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No one is asking you to believe me but it will happen regardless as it is prophesied by Awliyya ALLAAH long time ago - to collaborate with the prophecy of Ghazwa-e-hind.

Water is big motivation as it is matter of life and death. And India is purposely stoking the fire.
Ghazwa e hind... ooh... tell me more.
Of course! This is the price you pay when your generals are traitors.

If India unilaterally breaks the treaty, we can unilaterally send some missiles to indian illegal dams and installations. Since it will existential crisis for us we have every right.

That's being said I am sure our Generals will sleep over it..

It was Imran Khan which forced the generals to retaliate on Feb 27, 2019. If it was Sharif or Zardari, there would have been no retaliation. Listen to Moeed Pirzada vlog today.
Of course! This is the price you pay when your generals are traitors.

It was Imran Khan which forced the generals to retaliate on Feb 27, 2019. If it was Sharif or Zardari, there would have been no retaliation. Listen to Moeed Pirzada vlog today.
Then why Imran khan didn't want Pakistan military to eliminate Indian-funded Afghan-based terrorist-outfit aka TTP?
To this day I will never understand why Imran khan defended on TTP blindly.

Conventional missiles cannot destroy dams. If they could, Russia would have done it against Ukraine. That's because missiles have just 500 to 1000 kgs of explosives, which will make a small scratch on the dam's structure (which is made of tonnes of steel and cement).

Nuking will work though.
Pakistan could have authorized kalabagh dam in 90s which would have solved both energy and water crises. Those who opposed the project are now in PTI while Nawaz sharif proposed the project much like motorway and modern infrastructure of transits.

Why didn't main establishments support the project? We needed that project badly and we still do.
Then why Imran khan didn't want Pakistan military to eliminate Indian-funded Afghan-based terrorist-outfit aka TTP?
To this day I will never understand why Imran khan defended on TTP blindly.

Pakistan could have authorized kalabagh dam in 90s which would have solved both energy and water crises. Those who opposed the project are now in PTI while Nawaz sharif proposed the project much like motorway and modern infrastructure of transits.

Why didn't main establishments support the project? We needed that project badly and we still do.

Talking to TTP was one point of view.

The people who were destroying the country then did not listen to him. So what is the point of argument here?

American drones were flying in Pakistan airspace. Talking to Taliban was a lesser sin than letting drones kill common Pakistanis. Then, none of the experienced Sharif and Zardari blinked an eye. It was Imran Khan only who took a procession to border of tribal areas. In collaboration with Code Pink, he was the only politician who raised voice against this open aggression. While cowards like Nawaz, Zardari and that as*hole Fazlu were quiet.

Once the Americans left, the only thing left was resettle those fighters who are willing to settle down or kill those who were not. This is the same policy that was undertaken against Taliban in Swat and rebels in Baluchistan. What did Imran do wrong? This is the price you pay when establishment plays dirty and illegal games.
This water treaty nonsense like you described has been going on for decades, believe me nothing will happen. India does not have as much power or leverage over Pakistan like we are made out to believe. In fact they do not have any leverage over Pakistan. And of course people are falling for this boogey like usual
On the contrary India has been violating the treaty essentially breaking it for the past two decades was building hundreds of damn to restrict water coming into Pakistan and we haven't been able nor willing to do anything about it. It is Pakistan that has no leverage over India due to it's sold out sepoy generals.
What exactly is the proposed amendment and what exactly was Pakistan's "intransigence".

We need facts please.
As per IWT, any difference or dispute has to go to neutral expert first, before going to CoA (court of arbitration).
WB erred in 2016 by allowing both neutral expert and CoA together which is a clear violation of the IWT as IWT explicitly mentions CoA proceedings cannot start when Neutral Expert proceedings are going on.
Yesterday was the first hearing of CoA launched by Pakistan. India terms it as a legally untenable situation and has called for modification of treaty to rectify the anomaly.
If India unilaterally breaks the treaty, we can unilaterally send some missiles to indian illegal dams and installations. Since it will existential crisis for us we have every right.

That's being said I am sure our Generals will sleep over it..
Treaty is a gift to Pakistan, there are riparian rights when there isn't any treaty. Maybe we do not want any treaty on Indus water sharing with Pakistan anymore. The "existential crisis" is in your brain.
Talking to TTP was one point of view.

The people who were destroying the country then did not listen to him. So what is the point of argument here?

American drones were flying in Pakistan airspace. Talking to Taliban was a lesser sin than letting drones kill common Pakistanis. Then, none of the experienced Sharif and Zardari blinked an eye. It was Imran Khan only who took a procession to border of tribal areas. In collaboration with Code Pink, he was the only politician who raised voice against this open aggression. While cowards like Nawaz, Zardari and that as*hole Fazlu were quiet.

Once the Americans left, the only thing left was resettle those fighters who are willing to settle down or kill those who were not. This is the same policy that was undertaken against Taliban in Swat and rebels in Baluchistan. What did Imran do wrong? This is the price you pay when establishment plays dirty and illegal games.
Main establishments didn't play the dirty game. There is difference between Afghan Taliban and TTP. Afghan Taliban was former Afghan Mujahideen is created to prepare Afghanistan to resist USSR invasion. The resistance project was successful hence Afghans are not speaking Russians today.

After 9/11, that changed. Pakistan was pushed into the corner. USA was playing double-game and so did Pakistan but not officially. There are many things that don't make sense but happened behind the scenes to ensure the display for the worlds while secret mission was undertook otherwise.

ISI's supported Afghan Talibans continued to resist and fight American soldiers for many years until they found successful whereas in the process of covert war; TTP was newly created purposely to undermine the stability of Pakistan. And even killed kids, women and beyond amounting up to 100k and beyond. Anyone can tell TTP was foreign-funded to destroy Pakistan.

Then why did Imran Khan stuck out for TTP for all those years including requested to have political offices for TTP knowingly very well that TTP was killing kids left and right?
A treaty is called a treaty because it is signed by all the involved parties.

How can a treaty be changed unilaterally?

Few years back Pakistan and India had gone for arbitration over an Indian dam. It was over disagreement over certain aspects of the existing treaty. Changing a treaty is much bigger thing and can’t be done as is being thought by few FMs.

Please reserve nuclear options and Ghaz-wa-e-Hind for bigger causes.
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