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India is a friend. Pakistan is not. (US president Bush memo)


Oct 29, 2022
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United Arab Emirates
A Look at secret Bush (Bush's national security team) Memos for President Obama.

The first note reads:

India is a friend. Pakistan is not.


Reference: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/us/politics/bush-obama-memos.html

So, they (US) knew that and had this policy for decades. It amazes me, that our establishment went far & beyond to appease US. Bajwa, going full throttle against Russia on security conference in 2022 till today, We are seeing West appeasing policy that's only hurting us and nothing else.

No matter, how much Generals appease them, there's no way collective West will favor Pakistan over india. Indian influence over US is overwhelming, Indians dominate US tech & business sectors, indian decent politicians are coming in powerful positions, the security agreements with india makes it a de-factor Asian NATO Country. I am appalled at IQ of General Bajwa, who completely disrupted our relations with Russia & China because of his Pro-west attitude.

I used to doubt the authenticity of General Bajwa's meetings with journalists where he used to degrade the Chinese food, culture and like to shower all praises on Americans. But everything now looks clear.

- Britishers told us what we are supposed to do and we sold cheap ammo. At the same time, india saving billions of dollars on cheap oil & gas. Indian citizens are greatly benefiting from cheap russian oil. Not just that, india is re-exporting Russian oil after refining it to the West and the World and earning multi billion dollar revenue.

- Annoyance of Russia is evident, A security dialog on Afghanistan happened just days ago in Moscow, all NSA's from neighboring countries were invited including India except Pakistan. Leaving space open on regional security agenda is suicidal. Lack of strategic thinking from GHQ has given this space back to the indians.

- China is obviously annoyed on GHQ's shocking policy - China has state policy to not publicly talk about differences, otherwise they would have said quite clearly but actions already speaks:

- New COAS has visited KSA, UAE, Britian etc. but not China (or did he? atleast I missed if he did)

- China shuts down consular office in Pak citing security situation.

- China would be surprised seeing Pak helping Britain & EU supplying weapons to Ukraine (POF artillery ) against China's ally Russia.

- I am also noticing unusual delay in delivery of Chinese weaponary. If milestones like Keel laying, launching dates have to be our guide then 3rd Type 54-A/P was due on first week of January. The first of the 08 submarines were also due in 2022-2023, Similarly, what about next batches of J-10Cs.

- PN AMAN-23 exercise has invited all countries but Russia was not invited.

All we are seeing is GHQ's flawed foreign policy. First of all they should NEVER venture in this area. They are not equipped to make nation's foreign policy. Disastrous results are in front of everyone. Pro-West policy has taken us to the default and we have also lost the confidence & trust of our allies. Even Amateurs could see that West will not give us any extra favor, no matter what you do. Our future had to be aligned with China & Russia, the above article shows that even at times of great co-operation, the west was only using us. They knew all the way that India is their real friend and we can never be trusted.

We don't have to be anti-west as well, but atleast We must have anticipated that west cannot offer us anything else then whatever its offering already. But heck, GHQ even toppled the elected govt on little displeasure of US (over Khan's visit to Moscow - same day Russian offense started)

One country is not willing to sell engines (license for their engines to be re-exported) ( for Turkish helis), Other country is selling you complete fighter jet squadrons and yet you destroy the trust.
The damage done will take decades to repair. China/Russia will never trust us. They will consider that our establishment can do shocking decisions for the west. Who will trust, what if a new COAS at any point in time do yet another pro-US stunts like Bajwa. How China (arch rival of United States) can now feel secure investing further in Pakistan ? If I put myself in China's position, I'd never trust Pak.
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A Look at secret Bush (Bush's national security team) Memos for President Obama.

The first note reads:

India is a friend. Pakistan is not.

View attachment 916568

Reference: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/us/politics/bush-obama-memos.html

So, they (US) knew that and had this policy for decades. It amazes me, that our establishment went far & beyond to appease US. Bajwa, going full throttle against Russia on security conference in 2022 till today, We are seeing West appeasing policy that's only hurting us and nothing else.

No matter, how much Generals appease them, there's no way collective West will favor Pakistan over india. Indian influence over US is overwhelming, Indians dominate US tech & business sectors, indian decent politicians are coming in powerful positions, the security agreements with india makes it a de-factor Asian NATO Country. I am appalled at IQ of General Bajwa, who completely disrupted our relations with Russia & China because of his Pro-west attitude.

I used to doubt the authenticity of General Bajwa's meetings with journalists where he used to degrade the Chinese food, culture and like to shower all praises on Americans. But everything now looks clear.

- Britishers told us what we are supposed to do and we sold cheap ammo. At the same time, india saving billions of dollars on cheap oil & gas. Indian citizens are greatly benefiting from cheap russian oil. Not just that, india is re-exporting Russian oil after refining it to the West and the World and earning multi billion dollar revenue.

- Annoyance of Russia is evident, A security dialog on Afghanistan happened just days ago in Moscow, all NSA's from neighboring countries were invited including except Pakistan. Leaving space open on regional security agenda is suicidal. Lack of strategic thinking from GHQ has given this space back to the indians.

- China is obviously annoyed on GHQ's shocking policy - China has state policy to not publicly talk about differences, otherwise they would have said quite clearly but actions already speaks:

- New COAS has visited KSA, UAE, Britian etc. but not China (or did he? atleast I missed if he did)

- China shuts down consular office in Pak citing security situation.

- China would be surprised seeing Pak helping Britain & EU supplying weapons to Ukraine (POF artillery ) against China's ally Russia.

- I am also noticing unusual delay in delivery of Chinese weaponary. If milestones like Keel laying, launching dates have to be our guide then 3rd Type 54-A/P was due on first week of January. The first of the 08 submarines were also due in 2022-2023, Similarly, what about next batches of J-10Cs.

- PN AMAN-23 exercise has invited all countries but Russia was not invited.

All we are seeing is GHQ's flawed foreign policy. First of all they should NEVER venture in this area. They are not equipped to make nation's foreign policy. Disastrous results are in front of everyone. Pro-West policy has taken us to the default and we have also lost the confidence & trust of our allies. Even Amateurs could see that West will not give us any extra favor, no matter what you do. Our future had to be aligned with China & Russia, the above article shows that even at times of great co-operation, the west was only using us. They knew all the way that India is their real friend and we can never be trusted.

We don't have to be anti-west as well, but atleast We must have anticipated that west cannot offer us anything else then whatever its offering already. But heck, GHQ even toppled the elected govt on little displeasure of US (over Khan's visit to Moscow - same day Russian offense started)
nothing new
I thaught it was pretty clear?

That's why the sudden shift towards western world all of a sudden surprised me

Maybe they wanted balanced relationship? I can agree with that
but going above and beyond in Ukraine war seemed out of place cause that's not balance
GHQ is addicted to blindly slobbing on the angrez knob despite their hostile perception of us. No gheirat or sense of independence in their blood.

I can understand due to geopolitical necessity but the excessive servitude is pathetic, and initiating a unilateral regime change because the current PM is supposedly anti-Amrekan is even more pathetic.

IK a little stupid but not stupid enough to jeopardise political relations with the US entirely. We need a balanced relationship with both Amreka and China.
A Look at secret Bush (Bush's national security team) Memos for President Obama.

The first note reads:

India is a friend. Pakistan is not.

View attachment 916568

Reference: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/14/us/politics/bush-obama-memos.html

So, they (US) knew that and had this policy for decades. It amazes me, that our establishment went far & beyond to appease US. Bajwa, going full throttle against Russia on security conference in 2022 till today, We are seeing West appeasing policy that's only hurting us and nothing else.

No matter, how much Generals appease them, there's no way collective West will favor Pakistan over india. Indian influence over US is overwhelming, Indians dominate US tech & business sectors, indian decent politicians are coming in powerful positions, the security agreements with india makes it a de-factor Asian NATO Country. I am appalled at IQ of General Bajwa, who completely disrupted our relations with Russia & China because of his Pro-west attitude.

I used to doubt the authenticity of General Bajwa's meetings with journalists where he used to degrade the Chinese food, culture and like to shower all praises on Americans. But everything now looks clear.

- Britishers told us what we are supposed to do and we sold cheap ammo. At the same time, india saving billions of dollars on cheap oil & gas. Indian citizens are greatly benefiting from cheap russian oil. Not just that, india is re-exporting Russian oil after refining it to the West and the World and earning multi billion dollar revenue.

- Annoyance of Russia is evident, A security dialog on Afghanistan happened just days ago in Moscow, all NSA's from neighboring countries were invited including India except Pakistan. Leaving space open on regional security agenda is suicidal. Lack of strategic thinking from GHQ has given this space back to the indians.

- China is obviously annoyed on GHQ's shocking policy - China has state policy to not publicly talk about differences, otherwise they would have said quite clearly but actions already speaks:

- New COAS has visited KSA, UAE, Britian etc. but not China (or did he? atleast I missed if he did)

- China shuts down consular office in Pak citing security situation.

- China would be surprised seeing Pak helping Britain & EU supplying weapons to Ukraine (POF artillery ) against China's ally Russia.

- I am also noticing unusual delay in delivery of Chinese weaponary. If milestones like Keel laying, launching dates have to be our guide then 3rd Type 54-A/P was due on first week of January. The first of the 08 submarines were also due in 2022-2023, Similarly, what about next batches of J-10Cs.

- PN AMAN-23 exercise has invited all countries but Russia was not invited.

All we are seeing is GHQ's flawed foreign policy. First of all they should NEVER venture in this area. They are not equipped to make nation's foreign policy. Disastrous results are in front of everyone. Pro-West policy has taken us to the default and we have also lost the confidence & trust of our allies. Even Amateurs could see that West will not give us any extra favor, no matter what you do. Our future had to be aligned with China & Russia, the above article shows that even at times of great co-operation, the west was only using us. They knew all the way that India is their real friend and we can never be trusted.

We don't have to be anti-west as well, but atleast We must have anticipated that west cannot offer us anything else then whatever its offering already. But heck, GHQ even toppled the elected govt on little displeasure of US (over Khan's visit to Moscow - same day Russian offense started)
Despite GWB's letter, it is good to remember the cardinal principle of international relations: In international relations, there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests. During the first two decades of 21st Century, Pakistan's paramount policy objective was success of Taliban. Everything else was second fiddle. Naturally, Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden had the opposite view. The important thing is Pakistan was successful in its objective. So, Bush's (and other's) opinions are only of historical curiosity.
And you sir are a pathetic troll at best or worse a true reflection of the mass delusional of the lumber one's strategic thinking or lack thereof.

Pakistan was given Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) status by none other than George W Bush in 2004.

Our relations with the US and NATO are much deeper than they have with India.
Pakistan was given Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) status by none other than George W Bush in 2004.

Our relations with the US and NATO are much deeper than they have with India.
Don't worry, they will give the same status if any similar 9-11 incident happens in the future and will do the drone strikes in Pakistan
Pakistan was given Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) status by none other than George W Bush in 2004.

Our relations with the US and NATO are much deeper than they have with India.

US consider Pakistan as tissue paper - While its the REAL ally is India. What Pakistan can give US ?

Whatever equipment india puts its finger on, that will be india's. Let's not go in full list. Pakistan were not even allowed the engines for gunship helicopters while India got most lethal Apache Gunship helicopters. P-8s, UAVs and a huge list in future coming very soon. Only a fool will say that India is not ally of US.

We can be ally of China (our natural alliance) - We both have a common foe india. There can be only one regional hegemony. That's why China & India will not be friends in forseeable future.

At the same time, US sees india in a perfect position to counter China. That's why US, india has strategic, long term relationships. QUAD is just one of those but in essence India is much greator ally of US then many of the NATO members. Even NATO members like Turkey cannot reach the level of friendship and alliance as its between India and United States. US gave special favor to india despite the fact they got S-400. Same was not for Turkey.

Actually, there was no need to write all this. You already know it. You just pretend. You are not friend of Pakistan. I see all of your posts, all posts are anti-Pak. Why anti-Pak because you pretend to be Pakistani but wants to start war with Regional powers like Iran, Russia etc. Who in their right mind will want Pakistan to start a war and that too not with our main enemy but create new enemies. Its time you stop pretending. Your cover was blown long ago.
Agar kisi ko nahi clear to woh GHQ and Bajwa type log hain. Baki to sub ko pata ha.
What Pakistan can give US ?

Location Location Location

US needs Pakistan to reach Central Asia

India needs Pakistan to reach Iran

Russia needs Pakistan to reach Arabian Sea

China needs Pakistan to reach GCC & Africa.

Pakistan has all the ace cards.
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You should see this whole US/India dance in the context of China. US has no friends or enemies.

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