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India Must Resume the Testing of Nuclear Warheads Immediately

Oct 31, 2008
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The Hindu Business Line has the story "Now, RBI okay with rupee payment for Iran oil: ... Earlier too, suggestions were made to make rupee payments, but the RBI had reservations as there were technical issues such as invoicing." I was aghast to read the Reserve Bank of India had objections to India paying for Iranian oil in rupees! On the flimsy grounds of "technical issues such as invoicing"! What could be more advantageous to India since India has an unlimited supply of rupees by simply printing it and the rupees the Iranians will receive can ultimately only be used to buy goods and services from India which, through the "multiplier effect" I have described (see "How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog below), will increase India's GDP by several times the amount paid to Iran? The United States exploits the world by paying for goods and services it receives from the world by dollars it can print at virtually no cost and here is an Indian government official refusing this advantage to India and giving it to the United States instead! And to keep India in need of dollars and in servitude to the United States (see below)! This government is transferring, by all possible means, whatever money India has to the United States by buying billions upon billions of dollars of worthless defence equipment, etc. instead of investing in research, development & production in India (see below), thus bringing India into ever deeper slavery and control of the United States! This RBI governor was a participant in the printing of fake Indian currency in China which was used to bribe DMK ministers in the G2 scam, etc. Manmohan Singh, another CIA agent, has similarly refused in the past to use anything but dollars.

I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2012 and earlier editions). More on the points below is in my blog 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title.

1) Regarding outsourcing: In my press release dated April 10, 2011 titled 'National Security Doctrine' I wrote: "An ugly white woman columnist at the New York Times wrote that she looks forward to having her columns written by "external cognitive servants" in Bangalore. The Manmohan Singh cabinet a few days ago approved a plan for bringing foreign investment and technology to create one hundred million manufacturing jobs in India, bringing essentially the entire population of India into servitude to the United States. A nation is not strong whose people are servants of an external power. The National Security Doctrine (see my blog) permits Indians to be neither cognitive servants nor manufacturing servants of the United States. 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog above provides the means for true prosperity and full employment for Indians."

2) Regarding foreign investment: On December 2, 2011 I wrote: There are two hundred thousand Indian engineers and scientists working in Research & Development for foreign companies in India but instead of putting its money in Research & Development ( in my letter dated January 5, 2004 to the press -- see my blog -- I had suggested one million Research & Development workers in India in government-sponsored projects), India's CIA-RAW government buys foreign equipment in all fields to keep India poor, weak and enslaved. India's government lends hundreds of billions of dollars to the U. S. government in exchange for worthless U. S. paper but seeks foreign investment and World Bank loans for projects in India, giving ownership and control of India to India's enemies, despite the unlimited capital available to India by simply printing the money; see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog above; as is described there, the United States has been applying my proposal about money by stealth and now also openly but Manmohan Singh refuses to do so because this bugger -- a CIA appointee -- does what serves the United States', not India's, interests."

3) The United States is India's number one enemy. This is what the Americans have been doing for the past 35 years to the world's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian:-

"India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian publicly tortured in Harvard seminar, systematically and totally starved for up to 3 weeks at a time, made semi-starved and homeless and even blind for years, kept under 24-hour audio and video surveillance as well as surveillance of [and interference with] communications and electrical typewriter and computer use, document creation and photocopying, etc., by satellite for more than past 3 decades, systematically harassed and in poverty and neutralised and robbed of his work at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year, robbed of crores in his money and property in India by C.I.A.-RAW, forced back into exile in the U.S., all with full cooperation and participation of India's RAW and India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled prime ministers, politicians and media -- to keep India poor, weak and enslaved" and how this means the nuclear destruction of New Delhi and then the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.' and ThisIsWhatTheJewsHaveBeenDoingDOTblogspotDOTcom .

4) The Americans have invaded and occupied Afghanistan -- a part of traditional India -- and will expand their occupation to the rest of the subcontinent. Their invasion of Afghanistan alone requires the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States as do their crimes against India and the greatest living Indian keeping India poor, weak and enslaved.

5) All terrorism and separatism in the Indian subcontinent is sponsored by the CIA via intelligence agencies in the region including India's RAW; see 'What You Should Know About RAW' in my blog.

6) The Indian Army and Air Force are worthless for destroying India's number one enemy -- the United States. Everyone in New Delhi is a collaborator with the enemy. But India's nuclear forces obey Satish Chandra; he does not need India's conventional forces or the rest of the government and citizenry to defend India which will be done by nuclear means, by the simultaneous nuclear destruction of New Delhi, Washington and New York with a warning that additional U.S. cities will be destroyed, with nuclear warheads already emplaced in them by special forces, if there is any retaliation. Five years later the coast-to-coast destruction of the United States will be carried out.

7) Indians engaging in any kind of commerce, including travel, employment or trade of any kind with this enemy country the United States must be subject to severe punishment. All technical, industrial or business collaboration with United States entities must be barred. U.S. citizens and entities must be barred from buying or holding assets in India including shares of Indian companies. Countries engaging in any kind of commerce with the United States must be subject to severe sanctions. Americans must be barred from travel to India for any reason.

8) In the modern world nuclear weapons are the only weapons that matter. India has done a negligible amount of testing of nuclear warheads. India must resume the testing of nuclear warheads immediately, both of warheads already in the stockpile and of new designs including thermonuclear warheads. These warheads must have non-digital triggers that cannot be interfered with by microwave signals from satellites, as I have discussed in press releases included in GaddafiCrimeDOTblogspotDOTcom , IndianAirForcePilotsMurderDOTblogspotDOTcom , and JoinIndiaWarOfIndependenceDOTblogspotDOTcom .

9) Stealth or no-stealth, 5th generation or 4th generation, fighter aircraft are as obsolete for India's defence as bows and arrows. They can be used against neighbors such as Pakistan and China but the United States is EVERYBODY'S neighbor. It has already invaded and occupied Afghanistan, a part of traditional India and will expand its occupation to the rest of the subcontinent. I am India's expert in strategic defence, the father of India's strategic program including the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and the world's greatest scientist (my biography is in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2012 and earlier editions). The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan means the coast-to-coast destruction of the U.S. by India; see my blog titled 'Nuclear Supremacy for India Over U.S.', which can be found by a Yahoo search with the title, for what India needs to do. Russia and other white countries are U.S. allies. These are the enemies to destroy. All other enemies will be taken care of automatically. Conventional arms are worthless for destroying the United States. Nuclear arms to destroy the United States with a FIRST STRIKE -- this is the key -- are cheap and easy to produce with technology India already has. All the money earmarked for fighter aircraft etc., and more, must be pumped into research, development and production of missiles able to deliver India's nuclear warheads -- in the thousands -- to the continental United States. India's missile scientists & engineers should have tested such missiles to their full range decades ago -- everything else, including short and intermediate range missiles and missile defence, is secondary and tertiary -- but have not done that because of prohibitions by India's C.I.A.-controlled governments. This must be done on a war footing; the first step is to destroy RAW through which the C.I.A. rules India; see my blog. Producing such weapons in the thousands and very quickly is important. This means that the vast majority of them must be land-based, including road and rail-mobile, missiles rather than submarine-based which take a long time to produce.

Satish Chandra
P.S. It will be a fatal mistake to get diverted by the torrent of abuse that RAW posts on what I say for that purpose.
Give it a rest, aite? Your country will starve without Americans backing you. You don't want to be our enemy. And there will be no resuming of any nuclear test without approval from the United States. Like it or not, India is now serving under the American flag.
Give it a rest, aite? Your country will starve without Americans backing you. You don't want to be our enemy. And there will be no resuming of any nuclear test without approval from the United States. Like it or not, India is now serving under the American flag.

Before advising others, be brave and use your own flag first! :)
Bl[i]tZ;2548088 said:
Before advising others, be brave and use your own flag first! :)

Sorry, did I say something you didn't like? I apologize but that is the reality of it.

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