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India displaces Japan to become third-largest world economy

What is going on here :what: If GDP PPP doesn't matter then why is it f**king measured??
And to those Chinese who think they are superior and India is based on them then you are living in other world :mad:
Yes i true that you are way ahead from us because of good governance...
But at 10th position of GDP Nominal India is doing lot better than other countries which are ahead from us in GDP for now..
Don't hide behind copy right.... Read this

India not in the worst IPR classification of US
India has always maintained that its IPR regime is fully complaint with all the international laws, including WTO norms and it would drag the US in WTO's dispute settlement mechanism if America takes any adverse unilateral step against India in IPR related matter.

Three major US firms back India's drug patent regime - The Economic Times

http://keionline.org/sites/default/files/Boeing_ITC Statement_India_IPR _Feb_2014.pdf
No one cares about PPP.

you cared enough to comment! weirdo ;)

so nice to haters coming out of wood work ! bring it on ;) even pakistani are ranting about economy :)
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LOL PPP is irrelevant for an economy. India doesn't produce jack. Everything is imported from China. Without importing affordable Chinese goods, India has no growth engines as your consumption collapses as prices for affordable goods skyrocket.

India's main growth engine is consumption and that requires low cost goods to supply a poor population.

India runs current account deficits and has very low investment.

That's why Indian growth has collapsed, because high inflation due to currency collapse has made everything unaffordable. That's why Indian companies are borrowing money from the international bond market with US dollars and not from selling Bonds denominated in Rupees.

Everything India buys is imported from manufactured goods, industrial goods, energy and raw materials. Even your rag tag military has to import every component from foreign countries. All that requires US dollars to buy from the international market.

Nominal GDP is the only thing that matters. Only Indians think PPP is relevant.

India is barely the 10th largest economy. That's India's true state.

3rd largest my a$$ :lol:

Dream on.
Who the heck count on some third rate cheap goods from China?
We can move forward without this chinese toys.Inflation is high in India due to mismanagement of our food stocks thats all.
Rest of comment are complete BS.
Well economists in World Bank calculated PPP rate and i am sure they have qualification than a dumb like you.
When working with international comparisons and buying power on the world markets, PPP means shit all.

Purchasing power parity is only useful when calculating the internal purchasing power of the economy.

But in India majority of people is influenced by gdp in real terms or PPP.that is all.
Nominal gdp is needed when you import something.In India it is oil and we have enough Gdp nominal for that
Isnt that funny that in World Bank's one of prime position there is an indian national, hence it is claiming something so bizarre?
Purchasing power parity doesn't mean much.

Anyways, congratulations to india
No one cares about PPP.
No one cares about PPP kid. Apparently China is going to overtake the US economy in PPP within the next couple of years. But no one in China gives a damn. We care about nominal where we have the purchasing power to buy internationally. We buy our energy and raw materials internationally.

China tried to undermine economic report showing its ascendancy

Chinese are very happy about their economic performance in terms of PPP . :-)
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Isnt that funny that in World Bank's one of prime position there is an indian national, hence it is claiming something so bizarre?

yeah.. hide behind conspiracy theories..works best for you.
What is going on here :what: If GDP PPP doesn't matter then why is it f**king measured??
And to those Chinese who think they are superior and India is based on them then you are living in other world :mad:
Yes i true that you are way ahead from us because of good governance...
But at 10th position of GDP Nominal India is doing lot better than other countries which are ahead from us in GDP for now..

PPP is not a true measurement of one's economic power. As many have mentioned, commodities are brought for at world price usually in USD. So don't give me that shit about Chinese think they are superiour to Indians even if it is true.
What is going on here :what: If GDP PPP doesn't matter then why is it f**king measured??

PPP is used for gauging living standards, poverty rates etc...

India had around 30% of its population living under the poverty line (under 1.25$) in 2010, and this figure was determined by the PPP
To all you people who love using PPP as a measure, just keep it in forums ok? If you make the thread claim that "India surpasses Japan as number 3 economy", people you talk to will laugh at you. In worse case they may put you in a mental institution.
PPP is used for gauging living standards, poverty rates etc...

India had around 30% of its population living under the poverty line (under 1.25$) in 2010, and this figure was determined by the PPP
Why does Food Security Bill cover 68% of the population any idea ?
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