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India Excludes Pakistan From 65-Nation Military Show Guest List


Apr 24, 2007
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India Excludes Pakistan From 65-Nation Military Show Guest List

By Bibhudatta Pradhan

March 14 (Bloomberg) -- India, South Asia's largest military power, will conduct army and air force combat exercises next week before a global audience that will exclude its neighbor Pakistan.

Representatives of as many as 65 countries including China, Sri Lanka, the U.K., the U.S., France and Germany will witness the exercise in the desert region of Rajasthan that borders Pakistan, said Vijay Narula, a defense ministry spokesman. ``There is no such cooperation with'' Pakistan, he said.

Pakistan, which fought three wars with India, has been kept out of the war games even as the nuclear-armed neighbors have been rebuilding ties since April 2003, a year after coming close to a fourth conflict. The maneuvers will be held on March 19 at Pokharan, the site of India's nuclear tests in 1974 and 1998.

``As part of military confidence-building measures, it will provide opportunities to observers from foreign countries to witness military assets and the capabilities of the Indian armed forces,'' A.K. Das, army spokesman, said in New Delhi yesterday.

In the exercise, dubbed Brazen Chariots, the army will test its missile-firing T-90 tank, an all-weather, air-defense missile system, unmanned aerial vehicles, electronic sensors and surveillance equipment, Das said.

The air force will lend support with fighter aircraft such as the Sukhoi 30, the MiG-27, the MiG-21 and attack helicopters, said P.K. Vohra, an Indian Air Force spokesman.

Increasing Spending

India is increasing defense spending as neighboring China, with which it has fought a war, develops its own fighter planes and Pakistan buys military aircraft from the U.S. India plans to buy planes, helicopters and guns to strengthen its armed forces against possible threats from neighbors.

India, with a $906-billion economy that has averaged 8.7 percent growth since 2003 and is home to 1.1 billion people, is seeking to establish its position as an emerging power in economic, military and global affairs.

``The exercise has been set to project the maneuver warfare doctrine, which has since been promulgated in the Indian armed forces and is seen as a breakaway from the traditional attritionist approach of the army,'' the defense ministry said in a release last week.
hahaha :lol:, this is grand! :lol: they start to proclaim themselves as a superpower, yet they still compare their military with ours! I salute the members of the armed forces of pakistan for a job-well-done:pakistan:
Cowards they are as always have been you see they are a back stabbing country they always mix there words around in every and all sentences. I would like to see peace in the region but for sure we keep them awake at night for sure lol lol GOD bless PAKISTAN!!
I thought i read an article in a thread Indian Defence Ministry saying Indians to be cooperating with Pakistan armed forces. But look what they are doing....I have and never will be in favor of any kind of diplomatic relations with Indians.

Its time Pakistan adopt neutral rather strict measures to contain there on going offensive strategies. No more relations with them.
I think thats Indian sovereign right to add or remove any nation to observe or participate in any high profile military exercise .
So what if we are excluded from the list. Why are we giving a damn about it. Remember we have fought four wars, one cant just expect to start military to military contacts in days. Besides lets not forget that india still considers pakistan a threat, a threat with which they fight have to fight a limited war. Remember the disputes are still there.
IMO there is nothing wrong on their side if they have not invited us. We do the same as well. So there is no big deal about it.
:lol::lol::lol::yahoo:they want over time job so they can do why we care abut there exersice gus you know future super power compaire with pakistan .so we future like USSR:pakistan::pakistan::yahoo:
So what if we are excluded from the list. Why are we giving a damn about it. Remember we have fought four wars, one cant just expect to start military to military contacts in days. Besides lets not forget that india still considers pakistan a threat, a threat with which they fight have to fight a limited war. Remember the disputes are still there.
IMO there is nothing wrong on their side if they have not invited us. We do the same as well. So there is no big deal about it.

icecold - i agree - it is their right who they invite or not - no need to get emotional about it at all.
hahaha :lol:, this is grand! :lol: they start to proclaim themselves as a superpower, yet they still compare their military with ours! I salute the members of the armed forces of pakistan for a job-well-done:pakistan:

Read the post again cupcake, theres nothing in there about india comparing itself with pakistan in any aspect, if indeed there is a comparison.

Thank you Ice Cold, that was well said. The peace process is barely 5 years old, having fought four wars its going to be a while before our relations normalize but I am confident that someday both countries will be able to put aside whatever differences they have. As of right now, as the article clearly implies, it is still too soon for either side to make such significant gestures.

P.S- does anyone understand what that imran khan guy is talking about?
hahaha :lol:, this is grand! :lol: they start to proclaim themselves as a superpower, yet they still compare their military with ours! I salute the members of the armed forces of pakistan for a job-well-done:pakistan:

So it means we can say that “we are the Super Power”;)
Cowards they are as always have been you see they are a back stabbing country they always mix there words around in every and all sentences. I would like to see peace in the region but for sure we keep them awake at night for sure lol lol GOD bless PAKISTAN!!

Who are cowards was clearly seen in all the 4 Indo pak wars. lol
See you are a pakistani but you have a US flag, identity crisis, and thats because you not proud of your country.

I stay in Switzerland, but still use my National flag.
So what if we are excluded from the list. Why are we giving a damn about it. Remember we have fought four wars, one cant just expect to start military to military contacts in days. Besides lets not forget that india still considers pakistan a threat, a threat with which they fight have to fight a limited war. Remember the disputes are still there.
IMO there is nothing wrong on their side if they have not invited us. We do the same as well. So there is no big deal about it.

Right, thanks for sharing the common sense with others.
It seems common sense is not common now a days.
:lol::lol::lol::yahoo:they want over time job so they can do why we care abut there exersice gus you know future super power compaire with pakistan .so we future like USSR:pakistan::pakistan::yahoo:

No offence meant.
I seriously suggest you join school or take some english course.

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