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India Patronize Hindu terrorism


Dec 14, 2008
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'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India

By Zubair Ahmed
BBC News, Nasik, western India

It's argued that Hinduism and terrorism are incompatible
A new and highly controversial phrase has entered the sometimes cliche-riddled Indian press: "Hindu terrorism".

As with the term "Islamic terrorism" and "Christian fundamentalism", this latest addition to the media lexicon is highly emotive.

It was in the aftermath of the 29 September bomb blast in the predominantly Muslim town of Malegaon in the western state of Maharashtra that the term "Hindu terrorism" or "saffron terrorism" came to be used widely.

That was because the state police's Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested 10 Hindus following the blasts and has said that it wants to arrest several more.


One of those detained was a female priest, Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, aged 38, who has been accused by the ATS of being involved in the Malegaon blast. Her detention shocked members of the faith.

So too did the arrest of a serving Indian army officer, Lt-Col Prasad Srikant Purohit, who the ATS says is the prime accused in the case.

Police said the Malegaon attacks were the work of 'terrorists'

Police are investigating whether some of those arrested are members of a little-known Hindu outfit called Abhinav Bharat (Young India).

At least three of those held have some links with a prestigious college in the city of Nasik, the Bhonsala Military Academy.

ATS investigators have questioned two of the academy's former office bearers several times.

One of them was Col Raikar, who retired from the Indian army some months ago.

Both he and Col Purohit served in the same unit of the army and became friends.

The ATS claims the meeting in which the plan for the bomb blast was hatched was held in the Bhonsala school.

Another retired army officer, Maj Prabhakar Kulkarni, is also under arrest. He too was an office bearer at the school.

In addition, the ATS says that at least one of the 10 suspects received military training here.

Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, Col Purohit, Maj Kulkarni and Col Raikar have denied any connection with terrorism, as has the Bhonsala Military Academy and its parent organisation, the Central Hindu Military Education Society (CHMES).

Founded in 1937, the sprawling Bhonsala campus is run by the CHMES, an organisation established in the 1930s by Dr BS Moonje, a former president of the militant Hindu Mahasabha (Hindu Assembly) organisation.

His vision was to militarise India to fight the British Raj.

Military-style training

As the name suggests, this is not an ordinary college.

Its aim, as its website claims, is to "encourage students to take up careers in the armed forces of the country".

Many Hindus are bemused at claims their faith is linked to terrorism

Military training involves teaching students how to fire guns.

The students are prepared for the National Defence Academy, the central government's premier military college.

The branch of the academy in the city of Nasik has many impressive buildings.

One of them is used to impart military-style training to students, aged 10-16 years.

Its secretary, Divakar Kulkarni, laments the fact that his school is getting a bad press these days.

He says that besides military training, students are taught Hindu philosophy and scriptures.

Mr Kulkarni accepts it's primarily a school for Hindus, but he adds that there are two or three Muslim and Christian children in every class of 45 students.

'Tea and biscuits'

"Even Muslim students study the Bhagwat Gita and the Ramayana [Hindu scriptures]," he says proudly.

So how does he respond to the ATS allegation that the bomb plot was hatched at a meeting in the academy?

Mr Kulkarni concedes his school has recently had 'bad press'

"Col Raikar let out a hall to Abhinav Bharat for a meeting for two hours, but we don't know what transpired in the meeting," Mr Kulkarni said.

The ATS believes Col Raikar was also present in the meeting. But according to Mr Kulkarni he went there just for a few minutes "to ask if they wanted tea and biscuits".

The ATS says that it has also found the aims and objectives of Abhinav Bharat downloaded on the computers of the two men.

Mr Kulkarni insisted that there was a perfectly innocent explanation for this: "They downloaded the outfit's aims and objectives without knowing much about its work," he said.

Meanwhile, most Hindu organisations believe India's Congress party-led government is playing politics by defaming Hindus.

They argue that the very term "Hindu terrorist" is not only a creation of the media but also a contradiction in terms - because the faith explicitly renounces violence.

"The government, with an eye on the general election next year, is trying to woo Muslims by maligning Hindus," says Datta Gaikward, chief of the right-wing Hindu Shiv Sena party in Nasik.

Hindu political parties are also staunchly defending Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, the arrested female priest.

They have hired lawyers to represent her and at every legal hearing in Nasik supporters of right-wing parties gather outside the court and shout anti-government slogans.

All eyes will be now be on the court proceedings - whenever they start in earnest - to find out whether "Hindu terrorism" really has taken root or not.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India
India wonders how deep "Hindu terrorism" goes
Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:06pm IST

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Reports that Hindu militants may be involved in bomb attacks first blamed on Islamists may open a Pandora's Box for India's beleaguered security services and become a key voter issue before general elections next year.

At least 10 people, including a serving army officer and a Hindu monk and nun, have been arrested over alleged involvement in blasts in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon in Maharashtra that killed four people.

The same Indian army officer is being investigated over a bomb attack in February 2007 that killed 68 people on the Samjhauta Express, a train between Delhi and Lahore, police said. The attack killed mostly Pakistani passengers.

The reports have proved an embarrassment for the main opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as it prepares to take on the Congress-led government in both state elections this year and general elections in early 2009.

The BJP has been quick to criticise the Congress-led government for being soft on terrorism when it involves Muslims or Pakistan, but critics say it has been less willing to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups in the face of the latest allegations.

"In the wake of daily arrests of... (Hindu)... terror outfits, the BJP stood exposed," senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily told the Mail Today. "They cannot take a high moral ground."

While Islamists are suspects in many other attacks this year, the spectre of Hindu terrorist groups haunts many in India, which emerged from a traumatic partition in 1947 when hundreds of thousands were killed in religious clashes.


"Given India's diversity, a very delicate balance has been maintained," said security analyst C. Uday Bhaskar.

"If it is punctured, we will have very serious internal disturbances, aggravating the internal security of the country."

While many analysts believe this case could be isolated or limited to a small group, some believe it could signal something deeper and more sinister: a growing militant network that believes Muslims and a secular government are threatening what is basically a Hindu nation.

It is not just Muslims that are the target. In Orissa state, Hindu groups angry at reports of conversions were blamed for attacks on Christians in August and September. At least 38 people were killed.

"The Hindu terrorist ... has been formed to retaliate and they are functioning in the atmosphere of hatred politics which runs deep into the social system," said Amulya Ganguli, a political analyst.

But while an embarrassment, analysts are divided on whether any revelations about Hindu militants will hurt the BJP.

Some see it as an obsession of the chattering classes while millions worry more about inflation, an economic slowdown and a general perception that the government has struggled to bring anyone to justice for bombings, regardless of their religion.

Experts also say quick conclusions cannot be drawn by the arrests. There are reports of inconsistencies in the cases and nothing has been proved.

"This is not an open and shut case, going by the record of investigating agencies," Major General Ashok Mehta, a security analyst, said.

As elections approach, the noise is unlikely to die down.

"Terrorism is definitely on the agenda of political parties and with elections round the corner everyone will talk about it," said Bhaskar.

India wonders how deep Hindu terrorism goes | Top News | Reuters
Why we must lose sleep over Hindu terror
November 19, 2008

Symbols are very crucial in nation-building. As a national symbol of a secular country, the adoption of Emperor Ashoka as a role model and adopting some of the symbols established by him, is inexplicable to say the least.

Readers may recall that Ashoka converted to Buddhism after the Kalinga war. Contrary to the popular belief, this conversion was not merely a private affair but had far-reaching implications.

In the process, he established the first (and unarguably till date, the last) theocratic government in India by which a religion was officially linked, practiced and propagated by a government throughout the country. Further, Ashoka carried out this unparalleled propaganda not only in India but exported Buddhism beyond the country's border.

Yet, Ashoka is a national symbol of modern, secular India! This is an extraordinary piece of history in a country that prided in separating religion from governance throughout its history.

This Indian approach to separating religion in governance at a mundane level is in direct contrast to world history where governments often faced a predicament in separating temporal and spiritual powers.

Samuel Huntington, one of world's foremost political thinkers, captures this paradigm rather eloquently and brings out this conflict between the temporal power and the spiritual authorities when he states in his celebrated book The Clash of Civilizations: 'God and Caesar, church and state, spiritual authority and temporal authority, have been a prevailing dualism in Western culture.'

He further adds: 'Only in Hindu civilisation were religion and politics also so distinctly separated. In Islam, god is Caesar, in China and Japan [Images], Caesar is god; in orthodoxy, god is Caesar's junior partner. The separation and recurring clashes between church and state that typify western civilisation have existed in no other civilisation.'

It is this separation programme in western civilisation between the church and the government, between the spiritual and the temporal power, that came to be popularly (at least in India) known as secularism.

Traditionally, India had a simple approach to this vexed issue -- temporal power achieved this separation by respecting all religions by adopting the broader philosophy of Raj Dharma. In return, religious leaders never interfered in the matter of mundane governance as was the case of the church in the west.

It is indeed surprising that despite the civilisational advantage of having settled this issue of separation of temporal and spiritual power long back, it is the lack of understanding of world experiences as well as the history of our nation that continues to haunt modern India.

But what is missed in the melee of adopting this brand of secularism is that secularism as practiced in the West is by and large an intra-religious affair. To amplify further, how could a model that handled one and only one religion and that too the predominant religion in its relationship with the State become a model for setting the relationship of government in a multi-religious, plural and complex country like India?

Put pithily, Indians could have several other problems in their understanding of polity -- but not one of separating the spiritual and temporal powers. Naturally, when we adopt secularism modelled on the west to deal with religious issues, we run the risk of shooting ourselves in our temple.

The secular agenda -- cause of communal terror

It is this diffused understanding of secularism that remains at the root of the present conundrum. Further, our political leaders, used as they are to divide and rule, play the role of a monkey in the fable of monkey, two cats and a loaf of bread to perfection.

Illustratively, one of the fundamental rationalisation for Islamic terror in India is that it is caused by economic deprivation. How on earth can one imagine the Muslim community to be economically backward when it is they who were our rulers predominantly in the 18th century, held the levers of power substantially till the 19th century and in some pockets along with the British even till 1947?

All that, when Islamic terror is well and truly a global phenomenon and exists even in rich countries!

While this standard diagnosis about Muslims is deeply flawed, the prescription -- direct state intervention -- is hilarious. Further, it may be noted that the prime minister has declared that the scarce resources of the Government of India will be first made available to the Muslim community. Can one ever believe that all these are being stated, prescribed and devised by the head of government not in Saudi Arabia but in a secular country?

The backwardness of the entire community cannot be cured by allocating even the entire resources of the successive central governments for the next few decades unless we improve the delivery system of our governments, make it far more responsive and of course concentrate on fundamental issues, viz, education, health and infrastructure.

Readers can well appreciate the fact that no secular or communal government ever cares for its people, minority or majority, in India. Yet, the standard prescription is State intervention to deliver to the Muslim community.

Welcome to the Indian brand of secularism where style matters over substance, posturing over performance. Obviously, this tokenism is done with a calculated aim of pitting the majority community against the others, mostly the Muslims, for narrow political gains.

The grievances of our Muslim community, which is not an economic problem in the first place, can be solved only by dialogues than by such State intervention, especially through grants and subsidies. Yet this is the standard prescription of our secular polity.

Similarly, what else would explain the inaction of successive secular government in allowing an organisation like the Students Islamic Movement of India to flourish over three decades? In one of my previous columns I had related the success of SIMI [Images] in India to the secular politicians who not only tacitly support their existence and abet their existence.

This duplicitous approach to the serious issue of national security can be gauged when a demand for the ban on SIMI has invariably co-existed with a call seeking to ban the Bajrang Dal.

Further, one fails to understand how banning the Bajrang Dal can be linked to banning SIMI. Ban the Bajrang Dal by all means if it has violated the law of the land, but let us not link it to banning SIMI or make it a precondition to ban SIMI.

It is this duplicitous approach to governance, whether in allocating resources or tackling terror -- in effect the failure of our secular politicians -- that propels people to take to such extreme positions. The rise of communal terror, first Islamic terror and now Hindu terror, owes its success to the secular cabal rather than anyone else.

Hindu terror -- do we realise what is means?

Nevertheless, what makes the rise of Hindu terror extremely worrying is the fact that nowhere in the world in recorded history has the majority revolted against its own government and failed. Whenever that has happened, it has invariably brought about changes beyond comprehension. Do we realise at least now its implications?

Nevertheless, the rise of Hindu terror suits our secular polity more than anyone else. The rise of Hindu terror completely rationalises their existence and legitimises their presence in India. In the process, if the unity of the country is threatened, who cares? Crucially, no one is bothered.

All of us know for sure that the polity is beyond redemption. So are virtually large sections of our bureaucracy. Similarly, large sections of our judiciary are either corrupt or incompetent to deal with the situation. The less said about the media, the better.

The Indian Army [Images], one of our finest and non-partisan organisations, now seems to be plagued by this malaise. Increasingly, if our army (and by extension our police too has become increasingly polarised on communal lines) falls into the trap laid by our secular politicians, one is surely worried about the future of our country.

In the process our politicians have failed to understand that India is secular, not because of the Constitution of India which proclaims India to be a secular state, but because the vast majority of people from all faiths believe in the right of others to follow any other religion. At every village, town or city, barring minor exceptions, it is this approach of ordinary people that makes India governable to whatever extent that she is.

One realises it is the ordinary Hindu who invariably believes that it is his responsibility to coexist with the minority community. By and large the minority community too realises this fact. Nothing else can explain maintenance of law and order across the country consisting of over six lakh villages with a mere hundred thousand police stations.

But the crucial question is, whether our politicians realise the continuous damage they have inflicted on the unity and integrity of the nation by their recklessness. Do they realise the consequences of the rise of Hindu terror and what caused it in the first place?

Of course there are obvious answers. Naturally, whether the prime minister is worried or not, every right-thinking Indian must be worried about the rise of Hindu terror. A communal, irresponsible and reckless polity cannot hope to have a tolerant, liberal and peaceful citizenry. Will the nation introspect at least now?

Why we must lose sleep over Hindu terror
India: Hindu supremacist terror network had ties to military
By Kranti Kumara and Keith Jones
27 November 2008

The police investigation into the synchronised September 29 bombing attacks in Malegaon, a city in the west Indian state of Maharashtra, and Madosa, in the neighbouring state of Gujarat, has rattled India’s political establishment.

The police have thus far arrested 11 people, while indicating that others, potentially many others, may yet be implicated in what they have termed an “extensive” Hindu-extremist terror network.

The arrested include a lieutenant colonel attached to the Indian Army’s Military Intelligence Corps and a retired army major. Two of the suspects, a Hindu sadhu (holy man) and a sadhvi (holy woman), have long-standing and extensive contacts with prominent politicians and businessmen. All of the alleged principals in the bombing plot have ties to one or more of India’s major “Hindu-nationalist” organisations: the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the official opposition in India’s parliament, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP, World Hindu Council), and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh or RSS.

The police have said that they are investigating whether those arrested, or their as-yet-unidentified associates, are responsible for other terrorist atrocities, including the 2007 Samjhuata train bombing, which killed 68 people, most of them Pakistanis, travelling to Pakistan from India.

The Malegaon bombing killed 5 Muslims and injured more than 80 others, while the Madosa bombing resulted in one death.

Although the September 29 bombings clearly targeted Muslims—they were set off near mosques—the police and press immediately blamed them on Islamicist terrorists, and a number of Muslims were subsequently caught up in a police dragnet.

But less than two weeks later, the Maharashtra state Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) said it had uncovered evidence that the bombing attacks were carried out by Hindu extremists and made the first in a series of arrests. Initially, the ATS named the sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, who was long active in the BJP’s student movement, as the mastermind of the plot.

Later, the ATS arrested Lieutenant Colonel Srikant Purohit. He is now said to have led the terrorist cell that carried out the Malegaon bombing. He is alleged to have given military training to the other suspects and, even more importantly, to have provided them with the military-grade explosive RDX.

Purohit and retired army Major Samir Kulkarniand, who also helped train the alleged bombers, are reputed to be the co-founders of Abhinav Bharat (AB, Young India Society)—a fanatical Hindu-supremacist organisation established in 2006 ostensibly to defend Hindus and fight against their “oppression.”

RDX was used in the Malegaon bombings and several other recent terrorist atrocities in India. Since RDX is very difficult to obtain, its use has been cited by Indian authorities, until now, as proof that those perpetrating the bombings must be from Islamicist organisations with ties to Pakistani or Bangladeshi military-intelligence agencies.

Purohit’s arrest has shaken India’s military high command. It has rushed to dismiss him as a single rogue officer. But there have been repeated media reports suggesting several other current army officers have been implicated in the terrorist plot.

Monday’s Indian Express reported that Purohit has implicated a serving Indian Army colonel, and a television broadcast, later that same day, claimed five army officers are being investigated for their links with the Abhinav Bharat.

The November 12 arrest of a self-styled Hindu sadhu named Dayanand Pandey has also caused considerable disquiet in the Indian establishment.

In pleading yesterday for a Mumbai court to authorise the continued detention and interrogation of Pandey, a government lawyer said that police have recovered evidence from Pandey’s laptop showing he had several meetings with Sadhvi Thakur and Lt. Col. Purohit shortly before the September 29 bombings. Special Prosecutor Rohini Salian claimed that in a video clip on Pandey’s computer, he, “Sadhvi, Purohit and other persons, whose name cannot be disclosed, are seen talking about RDX, chemicals, hand grenades and training."

The head of a shrine in Kashmir, Pandey was, according to news reports, frequently visited by high-profile politicians and businessmen.

The exposure of a Hindu-supremacist terrorist network has thrown the BJP and its allies in the Sangh Parivar, a “family” of organisations historically led by the RSS, into crisis.

Initially, the BJP tried to distance itself from the sadhvi Thakur, but very quickly this gave way to a campaign aimed at discrediting and derailing the police investigation.

The BJP has long hailed the ATS, denouncing as traitors anyone who questioned, let alone criticised, its actions, including its frequent use of mass arrests. India’s official opposition has also repeatedly attacked India’s Congress Party-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government for rescinding the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), which among other things placed the burden of proof in terrorist cases on the accused.

But in recent weeks, the BJP has suddenly found much wrong with the ATS. The BJP has suggested that, under pressure from the government, it is targeting Hindu holy people and other Hindus, demanded that it immediately provide proof against the accused or let them go, and trumpeted claims by Purohit and his associates that the police have tortured them.

Bal Thackeray, the supremo of the Shiv Sena, a longtime ally of the BJP, has forthrightly accused the ATS of framing the Malegaon bombing accused. But he also said that if they did orchestrate the bombings, they should be defended because such murderous attacks on Muslims are justified.

Campaigning yesterday in Delhi, where state elections are soon to be held, the BJP chief minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, accused the Congress of maligning the military by imputing that it is involved in terrorist activities. "What Pakistan was not able to do in the last 20 years,” declared Modi, “the Manmohan Singh government has achieved in just 20 days. They have succeeded in branding our soldiers as terrorists."

The exposure of a Hindu-supremacist terror network is extremely damaging for the BJP not just because some of the accused have long-standing ties to the BJP and/or its sister Hindu-supremacist organisations.

The BJP has long made clear that it intends to place at the centre of its campaign in the next national election, which must be held in the first half of 2009, the spurious charge that the Congress is “soft” on terrorism. For years, the BJP has claimed that the UPA government will not “crack down” on terrorism because of “vote bank politics”—that is, its alleged fear of alienating Muslim voters.

Nor can it be ruled out that prominent cadres of one or more of the major Hindu supremacist organisations could themselves be implicated in the Hindu terrorist network. The VHP, RSS, and BJP all have a long and bloody record of inciting violence against India’s religious minorities.

The Indian Express claimed earlier this week that Lt. Col. Purohit told India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that VHP General Secretary Pravin Togadia was instrumental in founding the Abhinav Bharat.

The government has responded to the Hindu right’s vehement campaign in defence of the accused in the Maleagon bombing with a series of conciliatory gestures. After BJP prime ministerial candidate L.K. Advani charged that the sadhvi Thakur had been “physically and psychologically tortured” by police, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arranged for Advani to receive a briefing from National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan.

In a further attempt to get the BJP-RSS leader “on side,” police have reportedly revealed to them that Purohit’s group had plans to assassinate one or more senior RSS leaders.

This could well be true. The Hindu right is a toxic and highly unstable political movement. In recent years, the RSS and BJP, many of whose senior leaders, Advani included, are lifelong RSS activists, have been criticised, with increasing vehemence, by fellow Hindu supremacists, including the VHP leadership. The BJP, for example, has been chastised for not more aggressively pursuing key Hindutva causes, including the building of a Hindu temple at the site of the razed Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodhya and eliminating Kashmir’s special constitutional status, when it led a national coalition government from 1998 to 2004.

If the Malaegon bombers did plot to assassinate RSS leaders it would have been with a double purpose, with the aim of eliminating “traitors” to Hindutva and providing a pretext for inciting violence against Muslims, since such an attack would invariably have been blamed on “Muslim extremists.

India’s corporate media and political and military-security establishments have expressed shock at the phenomenon of Hindu-supremacist terrorism.

But this is only because they have been willfully blind.

Willfully blind because it has served their ends to present the problem of terrorism in India as exclusively “foreign-born” and blind because they do not want to acknowledge the extent to which the “world’s largest democracy” has given rise to an aggressive Hindu communalism, in which fascist elements flourish, and their own complicity in this process.

Evidence of the existence of Hindu-supremacist terrorists significantly predates the events of September 29.

In April 2006, two leaders of the VHP’s youth movement, the Bajrang Dal, were killed when a bomb they were building exploded in Nanded, a city in southeastern Maharashtra. Four others injured in that explosion later told authorities that the dead had been responsible for a series of bomb blasts in 2003 and 2004.

In 2007, a further explosion in Nanded killed two people including a Shiv Sena activist.

The Times of India, in a report published November 8, said that at the time of the first Nanded explosion, police were provided evidence of the extensive involvement of retired military and Intelligence Bureau personnel in training Hindu extremists, but these ties were not aggressively investigated.

Even more importantly, there is the long record of Hindutvite-led and inspired mass violence against religious minorities—violence that has repeatedly demonstrated the Hindu supremacists’ willingness and ability to perpetrate murder and terror. To mention only the two most notorious examples: the 1992 razing of the Babri Majid mosque, which led to the worst communal rioting since the 1947 partition of India, and the 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat, which killed some 2,000 and left a further 100,000 homeless.

India: Hindu supremacist terror network had ties to military
What kind of BS title is this? By this logic, does Bangladesh patronize "Islamic" terrorism?
What kind of BS title is this? By this logic, does Bangladesh patronize "Islamic" terrorism?

You label is propaganda purpose ONLY and far from what Bangladesh is and how Bangladeshis live.

On the contrary, india has record and pactice for hindu supramacy and domination. That goes from indian state level to personal level.
You label is propaganda purpose ONLY and far from what Bangladesh is and how Bangladeshis live.

On the contrary, india has record and pactice for hindu supramacy and domination. That goes from indian state level to personal level.

Idune the way Bangladeshis live is pointing out by boxer nicely and smartly in the following thread have a look at it


and about Hindu fanatics after the arrest of col.Purohit, can you point out any attacks done by Abhinav Bharat??
Indian Army-Hindu terrorists’ nexus: Sinister Facist plans

By Farzana Shah

Links of Indian military with Hindutva organizations are no secret now. Most of organizations are working in Indian society since ages like Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal etc have long history of having links with military establishment at different level. The root of this cooperation is decades-old appeal: "India is for Hindus only". This is nothing new but there is something new and that is the growing influence of this ideology among Indian military and elements that are now not in control of Indian military or Indian government but they are on their own agenda of Hindutva, a name given to same old appeal of race and religion regarding India.

Over the years Indian youth is becoming part of these militant outfits working under these organizations with same ideology of Hindu fascism but it never ends here as same youth got recruited into Indian military on regular basis. After being recruited these Hindu fundamentalist keep their links intact with entities like RSS, VHP, Bagrang Dal, Shiv Sena etc.

This dual linkage of young Indian officers with both military and Hindu fascist organisations has caused a cancer to the military establishment in India. It has brought elements into Indian military who have their own goals which do not conform well with military discipline. An army with irrepressible elements is as dangerous to any country as its real enemy’s army can be or even more. Officers like Gen (R) Premnath Hoon joined Indian army decades ago and served at different posts all the way to rank of General before he retired. What is revealing that he was one of the founding fathers of military wing of Shiv Sena. This also proves that either before joining or during his service in military he established links with Shiv Sena but what is more important is that he was not alone in this venture but there was active support from Indian military through his contacts he made during service like Colonel Jayant Chitale who was also incharge in military selection center at Pune for many years.


Initiating military training from scratch has its own prerequisites like infrastructure, trainers, weapons and most importantly a slogan to motivate new recruitment. This is where assets belonging to RSS/Bagrang Dal/VHP and Shiv Sena in Indian military and RAW enter into equation to bail out above mentioned Hindu terrorist organisations all of them vying for Hindu Rashstra (Hindu State). This process is in place there since many decades and now it is impossible to tell exactly at till what level these elements are controlling Indian military and RAW’s resources to complete Hindu Rashtra dream.

RAW also needs these militants to carry out its operation both inside and outside India. As it happens in intelligence business it is not always necessary to give minutest details to government officials until state is getting its objective served. It was matter of time when these terrorists take over RAW as well. Without active support of RAW it is not possible to carry out these massive training programs, coordination among different groups spread all over India and abroad, Only a military intelligence organization like RAW can make all this happen. RAW reports to Indian prime minister directly, what is more startling to know is how world’s biggest democracy is involved in destabilizing its neighbors. There are many operations launched by RAW against its neighbours specially Pakistan and Sri Lanka due to reason that both these SRAAC countries are located at critical geopolitical location on map.

All these operations were carried out with consent of different Indian PMs during their occupancy in Dehli. In all these operations RAW always used terrorists trained by Hidutva organizations and in return RAW and intelligence agencies turned a blind eye to whatever these organizations were doing to the minorities in India be it Muslims, Christians or Sikhs, no one is immune to this dormant infection of Hindutva in Indian society. Successive Indian governments until recently ignored this ever growing influence of Hindutva ideology in military and RAW as there is always an excuse in minds of Indian politicians i.e. Pakistan and ISI to put all the blame on for all the sufferings of Indian minorities.

Lt Col Jayant Chitale:

The close relations between Gen Hoon and Col Jayant Chitale are not a secret. The two have been involved in forming Hindu suicide squad to be used against minorities in India on pretext of fighting the terrorism.

Just on last Thursday Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Jayant Rao Chitale once again openly admitted training suicide Hindu bombers although he tried to reject that only Hindus are part of suicide squad bys saying that the suicide squad was secular.

Lt Col Chitale, the dictator of 'Maharashtra Military Foundation while speaking to the media said "Ours is a truly secular suicide squad. Every Indian is welcome to join my suicide squad." The training session for the suicide squad, which includes the use of lathis and swords, takes place near Vasat Village at Ambernath, an industrial town, which is over 50 kilometres away from Mumbai from where according to Lt Col Chitale a batch of 30 students has passed out in the last 15 days.

Earlier a the chief of a Hindu fanatic organisation Shiv Sena called for forming 'Hindu suicide squads' to tackle terrorism in India.

Further openly admitting training Hindu youth for suicide bombing the Indian Army officer Lt Col Jayant Chitale said "I have been requesting the government for the last three years to form this suicide squad," he said. "I have sent letters to the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, President Abdul Kalam and the army chief about the formation of these suicide squads, but there was no response. So, I started the training programme."

Asked what his recruits would do, he said, "The Pakistanis have disturbed the internal peace in India and my suicide squads will do the same thing in Pakistan."

It was earlier mentioned that Lt Col Chitale has been supported by Lt Col (retired) Lt Gen P N Hoon and a few other ex-servicemen belonging to the Shiv Sena.

In this context when media asked Lt Gen Hoon for his comments he only denied that Shiv Sena was backing the suicide bombing training but he shamelessly "We have started this program on our own because the country needs such youth to tackle terrorism. Today, the country is being destroyed by the Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan. And we have to do something about it. So, we feel that these suicide squads are the answer for the Pakistanis."

RSS Training

Now it must be no surprise that both Gen (R) Premnath Hoon and Colonel Jayant Chitale also served RAW at different positions. Police on several occasion got information about the involvement of these elements in terrorist activities but every time some unseen hidden hands stopped the investigation in middle before it could be completed. One such example is ATS (Anti Terror Squad)‘s investigations from Col Jayant in 2002. The investigations were forced to stop when ATS was about to prove links between Indian military and Hindu Zionists and this intervention came from nowhere else but from RAW.

Role of Hindutva in 26/11 & its goals

Recent attacks in Mumbai was another manifestation of these Hindu elements who perpetrated Babri Mosque, Godhra Train fire, Gujrat Massacre, killing of Christians, Malegoan bombing, Samjhuta Express and countless other operations against minorities.

Till start of November 08 every Indian newspaper was publishing reports of arrest of Col. Prouhit and his confession about Malegoan bombing and supplying deadly RDX for Samjhuta Express inferno in 2007. What was the most shocking news in first 15 minutes of Mumbai attacks was murder of 3 top ATS officers including ATS chief Hemant Karkare at the hands of “gunmen” on 26th Nov. 2008. It is now becoming more and more evident that he was actually murdered by cold blooded assassins of Hidutva trained in RAW’s training camps.This linkage of RAW and terrorists was exactly what Hament Karkare was investigating from Col Shinkar Purohit, a serving officer in Indian army currently deputed in RAW who was arrested by ATS in connection with the Malegoan bomb blasts and Samjhuta express.

It was only after 8th Nov. 2008 when news started surfacing about Col. Purohit’s confession in Malegoan blasts and Samjhuta express incident. He also revealed that he was not only serving army officer who is linked to Gen Premnath Hoon’s terror network.Ramesh Upadhyaya a retired Major in Army was also among accused in Malegoan blasts. But ATS soon disclosed that there may be two other serving colonels facing charges of involvement in these blasts in Malegoan in Sep. 07. Now it was clear that ATS will soon uncover the whole cartel of Hindu terrorists in midst of Indian military establishment and RAW. So the hardliner Hindus from fundamentalist organizations started giving life threats to chief of Anti-Terrorist Court, Hament Karkare but he carried on his work till the D-Day arrived i.e 26/11/08. Investigations were little slow as ATS was not receiving required corporation from police in neighbouring states but still at that time a lot was already known to media and masses both about where actual problem lies.

After calculating the expected damage to their cartel, the fundamentalist Hindu groups decided to eliminate Karkare. But it was to be done in a way that no body should have doubts about Indian military’s involvement in this. Again trained terrorists of Atma Ghatak Phatak (AGP) [suicidal squad once desired by Bal Thackeray] were picked for job to eliminate Karkare in a way that the blame can put be on Pakistan and ISI.

India tried its best to stage a perfect terrorist plot being planned and controlled from Pakistan by ISI. But it seems now that India fell into hole it dig for Pakistan as more and more reports are coming on media about these attacks and inefficiency of Indian Police, Army, RAW to protect Indian citizens. More confessions are on the way to unleash the sinister nexus between RAW, Indian army and terrorists. All this happened due to very strong rebuttal from Pakistani media in reaction to what Indian was propagating to the world during crisis when no investigations were even started. So considerable portion of Indian intelligentsia started to look for problem within instead of believing what government news agencies were selling to the world and Indian masses.

Latest investigation from Col Purohit revealed that more colonels and a major were also part of Malegeon. At start Indian army was very mortified when Col. Purohit’s confession came to media about Malegeon and Samjhuta Express. Col Raikar & Col Hasmukh Patel was also part of masterminding Malegeon blasts.

Recently it is learned that above mentioned officers although not charged but are going under investigation as their names were also mentioned by the Col Purohit. Other serving officer who is being accused and investigated in official charge sheet is Colonel Bapaditya Dhar of Parachute regiment at Panchmarhi.

After looking at these names it is safe to assume that on further investigation from this new accused Col. Dhar more links of Indian Army with fundamentalist Hindu organizations uncovering fascist elements among top ranks of Indian Army. After these facts emerged Indian establishment was forced to pretend as they were never aware of these terrorists in their midst. One such statement was made by Defence minister A K Antony saying that his ministry and the Army were "fully cooperating" with the investigating agencies. "It's a matter of serious concern to all of us.... We are determined to go to the root of the entire issue," he said. "We are awaiting their (ATS and IB) report.... We will take all necessary steps after that. We are also taking internal steps (to prevent any occurrence of such incidents)," he added.

It is ironic why he is not ready to throw light on what former Indian Prime Minister VP Singh said in front of Jain Commission in Nov. 1996 about the forming LTTE terrorist network 1983. Mr. Singh said," First batch of training of Sri Lankan Tamil militants was done by India in 1983 under the orders of then Prime Minister (Late) Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The camp was located at Chakrata, Tamil Nadu."

So it is clear now that Indian governments and intelligence agencies were not only aware of these links of Indian military with terrorist organizations but they used these links in order to pursue national policy of state terrorism and the practice is still going on. (There are highly active offices and training camps of RAW working along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan and creating low intensity conflicts with Pakistani state and military in order to soften it up for a major military battle on Eastern front.)

Like recently out of embarrassment Indian Army Chief General Kapoor said, "Steps are being taken to prevent involvement of its officers in terror attacks". From this statement it seems that he wanted to say "Steps are being taken to prevent any clue to be ended in ATS hands in terror attacks."
It is ironic that why he did not announce a broader inquiry to find out remains of this nexus between Indian military and Hindutva terrorists. But after looking at above facts and history of these relations it is not a very wise thing to think about any such inquiry in Indian military ever.

Immediate goals of 26/11 are clearer than ever before…

1. Eliminate Hament Karkare along with his team to put breaks on ongoing investigations which were illuminating all links between Indian military, RAW and Hindutva organizations.

2. Divert attention towards ISI so that next time no one in India could ask about those investigations done by Karkare and his team before they got assassinated.

3. Advocate Hindutva message that Muslims are root cause of panic in India so these must be either converted to Hinduism or must be eliminated from Indian soil.

4. Create a media wave to divert attention from incidents like Malegeon and Samjhuta Express blast and hence diverting attention from investigations of these incidents as well.

It is also to be noted that Lt Col Jayant Chitale and serving Indian Col Purohit are also neighbors where as Gen Hoon and many other ex-Indian army officers are active contributors of suicide bombing training to Hindu youth and also admit it openly. This is a dangerous scenario for India in common and the world in general where the elements from Indian army are taking part in training suicide bombers after becoming part of Hindu fundamentalist organizations.

If these elements are let loose in future which is a sure possibility keeping in view track record of RAW then there is strong possibility of falling of Indian nukes into the hands of Hindu fundamentalists who are more dangerous to the world than Pakistani religious groups.

India had been having civilian governments throughout its history while armed forces have been sidelined in many issues including nukes which are under the civilian government more than the Indian army.

But unfortunately Indian politics and successive governments over the years have been manipulated by Hindu fundamentalist orgnisations like RSS, Bajrang Dal and BJP. These organisations over the decades since creation of India have gradually penetrated the Indian army. Now with top ranking officials of Indian army having links with Hindu hardliner politicians who are fanatics and running suicide training camps, it is feared that Indian nuclear assets might be slipped into the hands of these Hindu fundamentalists who have been ruthlessly killing Christians, Muslims and Dalits in India.

God forbid if these Hindu fundamentalist took over Indian nuclear weapons then the region will face the biggest threat.

- Asian Tribune -

Indian Army-Hindu terrorists? nexus: Sinister Facist plans | Asian Tribune
Indian Army-Hindu terrorists’ nexus: Sinister Facist plans

By Farzana Shah

Links of Indian military with Hindutva organizations are no secret now. Most of organizations are working in Indian society since ages like Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal etc have long history of having links with military establishment at different level. The root of this cooperation is decades-old appeal: "India is for Hindus only". This is nothing new but there is something new and that is the growing influence of this ideology among Indian military and elements that are now not in control of Indian military or Indian government but they are on their own agenda of Hindutva, a name given to same old appeal of race and religion regarding India.

Over the years Indian youth is becoming part of these militant outfits working under these organizations with same ideology of Hindu fascism but it never ends here as same youth got recruited into Indian military on regular basis. After being recruited these Hindu fundamentalist keep their links intact with entities like RSS, VHP, Bagrang Dal, Shiv Sena etc.

This dual linkage of young Indian officers with both military and Hindu fascist organisations has caused a cancer to the military establishment in India. It has brought elements into Indian military who have their own goals which do not conform well with military discipline. An army with irrepressible elements is as dangerous to any country as its real enemy’s army can be or even more. Officers like Gen (R) Premnath Hoon joined Indian army decades ago and served at different posts all the way to rank of General before he retired. What is revealing that he was one of the founding fathers of military wing of Shiv Sena. This also proves that either before joining or during his service in military he established links with Shiv Sena but what is more important is that he was not alone in this venture but there was active support from Indian military through his contacts he made during service like Colonel Jayant Chitale who was also incharge in military selection center at Pune for many years.

Initiating military training from scratch has its own prerequisites like infrastructure, trainers, weapons and most importantly a slogan to motivate new recruitment. This is where assets belonging to RSS/Bagrang Dal/VHP and Shiv Sena in Indian military and RAW enter into equation to bail out above mentioned Hindu terrorist organisations all of them vying for Hindu Rashstra (Hindu State). This process is in place there since many decades and now it is impossible to tell exactly at till what level these elements are controlling Indian military and RAW’s resources to complete Hindu Rashtra dream.

RAW also needs these militants to carry out its operation both inside and outside India. As it happens in intelligence business it is not always necessary to give minutest details to government officials until state is getting its objective served. It was matter of time when these terrorists take over RAW as well. Without active support of RAW it is not possible to carry out these massive training programs, coordination among different groups spread all over India and abroad, Only a military intelligence organization like RAW can make all this happen. RAW reports to Indian prime minister directly, what is more startling to know is how world’s biggest democracy is involved in destabilizing its neighbors. There are many operations launched by RAW against its neighbours specially Pakistan and Sri Lanka due to reason that both these SRAAC countries are located at critical geopolitical location on map.

All these operations were carried out with consent of different Indian PMs during their occupancy in Dehli. In all these operations RAW always used terrorists trained by Hidutva organizations and in return RAW and intelligence agencies turned a blind eye to whatever these organizations were doing to the minorities in India be it Muslims, Christians or Sikhs, no one is immune to this dormant infection of Hindutva in Indian society. Successive Indian governments until recently ignored this ever growing influence of Hindutva ideology in military and RAW as there is always an excuse in minds of Indian politicians i.e. Pakistan and ISI to put all the blame on for all the sufferings of Indian minorities.

Lt Col Jayant Chitale:

The close relations between Gen Hoon and Col Jayant Chitale are not a secret. The two have been involved in forming Hindu suicide squad to be used against minorities in India on pretext of fighting the terrorism.

Just on last Thursday Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Jayant Rao Chitale once again openly admitted training suicide Hindu bombers although he tried to reject that only Hindus are part of suicide squad bys saying that the suicide squad was secular.

Lt Col Chitale, the dictator of 'Maharashtra Military Foundation while speaking to the media said "Ours is a truly secular suicide squad. Every Indian is welcome to join my suicide squad." The training session for the suicide squad, which includes the use of lathis and swords, takes place near Vasat Village at Ambernath, an industrial town, which is over 50 kilometres away from Mumbai from where according to Lt Col Chitale a batch of 30 students has passed out in the last 15 days.

Earlier a the chief of a Hindu fanatic organisation Shiv Sena called for forming 'Hindu suicide squads' to tackle terrorism in India.

Further openly admitting training Hindu youth for suicide bombing the Indian Army officer Lt Col Jayant Chitale said "I have been requesting the government for the last three years to form this suicide squad," he said. "I have sent letters to the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, President Abdul Kalam and the army chief about the formation of these suicide squads, but there was no response. So, I started the training programme."

Asked what his recruits would do, he said, "The Pakistanis have disturbed the internal peace in India and my suicide squads will do the same thing in Pakistan."

It was earlier mentioned that Lt Col Chitale has been supported by Lt Col (retired) Lt Gen P N Hoon and a few other ex-servicemen belonging to the Shiv Sena.

In this context when media asked Lt Gen Hoon for his comments he only denied that Shiv Sena was backing the suicide bombing training but he shamelessly "We have started this program on our own because the country needs such youth to tackle terrorism. Today, the country is being destroyed by the Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan. And we have to do something about it. So, we feel that these suicide squads are the answer for the Pakistanis."

RSS Training

Now it must be no surprise that both Gen (R) Premnath Hoon and Colonel Jayant Chitale also served RAW at different positions. Police on several occasion got information about the involvement of these elements in terrorist activities but every time some unseen hidden hands stopped the investigation in middle before it could be completed. One such example is ATS (Anti Terror Squad)‘s investigations from Col Jayant in 2002. The investigations were forced to stop when ATS was about to prove links between Indian military and Hindu Zionists and this intervention came from nowhere else but from RAW.

Role of Hindutva in 26/11 & its goals

Recent attacks in Mumbai was another manifestation of these Hindu elements who perpetrated Babri Mosque, Godhra Train fire, Gujrat Massacre, killing of Christians, Malegoan bombing, Samjhuta Express and countless other operations against minorities.

Till start of November 08 every Indian newspaper was publishing reports of arrest of Col. Prouhit and his confession about Malegoan bombing and supplying deadly RDX for Samjhuta Express inferno in 2007. What was the most shocking news in first 15 minutes of Mumbai attacks was murder of 3 top ATS officers including ATS chief Hemant Karkare at the hands of “gunmen” on 26th Nov. 2008. It is now becoming more and more evident that he was actually murdered by cold blooded assassins of Hidutva trained in RAW’s training camps.This linkage of RAW and terrorists was exactly what Hament Karkare was investigating from Col Shinkar Purohit, a serving officer in Indian army currently deputed in RAW who was arrested by ATS in connection with the Malegoan bomb blasts and Samjhuta express.

It was only after 8th Nov. 2008 when news started surfacing about Col. Purohit’s confession in Malegoan blasts and Samjhuta express incident. He also revealed that he was not only serving army officer who is linked to Gen Premnath Hoon’s terror network.Ramesh Upadhyaya a retired Major in Army was also among accused in Malegoan blasts. But ATS soon disclosed that there may be two other serving colonels facing charges of involvement in these blasts in Malegoan in Sep. 07. Now it was clear that ATS will soon uncover the whole cartel of Hindu terrorists in midst of Indian military establishment and RAW. So the hardliner Hindus from fundamentalist organizations started giving life threats to chief of Anti-Terrorist Court, Hament Karkare but he carried on his work till the D-Day arrived i.e 26/11/08. Investigations were little slow as ATS was not receiving required corporation from police in neighbouring states but still at that time a lot was already known to media and masses both about where actual problem lies.

After calculating the expected damage to their cartel, the fundamentalist Hindu groups decided to eliminate Karkare. But it was to be done in a way that no body should have doubts about Indian military’s involvement in this. Again trained terrorists of Atma Ghatak Phatak (AGP) [suicidal squad once desired by Bal Thackeray] were picked for job to eliminate Karkare in a way that the blame can put be on Pakistan and ISI.

India tried its best to stage a perfect terrorist plot being planned and controlled from Pakistan by ISI. But it seems now that India fell into hole it dig for Pakistan as more and more reports are coming on media about these attacks and inefficiency of Indian Police, Army, RAW to protect Indian citizens. More confessions are on the way to unleash the sinister nexus between RAW, Indian army and terrorists. All this happened due to very strong rebuttal from Pakistani media in reaction to what Indian was propagating to the world during crisis when no investigations were even started. So considerable portion of Indian intelligentsia started to look for problem within instead of believing what government news agencies were selling to the world and Indian masses.

Latest investigation from Col Purohit revealed that more colonels and a major were also part of Malegeon. At start Indian army was very mortified when Col. Purohit’s confession came to media about Malegeon and Samjhuta Express. Col Raikar & Col Hasmukh Patel was also part of masterminding Malegeon blasts.

Recently it is learned that above mentioned officers although not charged but are going under investigation as their names were also mentioned by the Col Purohit. Other serving officer who is being accused and investigated in official charge sheet is Colonel Bapaditya Dhar of Parachute regiment at Panchmarhi.

After looking at these names it is safe to assume that on further investigation from this new accused Col. Dhar more links of Indian Army with fundamentalist Hindu organizations uncovering fascist elements among top ranks of Indian Army. After these facts emerged Indian establishment was forced to pretend as they were never aware of these terrorists in their midst. One such statement was made by Defence minister A K Antony saying that his ministry and the Army were "fully cooperating" with the investigating agencies. "It's a matter of serious concern to all of us.... We are determined to go to the root of the entire issue," he said. "We are awaiting their (ATS and IB) report.... We will take all necessary steps after that. We are also taking internal steps (to prevent any occurrence of such incidents)," he added.

It is ironic why he is not ready to throw light on what former Indian Prime Minister VP Singh said in front of Jain Commission in Nov. 1996 about the forming LTTE terrorist network 1983. Mr. Singh said," First batch of training of Sri Lankan Tamil militants was done by India in 1983 under the orders of then Prime Minister (Late) Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The camp was located at Chakrata, Tamil Nadu."

So it is clear now that Indian governments and intelligence agencies were not only aware of these links of Indian military with terrorist organizations but they used these links in order to pursue national policy of state terrorism and the practice is still going on. (There are highly active offices and training camps of RAW working along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan and creating low intensity conflicts with Pakistani state and military in order to soften it up for a major military battle on Eastern front.)

Like recently out of embarrassment Indian Army Chief General Kapoor said, "Steps are being taken to prevent involvement of its officers in terror attacks". From this statement it seems that he wanted to say "Steps are being taken to prevent any clue to be ended in ATS hands in terror attacks."
It is ironic that why he did not announce a broader inquiry to find out remains of this nexus between Indian military and Hindutva terrorists. But after looking at above facts and history of these relations it is not a very wise thing to think about any such inquiry in Indian military ever.

Immediate goals of 26/11 are clearer than ever before…

1. Eliminate Hament Karkare along with his team to put breaks on ongoing investigations which were illuminating all links between Indian military, RAW and Hindutva organizations.

2. Divert attention towards ISI so that next time no one in India could ask about those investigations done by Karkare and his team before they got assassinated.

3. Advocate Hindutva message that Muslims are root cause of panic in India so these must be either converted to Hinduism or must be eliminated from Indian soil.

4. Create a media wave to divert attention from incidents like Malegeon and Samjhuta Express blast and hence diverting attention from investigations of these incidents as well.

It is also to be noted that Lt Col Jayant Chitale and serving Indian Col Purohit are also neighbors where as Gen Hoon and many other ex-Indian army officers are active contributors of suicide bombing training to Hindu youth and also admit it openly. This is a dangerous scenario for India in common and the world in general where the elements from Indian army are taking part in training suicide bombers after becoming part of Hindu fundamentalist organizations.

If these elements are let loose in future which is a sure possibility keeping in view track record of RAW then there is strong possibility of falling of Indian nukes into the hands of Hindu fundamentalists who are more dangerous to the world than Pakistani religious groups.

India had been having civilian governments throughout its history while armed forces have been sidelined in many issues including nukes which are under the civilian government more than the Indian army.

But unfortunately Indian politics and successive governments over the years have been manipulated by Hindu fundamentalist orgnisations like RSS, Bajrang Dal and BJP. These organisations over the decades since creation of India have gradually penetrated the Indian army. Now with top ranking officials of Indian army having links with Hindu hardliner politicians who are fanatics and running suicide training camps, it is feared that Indian nuclear assets might be slipped into the hands of these Hindu fundamentalists who have been ruthlessly killing Christians, Muslims and Dalits in India.

God forbid if these Hindu fundamentalist took over Indian nuclear weapons then the region will face the biggest threat.

- Asian Tribune -

Indian Army-Hindu terrorists? nexus: Sinister Facist plans | Asian Tribune

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
India shocked by discovery of first Hindu terror cell

At least 10 people, including monk and army officer, held over bombings initially blamed on Islamists

By Andrew Buncombe in Delhi
Sunday, 23 November 2008

India is in something of a state of shock after learning from official sources that its first Hindu terror cell may have carried out a series of deadly bombings that were initially blamed on militant Muslims. The revelation is forcing the country to consider some difficult questions.

At least 10 people have been arrested in connection with several bomb blasts in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon in the western state of Maharashtra in September, which left six people dead. But reports suggest that police believe the cell may also have carried out a number of previous attacks, including last year's notorious bombing of a cross-border train en route to Pakistan, which killed 68 people. Among the alleged members of the cell are a serving army officer and a Hindu monk.

Bomb attacks are not uncommon in India – there has been a flurry in recent months – but police usually blame them on Muslim extremists, often said to have links to militant groups based in either Pakistan or Bangladesh. As a result, the recent cracking of the alleged Hindu cell has forced India to face some difficult issues. A country that prides itself on purported religious and cultural toleration – an ambition that in reality often falls short – has been made to ask itself how this cell could operate for so long. India's military, which prides itself on its professionalism, has been forced to order an embarrassing inquiry.

The near-daily drip of revelations from police has also caused red faces for India's main political opposition, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), ahead of state polls and a general election scheduled for early next year. The BJP and its prime ministerial candidate, Lal Krishna Advani, have long accused the Congress Party-led government of being soft on terrorism that involved Muslims. However, the BJP has refused to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups, and last week Mr Advani even criticised the police over the way they questioned one of the alleged cell members, a woman called Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur.

The Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, phoned his rival to ask him not to politicise the issue or the investigation. "There is a strong case so let the police do their job," he told Mr Advani. While some commentators have expressed surprise about the discovery of the alleged cell, others have pointed out that there has been growing concern about the possible threat from Hindu extremists. In the summer, two members of a right-wing Hindu group were killed while putting together a bomb, and two other suspected members of the same group died in similar circumstances in 2006.

Meanwhile, senior right-wing leaders have made no secret of their wish that Hindus should form suicide squads to protect themselves against Muslim extremists. Bal Thackeray, leader of a group called the Shiv Sena, which has been responsible for communal and regional violence in Mumbai, wrote recently in the party's magazine: "The threat of Islamic terror in India is rising. It is time to counter the same with Hindu terror. Hindu suicide squads should be readied to ensure the existence of Hindu society and to protect the nation."

Observers say the fact that the police have arrested the alleged cell members amid considerable political pressure suggests the growing professionalism of its security forces. "It's the first Hindu cell and it's the first time Hindus have been shackled and taken to jail," said Professor Dipankar Gupta, a sociologist at Delhi's Jawarlahal Nehru University. "I'm quite pleased with the way the police have done their jobs."

India shocked by discovery of first Hindu terror cell - Asia, World - The Independent
Minority College Student tortured in Bangladesh

September 7, 2009

Bhadrapad Krushna Trutiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5111

Rupganj (Bangladesh): BNP Activists tortured physically Sujan Mondal – a minority student of Murapara Degree College as the victim attended death Anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibar Rahman on 14th August,2009 at Rupganj Upazila of Narayanganj District in Bangladesh.

It is learnt from the family members of the victim that while Sujan Mondal on Sunday last night attended the function of death anniversary at village Tan Mushuri within Rupganj Upazila some hoodlums numbering 4/5 belong to Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) with the leadership of Salam son of Rafique Meah enquired about why Sujan Mondal attended the function.

On the spur of moment the hoodlums started beating Sujan indiscriminately with hocky stick and bottle of Pepsi Cola and injured him seriously. They also tried to push broken bottle of Pepsi cola into his bally. Later he was taken to local Sahabashpur Hospital for admission with multiple injuries at Sahabazpur Hospital.
Four Hindu girls abducted/ converted to Islam/ raped and murdered in Bangladesh

Below specifics of some recent cases of rape, rape & murder, abduction, & conversion to Islam that happened in Bangladesh ;


Anguri Biswas
02. 07. 09

Radharani Halder
27. 06. 09

Koli Goswami
13. 06. 09

Mohana Mondal
02. 08. 09

unlike those two unfortunate women in kashmir they got very little coverage in media and the living rape victims have become a laughing stock to the majority muslim people. They are far from any sort of justice. On the contrary, the victims and their family members are under constant threat. Such henious crime against women in bangladesh went unreported in world media or even in the indian media. Whereas the death of two kashmiri muslim women caused ripples in the world to get the headline in ny times.
full details of all the above vitims are in this edition:


Anguri Abduction Case In Bangladesh

Brief history of the case:- Ms.Anguri Biswas, a Hindu girl was married with Montu Lal Biswas on 9th July, 2004 and out of wedlock a baby son -Simul Biwas was born on 17th June, 2005. They were leading their conjugal life happily since their marriage. But on 2nd July, 2009 at about 3 p.m., when Montu was out of his home for work, three Muslim goons, Md Shekandar Sikdar, Md. Sanu Sikdar and Md. Banir Sikdar, abducted Anguri Biswas and forced her to marry Sikandar before converting Anguri to Islam.

Anguri’s hapless husband, Montu Lal Biswas, approached local police station at Razoir for rescuing his wife on 2nd July. But Razoir police refused to register the case and advised him to go to court for necessary orders. Accordingly, Montu went to Special Court at Madaripur with a prayer for recovery of his wife and the court directed Officer-in-Charge of Razoir police station to record the case on 12.07.2009. Despite receipt of order of the court, the local police kept the matter pending. It is also alleged that the I.O. of the case Mr.Mokarram Hossain demanded bribe of Taka 20,000/ from Montu Lal and he took Taka 5,000/- as first installment of the bribe for rescuing the victim. The officer in charge of the police station was of opinion that Anguri Biswas was not abducted. She had love with the Muslim abductor, Shekandar, embraced Islam and married Shekandar Sikdar. She is still under the custody of the abductors.

It is most unfortunate that despite the order of the court passed the local police kept the matter pending only to force her husband to give bribe to police. The Hindu minorities in Bangladesh should be protected and the perpetrators responsible for this act should be brought to justice.


Newly married minority woman raped and killed by Muslim thugs

Brief history of the case: Radha Rani Halder, a newly married Hindu woman of the Shariatpur District under Dhaka Division in central Bangladesh, was raped and killed by a group of Muslim miscreants on June 27, 2009.

Ms. Halder worked for the local NGO, the Shariatpur Development Society (SDS).
Mr. Dipankar Bairagee, husband of the slain woman, said that, at about 11 a.m. on June 27, Ms. Halder went for loan collection, as part of her work with the NGO, to the house of local village leader, Halim Matubbar, in South Goaldia village.

But when she did not return until afternoon, her co-workers started searching for her, said Mr. Quamrul Hasan(Badal), the Sector Chief of SDS. “Finally after frantic search we discovered the unclothed dead-body of Ms. Halder with her throat half-slit near Hajeer Pukur of Palong Upazila in Shariatpur”, said Sector Chief Hasan.

Radha Rani got married about 2 months ago. She took up the job to relieve the family of its hardships, but got killed in this brutal way. “We have filed a case with the police, but they failed to arrest any of the perpetrators”, said her husband Dipankar. “Local Muslim Mohammed Kalam, Borhan and Motaleb killed my wife after raping her; and they also snatched an amount of Tk 43,996.00, as well as a golden chain and earring from my wife”, said Mr. Bairagee. Shariatpur police chief said, “The case is under investigation and we have arrested one of the suspect”. Annie Halder, a Catholic human rights activist, expressed anxiety over growing attacks on the minorities in Bangladesh. “We demand proper investigation of this case and due justice to the perpetrators”, said she.


Hindu College Girl Kidnapped & Converted to Islam

Brief history of the case: Koli Goswami, a 20-year-old college student, in Nandail, Mymensingh in Bangladesh, was kidnapped from her house at Ghosai Chandura on 13th June midnight. A local Muslim miscreant, Touhidul Islam Bhuiya, along with four other associates, raided Koli’s house and abducted her by brute force. The armed miscreants came in motorbikes and fired indiscriminately to terrorize Koli’s family members. The Muslim neighbors did not come to help resist the armed abductors. Rather they helped the kidnappers as they believe that conversion and marriage of a Hindu girl with a Muslim will open the gate of heaven to them.

Koli was later converted to Islam forcibly. The local police virtually dismissed the case saying, “It is a case of love affairs between the alleged kidnapper Touhidul and Koli Goswami. She embraced Islam voluntarily to marry Touhidul”. The police so far did not help rescue the young Hindu woman from abductors.


Her Mohana Was Abducted From Mother’s Lap & Killed

Ms. Mohana, 4 months 10 days, was abducted and killed from her mother’s lap. her and father,. On 2nd August 2009 at about 8pm mother Polly Mondal was sleeping with her baby at home, suddenly she woke up at 9pm and found that the baby girl was not at bed. The family started looking for the girl whole night. Next morning one minor boy found the dead body of Mohana in a nearby pond and started shouting. Local people recovered the body and informed police. An FIR has been lodged by father Goutam Mondal and he mentioned few names. Sign of injury on the right side of the head of dead body was noticed. As per the FIR the informant apprehends that due to previous enmity those five persons mentioned in FIR could have abducted and through the baby in the pond.

(Case No. Keraniganj P.S. case No. 03 dated 3rd Aug 2009under section 302/201/34 of Penal code. Case description : Kidnapping and murder of children. Identity of the Victim: Name : Ms. Mohana Mondal (Hindu), girl. Date and Place of event: 2nd August 2009. Location: village: Bangnna, Keraniganj police station, District-Dhaka. Mouza No.426 (Gopar) Kalindi U.P. No. 7. Alleged perpetrators: 1) Deen Islam Dinu (45) son of Hossain Hoshna of Bangnna. 2) Seraj (40) son of Kalu of Suvhadda, P.S. South Keraniganj. 3) Nurul Hoque (40) son of not known of Suvhadda, Dhaka 4) Shaheen (30) son of not known of Hizaltali, Dhaka 5) Ali Akbar (45) son of not known of Bangnna, Dhaka. Daily Destiny, 4th August 2009 & GHRD).
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