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India plans to send troops inside Bangladesh

im pretty sure the indian army has enough to wage war against bangladesh.but im also pretty sure they dont have enough to get rid of our whole airforce and tanks :)
and im not saying we are a great military power.its actually the other way around.you indians think you are a great military power when you guys arent one.

and as for the Chief doing it for fast upgrades.please stop deluding yourself.i doubt the CHIEF would take such a risk.it has caused serious unrest amongst the people,and i doubt he wouldve risked this unrest with a stupid bluff.

india can take over Bangladesh in a matter of hours?? :rofl:

your BSF tried to attack us a few times...remember what happened when they enetered our territory??Padua and Baroibari??300 BSF attacked baoibari,and suffered way more losses than BDR...
A brush with Bangladesh

and i read another thing a long time before,i dont remember where,,but it said that some of the soldiers among the BSF men had special vests and used different weapons than the other BSF men...turns out those vests and weapons were only issued to the commandos...

so yeah how are you gonna take over our country in a matter of hours again when your commandos cant even get through our border guards???

I have to say if India deployed its full might against BD they could be in Dhaka within hours. It is however unlikely India would ever need to deploy its full might against BD for these reasons.
I am amazed man the Pakistanis have a Army 100 times better and battle proven than Bangladeshis and they show respect but these Bangladeshis think they can defeat us..i dont know what LaLaland are they living in!
Did they have Breasts Before?

I literally have tears in my eyes laughing.


to those proud indians ssaying stuff like bangladesh's 8 MiG's and F-7's and blah blah blah...
atleast they work :P atleast our air defence aint 97% useless....atleast our tanks have ammunition....and most importantly at least our soldiers have balls :rofl:

...are they not expected to?

Why then are you laughing?

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