from undersea kilos and akulas launching klubs and scorpenes exocets.From the surface frigates and destroyers spamming brahmos and klubs.
And thats only the missile threat.
Our whole diesel sub fleet will be lying in wait for ambush from all sides as u come through the malacca ,china has almost no experience in ASW warfare nor specialized ships for it.
Diesel subs are probably greatest enemy of carriers atm.You on the other hand will be bringing along ur noisy SSNs fighting so far away from home as SSK don't ahve worldwide endurance without detection.
As for missiles if aegis is unsure,U really think an upgraded navalized s-300 version will see u through the 3 dimensional barrage?Lol.
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