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India, China should cast off shadow of history, move forward: Dai


Jun 15, 2011
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India, China should cast off shadow of history, move forward: Dai
BEIJING India and China have been friends for 99.9 per cent of the time in over 2,000 years of exchanges between them, Beijing’s chief negotiator in boundary talks Dai Bingguo says, underlining that the two sides should “cast off” the shadow of the 1962 war and build a bright future together.

“In over 2,000 years of exchanges between China and India, we have been friends for 99.9 per cent of the time, while unpleasant experience took up only 0.1 per cent,” 71-year-old Dai, who has had the longest engagement with India during the 15 rounds of border talks, said in an interview, his first ever to the Indian media.

Dai, who is set to retire in March next year, negotiated with four top Indian officials, Brajesh Mishra, JN Dixit, MK Narayanan and present National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, on the border issue and normalisation of relations.

“More and more people of vision in India believe that our two countries should cast off the shadow of history in a forward-looking spirit, and the past should guide rather than hinder our endeavour to build a bright future together. I fully agree with this view,” he said.

“Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. As long as we are devoted to staying friends forever, never treat each other as enemy, pursue long-term peace and friendly co-existence and vigorously promote win-win cooperation, we will be capable of creating miracles to the benefit of our peoples and the entire mankind,” he said.

China, Dai said, is fully committed to pursuing peaceful development and developing friendly and cooperative relations with India.

In the interview, Dai gave answers, covering progress made in the boundary negotiations, China’s all-weather ties with Pakistan and his assessment of India’s foreign policy.

On the India-China border issue for which he has been China’s Special Representative for all the 15 rounds held so far, Dai said since the start of the boundary talks in 1979, China and India have worked “relentlessly to push forward the negotiations and achieved some positive results.” “The boundary question, an issue left over from history, is highly complicated. An early settlement will serve the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples.

“I believe that in seeking the settlement, we should always bear in mind the overall interest of the bilateral relations, act in the spirit of peace, friendship, equal-footed consultation, mutual respect and mutual accommodation, and work to narrow differences and expand common ground,” Dai said.

“If we work in this way, we will find a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement. I hope that the Special Representatives from both sides will keep up the good work and finish the negotiation,” he said.

Outlining the progress, he said in “we took an innovative step and set up the Special Representatives’ meeting mechanism” in 2003.

Outlining his thoughts for future Chinese negotiators on India, Dai said India cannot be “wooed or ordered” around by anyone as it pursued an independent foreign policy.

“In my view, India is a country of strategic independence. It will not be wooed or ordered about by anyone else. Being a forerunner of the Non-Aligned Movement and a large emerging country with growing international influence, India will stick to its traditional independent foreign policy and contribute to the peace and development of the region and beyond,” he said, answering a question on China’s apprehensions about US courting India to be a close ally.
Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge
Lets make this the Asian century!
The west just wants to sustain the tensions between any Asian nations to keep up its supremacy at all costs
Very bad news if anything we should avoid india at all cost , any tie with this always up to no good nation is an invitation to get them to interfere in our internal affairs .
Ok Wanglaokan.. we will be your businessmen :) since you don't want us to be your friends hahaha.. j/k
It's a normal military conflict, no civillian massacre happened. Why India still wanna revenge?

Ego issues most probably, and helps media sell their stuff. Media in India is pretty dumb compared to other countries, and use their freedom to say crap a lot. But in my honest opinion, despite quite a bit of propaganda, it still hasnt been able to make China an enemy in front of the common people's eyes.
India media is too focused on revenge for 1962, what a pity!

Talking about 1962 does not mean anyone is looking for a revenge!! It comes in media just to know the historical facts and learn from it.. Nothing wrong at all there...

War anyways is not a possibility between the two as if it happen it will bleed a huge lot of blood on both sides and will slow down the growing economies.. Now who would want that?
We don't want India to be our enemy, maybe not our friend either.

India media is too focused on revenge for 1962, what a pity!

What Chinese don't understand is its not about 62 any more, its what China is doing today forging deep relationship with our arch rival along with claiming our land thats spoiling Chinese image in Indian minds n not 1962...:)

1962 is more of an add on to fuel the hatred being used by media but it ain't significant but what can they do when we had only one significant conflict in 2000 years...:lol:

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