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India helped us in war against LTTE: Ranil


Sep 20, 2014
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Blames Rajapaksa for playing China card against India

Sri Lanka will handle its relations with India and China “separately” from each other, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe told a Tamil TV Channel.

In an interview ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit, Mr. Wickramasinghe blamed the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa for “playing the China card against India and India card against China,” adding that Mr. Modi’s visit was a “goodwill one to restore the ties between the two countries.”

But in remarks that will raise eyebrows in Delhi, Mr. Wickramasinghe told Thanthi TV that Indian politicians might have developed “amnesia” over the fact that India had assisted Mr. Rajapaksa in the LTTE war of 2009.

“Without the help of India, President Rajapaksa could not have wiped out the LTTE. He got that help and he agreed to give concessions even beyond the 13th amendment ... But he did not do so ...,” the Sri Lankan Prime Minister said. Asked specifically about the UPA’s denials of help to Sri Lanka, especially because of opposition from its alliance partner the DMK, he said, “Amnesia, you know is very common among politicians.”

In other potentially controversial comments, Mr. Wickramasinghe accused the TNA government in the Northern Province and Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran of being “irresponsible” in passing a resolution for an international genocide investigation to look into allegations dating back to the 1970s. The Prime Minister said that in that case, not only would the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE had to be charged with killings, but so would the Indian Peace Keeping Force that went in to assist in the late 1980s.

“Casualties took place under the Sri Lankan security forces, the IPKF and also by the LTTE ... But to say that it was only the Government of Sri Lanka [is wrong].”

Mr. Wickramasinghe also referred to the fishermen issue, which is likely to come up during Mr. Modi’s visit, even as External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is discussing the next round of negotiations over fishing rights,and the arrest of Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lanka in Colombo this weekend.

Accusing India of double standards over friction with the Sri Lankan government, while sticking to its position on Italian marines accused of killing Indian fishermen, he said, “Why do you all pick up the Italian sailors ...? You say you are friendly with Italy, show that same magnanimity to Italy that you want us to show.”

India helped us in war against LTTE: Ranil - The Hindu
My reply was in response to the ministers statement where he called Indian politicians amnesic. That is no way to talk to for any minister, specially when referring to foreign politicians.

Of course India helped SL in final battle against LTTE. But those UPA politicians had to forget that because of their vested interest in TN politics. Simple as that.

Ranil Wickremasinghe given his experience is surprisingly a less than articulate speaker.. Already the idiot have spoken quite undiplomatically of the Australian govt and other stakeholders.. Often have retract after shooting himself on the foot
This is Sri Lanka's prime minister. The man who is basically running Sri Lanka.

What an embarassment.

Rana Thakur... nail on the head. This fool just opens his mouth and garbage comes out. Screamed at China, degraded James Packer, denigrated the Australian government and now this. Not things a prime minister of a country is expected to do or say.
Foreign Ministry of SL is going to be quite busy downplaying, clarifying & justifying those statements in future if the trend continues.

Given the source is from India and in particular Tamil Nadu (Not the Hindu).. I would'nt discount misquotes either
The only good thing for Sri Lanka at the
Without watching the video i can guess the content based on your expertise in abusive science towards him and towards SL.

BTW, That is your PM for god's sake. Give him respect even if you do not like him. If you have problems with him and want him removed, Go protest outside his office get arrested get shot, get Fkcing die but do not abuse your national leader behind a keyboard and pretend to be true son of the land.

This is Sri Lanka's prime minister:


And Sri Lanka's president:


These two are taking Sri lanka down the drain, literally. With India's blessings of course.
I think you are doing more damage to SL's image than he is.

He is under the impression that SL was a free bird with the soils of the planet under him.

Sadly, SL was under Chinese dominance for a long time and Rajapakse seems to have made a lot of money from deals with them. The man was apparently brought down due to corruption charges.
He is under the impression that SL was a free bird with the soils of the planet under him.

Sadly, SL was under Chinese dominance for a long time and Rajapakse seems to have made a lot of money from deals with them. The man was apparently brought down due to corruption charges.

China a boon to Sri Lanka, India a curse.
Now repeat that a dozen times to your countrymen who selected your president. :coffee:

On Wednesday when Cabinet Spokesman Rajitha Senaratna met Colombo-based foreign correspondents and was asked about Reuters reports that claimed RAW had been instrumental in persuading Sirisena to defect and Ranil Wickremesinghe to stand aside as presidential candidate, he smilingly said “Reuters is not wrong usually.”

Shifting alignments in domestic and regional politics; the fallout | The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Dude, Get a Chinese passport and shift then

How does that change India being a curse.
You will be liberated from continuous ranting and then your abuses to SL PM will make sense. :D

It already makes sense. Sri Lanka's PM is an idiot and he is driving Sri Lanka to the ground.
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