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India is a friend or foe of the Muslim world

But you're Hindu population far exceeds the Muslim one. India cannot be called a Muslim state in any way or form.
Now I know your secular and all that, but it's like this: suppose if a global war against Muslims started, and every country had to join one side or the other, will India join the Muslims or Anti-Muslims. Give your answer, and it's simple as that really.

India will not decide to join based on the religion flavor...rather India will ask...which foreign country will support Indian stand on Kashmir to both Muslim and Non Muslim nations...So whover supports Indias stand with out any condition...of course India will support him...
In the medieval era, the nations of Europe practiced a very fanatical form of Christianity.

Now they are mostly secular, and Dharmic philosophy is very much accepted. Words like "Karma" and "Yoga" have become part of the English language.

Muslim nations will also evolve towards secularism gradually.

India is a friend to all nations who have no aggressive intentions against India.
In the medieval era, the nations of Europe practiced a very fanatical form of Christianity.

Now they are mostly secular, and Dharmic philosophy is very much accepted. Words like "Karma" and "Yoga" have become part of the English language.

Muslim nations will also evolve towards secularism gradually.

India is a friend to all nations who have no aggressive intentions against India.

Lmao at you. The whites have accepted the words karma and yoga. LOLOLOL

Dude that has to be the most pathetic post I have ever seen on this forum, and I am one hundred percent serious.
Lmao at you. The whites have accepted the words karma and yoga. LOLOLOL

Dude that has to be the most pathetic post I have ever seen on this forum, and I am one hundred percent serious.

If you get time to stop rolling on the floor, you may realize that that was an illustration. You missed the previous sentence which was -

Now they are mostly secular, and Dharmic philosophy is very much accepted.

Dharmic philosophy is for the world, not just for whites. Even today you will find old Dharmic traditions as far afield as Japan, Mongolia, Indonesia and Russia, not to mention the more recent developments in America.

Those whose world view is based on religious fanaticism will end up like dinosaurs.

Getting back to the topic, India is a friend to all nations, including Muslim nations, who have no aggressive intentions against India.
Lol no, suppose a massive genocide starts on Muslims, has nothing to do with politics or sects (Shia Sunni etc), all the Muslims will be forced to stick together to get out of this one. Now the world is pressurising India to chose it's enemy, them or the Muslims.
Forget about territories aswell.

What will India do?

India will support the weaker one, i.e. the Muslims or at worst remain neutral. Though asked we never participated in any war against a muslim majority country. Even in Afg we are there to rebuild that country.
"good" relations on opportunistic base do not work in the long run.
All the countries you mentioned like to help India to get out of poverty and sickness and to be a healthy nation, but you do not wish good for Muslims in general, so the ball is in your camp.
The Muslims of the Subcontinent are very sympathetic and full of life everywhere they go, and you do not like them, something is wrong with your perception of reality than.
Hopefully the clear minded people in India will increase in numbers sooner rather than later.

The muslims of SA act more muslim than the actual old muslim civilisations, we have good relations with the old muslim civilization countries, but these new muslims act too uni polar.
The muslims of SA act more muslim than the actual old muslim civilisations

That is true ... some Pakistanis are proud of the invaders from Afghanistan and Central Asia who converted their ancestors.

But today, India has better relations with Afghanistan and Central Asia than Pakistan does.
dude allright there aare ppl from all muslim countries on this website go and ask them if they look at india is a danger to their future, then come back and put ur point. why r we even countinuing this thread when u have no hard facts to state that how india has been hostile to any muslim nation in history.

Indians my friend in most of their literature about Islam are very negative, they even accuse Muslims of the slaughter of between 60 and 80 million of Hindus and they use extreme hatred words towards Islam, the Muslims, the Arabs, the Mughals and everything Muslim.

Islamic conquest of India bloodiest in the history :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

Hindus too experienced this treatment at the hands of Islamic conquerors, e.g. when Mohammed bin Qasim conquered the lower Indus basin in 712 CE. Thus, in Multan, according to the Chach-Nama, "six thousand warriors were put to death, and all their relations and dependents were taken as slaves". This is why Rajput women committed mass suicide to save their honour in the face of the imminent entry of victorious Muslim armies, e.g. 8,000 women immolated themselves during Akbar's capture of Chittorgarh in 1568 (where this most enlightened ruler also killed 30,000 non-combatants). During the Partition pogroms and the East Bengali genocide, mass rape of Hindu women after the slaughter of their fathers and husbands was a frequent event.

At this point, however, we should not overlook a puzzling episode in Hindu legend which describes a similar behaviour by a Hindu conqueror: Parashurama, deified as the 6th incarnation of Vishnu, killed all the adult male Kshatriyas for several generations, until only women were left, and then had Brahmins father a new generation upon them. Just a story, or reference to a historic genocide?

So distorting the facts is very obvious, since 6000 became 60 million and 8000 suicides became 80 000 000.

Was There an Islamic "Genocide" of Hindus?
You statement doesn't hold, you are far from the Muslim world's Ideals.
So you think indian muslims are some sort of inferior variety :-) I find the other way. We have the largest collection of muslims who are great human beings.
They are the only muslims in the world u dont run away from. In one IT company i worked my friend met a pakistani friend. This pakistani guy was a crazy guy. He only wishes muslims. If you say hi he will walk like wall. Remember this is in howdy texas. Pakistani guy decided my friend was not good muslim, so he was bent upon making him proper muslim. One day evening pakistani guy and his van load of friends came knocking on his apt. Our man sat inside for 1 hour till they went away trying to keep his baby quiet. The effort he put to shut out jihadi elements is the key nature of indian muslim.
So you think indian muslims are some sort of inferior variety :-) I find the other way. We have the largest collection of muslims who are great human beings.
They are the only muslims in the world u dont run away from. In one IT company i worked my friend met a pakistani friend. This pakistani guy was a crazy guy. He only wishes muslims. If you say hi he will walk like wall. Remember this is in howdy texas. Pakistani guy decided my friend was not good muslim, so he was bent upon making him proper muslim. One day evening pakistani guy and his van load of friends came knocking on his apt. Our man sat inside for 1 hour till they went away trying to keep his baby quiet. The effort he put to shut out jihadi elements is the key nature of indian muslim.

I do not think that, the facts on the terrain in India not in Texas suggest it.
The majority of Muslims in India are considered low casts and economically even the low cast Indians as you call them fair a little better than Them.

Hindu-Muslim Violence Imperils India

Official reports frequently put Muslims at the bottom of India's social and economic ladder - even beneath than low-caste Hindus.
Already a number of reports have suggested that India's Muslims fare poorly when it comes to getting access to quality education or employment opportunities.


Can you see the vicious cycle they find themselves in !
I do not think that, the facts on the terrain in India not in Texas suggest otherwise.
The majority of Muslims in India are considered low casts and economically even the low cast Indians as you call them fair a little better than Them.

Hindu-Muslim Violence Imperils India
Hindu-Muslim Violence Imperils India - TIME

Majority of indians are low casts and poor. I am sure in pakistan also majority of muslims are poor. People are not poor because of religion they follow.
we held up for palestine and for iran more than our might compared to other muslim nations,then things changed because muslim world never recognized indian muslims. We should be in OIC if they did so.
Although it contains the third largest number of Muslims in the world, India has been blocked by Pakistan from joining the OIC
I do not think that, the facts on the terrain in India not in Texas suggest it.
The majority of Muslims in India are considered low casts and economically even the low cast Indians as you call them fair a little better than Them.

Hindu-Muslim Violence Imperils India
Hindu-Muslim Violence Imperils India - TIME

Official reports frequently put Muslims at the bottom of India's social and economic ladder - even beneath than low-caste Hindus.
Already a number of reports have suggested that India's Muslims fare poorly when it comes to getting access to quality education or employment opportunities.

BBC News - India state-run banks 'turn away Muslims'

Can you see the vicious cycle they find themselves in !

Dude you are seriously obsessed with religion aren't you mate.
Unfortunately for you not everbody looks through the prism of religion and specialy we Indians.
When you say India is friend or Foe to muslims what do you mean only muslim country we have bad relationship is Pakistan.
Or are you one of the nut case who preach the conspiracy theory about Infidels.
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