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India not invited to Pakistan Cultural Day program in the ongoing (SCO) exercise in Russia

They cant be serious. I mean what were they expecting? Pakistan has already downgraded its diplomatic ties with India, stopped all trade and economic relations with them, trains were suspended, twice their request for air space usage was denied by Pakistan and yet they were expecting to be invited on our cultural day? They must be high on some real stuff.
**** ' em.
I'll tell you what they wanted.
They wanted us to invite them, them to snub our invitation, tell the deluded masses of India that they had given us a slap and humiliated us.
Pakistan took the initiative and never invited them in the first place.
They have got far too used to taking us for granted but that was before this government upped our game.
Well done GoP.
It is good that Pakistan has such a dynamic decision making pm on the same page as the army. In just 45 days of Indian capture of Kashmir he has already taking such steps as not inviting India to the cultural event and stopping a couple of overflights.

In just 70 years of losing 30% of Kashmir to a nation 6 times smaller than itself, India has already taken such steps as banning Pakistani actors, and hiring africans to protest outside its embassy
In just 70 years of losing 30% of Kashmir to a nation 6 times smaller than itself, India has already taken such steps as banning Pakistani actors, and hiring africans to protest outside its embassy

india ACTUALLY lost 35% of Kashmir to Pakistan who is MORE than 7× smaller than india...........:azn:........china has another 20% and india occupies at MOST 45% of Kashmir........:azn::

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Government of India isnt protesting but your media is otherwise why is this a news in India? Obviously someone from somewhere was expecting that and since it did not happen the news was broke to media. In fact we Pakistanis did not even knew about it if not for your media.
Its just a tweet from ANI. Was there a big panel discussion with people screaming about this too ? I wouldn't know, don't watch TV.
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