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India refuses to provide dam water data to Pakistan

80-20 in pakistan's favour.

People seriously need to read the IWT than throwing allegations based on newspapers reports.
If 80/20 does not solve prblem, 100/0 wont solve problem!
Fast moving indus empties into ocean unless u build small irrigation dams to reduce speed of flow and constantly dredge the silt.
What is a actual TMC of water allocation(IWT) for Pakistan? Previously hw much amount of TMC of water Pak received? how much they getting now?. That treaty suggesting anything about drought/ seasonal monsoon failure and its respective water sharing?.

Any Pakistani known that above details?.
which river?? :blink:

all of them

all of them


Right now there are no Dam on Indus river in Ladakh, how can India release water to flood Pakistan:blink: but few are under construction according to treaty.
And do you really believe that run of the river dams can flood Pakistan :rofl::rofl:

There is too much scarcity in North-India why would we waste water of Bhakhra-Nangal Dam.
Sutlej - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is located north of the Vindhya Range, south of the Hindu Kush segment of the Himalayas, and east of the Central Sulaiman Range in Pakistan.
Chenab River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It forms in the upper Himalayas in the Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, India, and flows through the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir into the plains of the Punjab, Pakistan.

Indus River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the river runs a course through the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit, Baltistan and flows through Pakistan in a southerly direction along the entire length of Pakistan to merge into the Arabian Sea near the port city of Karachi in Sindh.
india must start diverting rivers inland towards the arid regions of rajasthan Gujarat vidharba and MP to solve pakistan's flood problem during monsoons.Its the best solution if pakistan agrees but they wont.
Although i agree that for flood control basic things are not being done in Pakistan....We dont have any dedicated flood planes where water can be spilled in case the reaservoirs are full..Then the question of Building catchment dams..The amount of water which destroys villages and crops every year can be diverted to a dam where it can be stored for irrigation

india must start diverting rivers inland towards the arid regions of rajasthan Gujarat vidharba and MP to solve pakistan's flood problem during monsoons.Its the best solution if pakistan agrees but they wont.
Instead of doing silly non practical things..a simple data exchange about level of water in reservoirs will do....
most Pakistani rivers are linked with Indian rivers and every year they release flood water without warning..
this is murder..
please , you guys shouldnt talk about murder. it seems ridiculous.
Guys you seem to be arguing without understanding the central points of the agreement.

The construction of Dam(s) is a violation of the IWT it'self.

India violating Indus Water treaty, says US report - Rediff.com India News
Instead of usa report why dont you sit and read IWT for sometime.Making run of the river dams are not even on wester rivers and India does has fixed share of water it vcan use from western rivers for urban purpose and irrigation.untill now india has now way to use this share of water coz there are no storage dams in kashmir for now so india's share flows unindere into pakistan. but this gonna change soon when dams come up in kashmir and india started using its legal share under IWT.
india must start diverting rivers inland towards the arid regions of rajasthan Gujarat vidharba and MP to solve pakistan's flood problem during monsoons.Its the best solution if pakistan agrees but they wont.

Plus deserts are not necessarily a bad thing...
If Tibet wasn't Barren,dry and wild,there would have been no monsoon and no rain in whole of south Asia...
Cultivate Tibet and plant trees there and Monsoons will go weak,and may die altogether..
So barren deserts have their place in nature..
Although i agree that for flood control basic things are not being done in Pakistan....We dont have any dedicated flood planes where water can be spilled in case the reaservoirs are full..Then the question of Building catchment dams..The amount of water which destroys villages and crops every year can be diverted to a dam where it can be stored for irrigation

Instead of doing silly non practical things..a simple data exchange about level of water in reservoirs will do....
May be impractical for you but not for water starved regions of india.Already Indira gandhi canal is flowing for over 2 decades through rajasthan till gujarat it wont take more than 3 months of work to divert rivers in monsoon

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