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India Developing, but still a long way to go


I love Kerala! Love the Malayalees, their food, their customs, their traditional architecture, and their food.

Wait...Did I mention their food? :D
What's the food like? Is it veggie? Fish-based? I'm rather ignorant on such matters guys- please forgive me.
I was impressed that over the past 10 yrs.,

- the Indian IT sector pulled in OVER $ TRILLION.

and re-export of:

- refined crude oil & gems/jewelry hit $ ~ 50 Billion each.

Now, import stats say crude is largest item, about 1/2 the import bill at say $ 150-175 Billion. We know the big money in the oil biz. is in refining and retailing which is majority govt. owned.

So a major part of oil money actually goes to the govt. while the import bill looks bloated. Otherwise, imports are 1/2 of exports.

Consider that a major portion of oil is paid in Rs., and as plentifull local gas replaces oil, growth notwithstading, the future looks all gas and less or stablising oil imports, plus oil finds in Rajasthan, Gujarat etc. also chipping away at the oil imports, future looks bright. That's how Indian economy is on a roll.

What's the food like? Is it veggie? Fish-based? I'm rather ignorant on such matters guys- please forgive me.

There's some really good vegetarian food down there, but I cant be the best judge as I'm no fan of the non-protein variety. Kerala has among the tastiest meat and sea food-based cuisine in the world. My favourites would have to all those crazy lamb and beef-based stews and curries served with appam and neer dosa. Here in Bombay, I wait for my Malayali friend's festivals like a greedy hound dog - every meal on Onam etc is like an orgy of food. :D
Bangalore Metro:



There's some really good vegetarian food down there, but I cant be the best judge as I'm no fan of the non-protein variety. Kerala has among the tastiest meat and sea food-based cuisine in the world. My favourites would have to all those crazy lamb and beef-based stews and curries served with appam and neer dosa. Here in Bombay, I wait for my Malayali friend's festivals like a greedy hound dog - every meal on Onam etc is like an orgy of food. :D

Cool, thanks for the info sir, I too am a meat eater through and through and whilst I can appreciate a good veggie dish/daal I will always be wondering- "where's the meat?!"

Can't say I've had any fish based cuisine originating from India- will have to try it some day.
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