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India Congressman accused of Rape

A society that promote obscenity & ***** in the name of freedom of expression & entertainment can not expect anything better. Btw I am not only blaming India but the whole western influenced world. India is bit up the ladder & enjoying the most of the effect of freedom of expression thanks to her culture & exposure to western liberalism.

According to you what is the reason behind rape in other South Asian countries??
India's just behind, NOTHING to be proud of

Nothing to be proud of - Instead of associating a religion or a country why not recognize it as something common among sick men and discuss it accordingly?
Nothing to be proud of - Instead of associating a religion or a country why not recognize it as something common among sick men and discuss it accordingly?

I posted an article that I copied from another place, I didn't create a thread, I just found it interesting. NONE of the remarks are mine.

The comment after that is my thought and did I say Hinduism therE?
I wonder if Hinduism causes rape

While India id grappling rape epidemic and nirbhaya's case has generated so much outrage that now we have to adress main reason for such incidents ie misogyny

Is Hinduism Misogynistic?
Is Hinduism misogynistic? While it is true that all the religions exhibit some amount of misogynistic tendencies, from the refusal of Vatican to ordain women priests and bishops to the overly oppressive stance taken by the Muslim mullahs when it comes to the treatment of women, I find the position taken by Hinduism on women particularly pernicious, as it goes to the very core of the religion, viz., the emancipation of the soul.

The issue at hand is this. Does Hinduism allow women to practice Hinduism in its purest? While Hinduism, as practiced by the common man had always been a barter system of quid pro quo, the philosophy and the idea behind Hinduism is anything but materialistic. Called the Vedanta it is concerned with the metaphysical aspects of our existence, our soul, the effect of our actions and thoughts on the soul and the issue of reincarnation and finally emancipation of our soul.

Vedanta in essence states, though there are a few variants of it, we are nothing but a forgotten aspect of God, the Brahman, who exists in all the life forms in this universe. The reason we have forgotten this is because in our ignorance, caused by Maya, we falsely associate ourselves with our physical bodies, instead of the eternal soul that is present in all of us. The moment we realize that our soul is eternal then we free ourselves from the cycle of birth and death, and reach a pure state of bliss, nirvana.

The one and only way for us to realize this, according to Vedanta, is by a focused study of the Vedas and by meditating on Brahman. Everything else we undertake, selfless action, conducting ourselves according to a strict moral code and acts of philanthropy are all just preconditions for purifying our mind to take on the final act of understanding Brahman through study and mediation. Without this final step, however meritorious our life might have been, we are condemned to be born again and again until we exhaust all our Karma.

Here is the catch though. Vedas states only certain people to study the Vedas and Women and Sudras (the lowest of the four castes in India) are persona non grata! While the authors of the Veda have the decency to explicitly prohibit the Sudras from learning the Vedas, they don’t even feel the necessity to do so when it comes to women. It is so obvious that women are not entitled to study it they don’t even feel compelled to deny it explicitly. They do it simply by stating that only after the performance of Upanayana, a religious ceremony exclusively for boys, can one start the study of Vedas, thereby denying entire female sex the opportunity to study the Vedas. Brahma Sutra 1.3.36 states only the twice-born who has gone through the purification ceremony of Upanayana is allowed to study the Vedas – thus effectively prohibiting Sudras and Women from any such attempts.

Griha Sastra clearly states in Sankhayana II-1 who are entitled for Upanayana.

In the eighth year after the conception, let him initiate a Brahmana, with an antelope-skin,
Or in the tenth year after the conception a Kshatriya with the skin of a spotted deer,
In the twelfth year after the conception a Vaisya with a cow-hide,
Until the sixteenth year the time has not passed for a Brahmana,
Until the twenty-second for a Kshatriya,
Until the twenty-fourth for a Vaisya
After that (time has passed), they become patitasavitrika (men who have lost their right of learning the Savitri).
Let them not initiate such men, nor teach them, nor perform sacrifices for them, nor have intercourse with them.

In addition, Manusmriti states unequivocally that ‘God’ for a woman is her husband and the only thing she can hope for is the privilege of being with her husband in her next life.

Chapter V.154 though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure (elsewhere), or devoid of good qualities, (yet) a husband must be constantly worshipped as a god by a faithful wife.

Chapter V.165 She who, controlling her thoughts, words, and deeds, never slights her lord, resides (after death) with her husband (in heaven), and is called a virtuous (wife).

Chapter V.166 In reward of such conduct, a female who controls her thoughts, speech, and actions, gains in this (life) highest renown, and in the next (world) a place near her husband.

Needless to say, it is silent on the question of a husband who has the misfortune of going to hell or being born a Sudra in his next birth.

There are those who now want to denounce Manusmriti on the grounds that it is not part of Sruti – but Manusmriti is nothing but a distilled version of the Vedas, that deals with the code of conduct of the Hindus.

Even Sankara in his Bhasya on Brahma Sutra quotes the Smriti’s extensively in support of his arguments on the ground Smriti’s derive its authority from the Sruti’s.

This prohibition of women from reading the Vedas incidentally is why we don’t have any women priests in India.

Besides, the treatment of women as the property of man is codified in Vedas themselves. For example Brihadaranyaka 6.4.6 and 6.4.7 says how a man should overpower and rape a woman if she is unwilling to yield to his sexual advances.

Now, if a man sees himself (his reflection) in water, he should recite the following mantra: "May the gods bestow on me vigor, manhood, fame, wealth and merit." In praise of the wife who will bear him a son: She (his wife) has put on the soiled clothes of impurity; she is, verily, loveliness among women. Therefore when she has removed the clothes of impurity and appears beautiful, he should approach her and speak to her.

If she does not willingly yield her body to him, he should buy her with presents. If she is still unyielding, he should strike her with a stick or with his hand and overcome her, repeating the following mantra: "With power and glory I take away your glory." Thus she becomes discredited.

If this is not pure misogyny then you must be from Saudi Arabia.

They say Hinduism is the most tolerant religion; a religion that condemns 62.5% of its population (50% women and 1/4th Sudra men) direct recourse to God. I would hate to think what we would do if we were any less tolerant.

How embarassing

But u know what is more embarrassing that the above quoted guy from the Land of the So called pure is trying to act all intellectually high and mighty by quoting some obscure passage from the upnisads which I am sure 99% of the Hindus have no idea about.. hey man we all belong from the sub continent, we all have problems, we all can post embarrassing things about one another, we can call all call each names, vilify each other's religion, our social problems or we can actually pause for a moment, actually think about all the bad **** that's going around us and say god us the strength to overcome this, may the victim of this dastardly affair get justice...peace Bro
I posted an article that I copied from another place, I didn't create a thread, I just found it interesting. NONE of the remarks are mine.

The comment after that is my thought and did I say Hinduism therE?

I saw your response to Seiko before posting my message - But why do you associate it with Indians alone? (I mentioned countries/religions in my post)
Is that why your country has higher rape rates than India or almost any other country in SA.

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wekipedia? Seriously. :hitwall:

But then your Countrie's own official estimates don't match up with wiki. They far outstrips it. According to most conservative estimates 1 rape takes place every 20 mins.
Can India's anti-rape moment change a culture? - World - CBC News

According to your own national crimes bureau sexual molestation & harrasment in 2011 was over 50000 & this excludes importation of women & Kidnapping & abductions .
Welcome to National Crime Records Bureau

And its quite well known that delhi has become infamous for rapes:
Delhi remains rape capital - Times Of India

Rape Statistics In India

If I am not wrong, even during the recent surge of protest on the unfortunate 23 year old victims death, 25 more cases were reported, no? Correct me if I am wrong.

Look Don't make such a shameless heinous act a dick measuring contest. No doubt crimes in BD astronomically increased lately but I don't think in terms of rapes it can cross India. Social & moral degradation is happening in our society as well. Just don't throw stones when U yourself live in a glass house. Its not only a social problem in India alone, as I made it clear in my previous post but India has the bigger share of the pie simply because its current society promotes it more vigorously eg. Bollywood..
is Rape normal in India? Something to do with position of women in society? I'm hearing so many stories recently.
According to you what is the reason behind rape in other South Asian countries??

U will simply call me a Mullah then. :lol: Anyway as per islamic laws women should dress up properly
& shouldn't reveal themselves. They shouldn't travel alone etc. Even in your vedic text, women R told to not expose themsleves like they do in bollywood. Women in Urban India exposes themselves like the ones in the west if I am not wrong.

Also Death penalty for the rapist should be implemented but precursor is that women shouldnot expose themselves. Men should also lower their gaze upon any ill intention arising.

Promotion of ***** in the name of culture/freedom of expression/entertainment is the major reason behind rise of rapes. Just look at your daily TV commercials. They air plenty of those commercials here in BD even in channels like discovery & Natgeo/ Star sports etc.
Wekipedia? Seriously. :hitwall:

But then your Countrie's own official estimates don't match up with wiki. They far outstrips it. According to most conservative estimates 1 rape takes place every 20 mins.
Can India's anti-rape moment change a culture? - World - CBC News

According to your own national crimes bureau sexual molestation & harrasment in 2011 was over 50000 & this excludes importation of women & Kidnapping & abductions .
Welcome to National Crime Records Bureau

And its quite well known that delhi has become infamous for rapes:
Delhi remains rape capital - Times Of India

Rape Statistics In India

If I am not wrong, even during the recent surge of protest on the unfortunate 23 year old victims death, 25 more cases were reported, no? Correct me if I am wrong.

Look Don't make such a shameless heinous act a dick measuring contest. No doubt crimes in BD astronomically increased lately but I don't think in terms of rapes it can cross India. Social & moral degradation is happening in our society as well. Just don't throw stones when U yourself live in a glass house. Its not only a social problem in India alone, as I made it clear in my previous post but India has the bigger share of the pie simply because its current society promotes it more vigorously eg. Bollywood..

You guesstimate of 50,000 doesn't have any proof.The total reported number of rapes in 2011 is 15423.Its likely to increase in the following years.Compare that to your country which reported over 11000 cases in 2006 itself.
And your claim that these are happening because of western influence is nothing but rubbish.Its because of misogyny deep rooted in all South Asian society.Before blaming India/west/Bollywood you should think about changing that culture of misogyny.
U will simply call me a Mullah then. :lol: Anyway as per islamic laws women should dress up properly
& shouldn't reveal themselves. They shouldn't travel alone etc. Even in your vedic text, women R told to not expose themsleves like they do in bollywood. Women in Urban India exposes themselves like the ones in the west if I am not wrong.

Also Death penalty for the rapist should be implemented but precursor is that women shouldnot expose themselves. Men should also lower their gaze upon any ill intention arising.

Promotion of ***** in the name of culture/freedom of expression/entertainment is the major reason behind rise of rapes. Just look at your daily TV commercials. They air plenty of those commercials here in BD even in channels like discovery & Natgeo/ Star sports etc.

This is a different world that ,Such laws don't apply here.In an Industrialized society women should have equality to men in all aspects.

is Rape normal in India? Something to do with position of women in society? I'm hearing so many stories recently.

Rape is not normal in any society,But yes status of women in our society is really bad.

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