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India, China remain at odds over alleged border incursion


Feb 24, 2013
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Two weeks ago, Indian military officials announced that they had discovered that a platoon of Chinese soldiers had crossed the de facto border between the two countries and set up camp an unprecedented six miles inside Indian-claimed territory, sparking a still-unresolved standoff.

China’s Foreign Ministry said last week that its troops were patrolling on the Chinese side of the border and “never trespassed the line.”
Such disputes have a long history. But the latest incident, in a previously uncontested area, involves the most serious accusations by India in 25 years and is posing a challenge for the countries’ diplomats ahead of a visit to New Delhi by China’s new premier, Li Keqiang, this month.

New Delhi and Beijing have indicated that they do not want the border disagreement to derail their broader relationship.

Indian officials at first underplayed the alleged incursion. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called it a “localized” problem and said his government did not want to “accentuate” it. Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid described the dispute as an “acne” that could be addressed “by simply applying an ointment.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Beijing believes peace in the border areas serves both countries’ interests. “The border issue is an issue left over from history,” she said in a statement, adding that “both sides should carry out communication and negotiations” to resolve it.

But as the standoff in the mountainous northern region of Ladakh entered its 16th day Thursday, such resolution appeared as distant as ever. Three meetings between army officials on the border and diplomatic exchanges have failed to budge the two sides from their sticking points: New Delhi wants the Chinese troops to step back from the face-off point and remove their tents. Beijing insists that the troops, who remain in the camp, are on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control.

Complicating diplomatic efforts is the pressure of two impending official visits: In addition to Li’s scheduled trip to India, Khurshid is expected to travel to Beijing next week.

“Diplomacy requires time and space,” Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin said Thursday.

India is examining what it can do — including limited, tactical measures on the ground and possibly calling off Khurshid’s visit — without jeopardizing ties. On Wednesday, even as its top security panel discussed military options, it announced that it will stage counterterrorism military exercises with China later this year. Senior army officers also attended May Day celebrations in China.

The neighbors have held 15 rounds of fruitless border talks since the 1990s. Ties have frayed several times as the two sparred over the construction of dams by China on rivers that flow into India or visits by Indian officials to border provinces that China claims. India has also watched warily as China has built military infrastructure and road and rail networks near the border in Tibet.

Many Indians have interpreted the New Delhi government’s caution in the latest incident as weakness, even cowardice. But some see it as a sign of maturity.

“Only if our foreign minister goes to Beijing will we have clarity on what the Chinese concerns are,” said Alka Acharya, a professor of Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. “They say we have built some structures in that disputed area. There are conflicting claims. We can’t keep beating our chests and shouting, ‘Throw them out.’ ”

India, China remain at odds over alleged border incursion - The Washington Post
Two weeks ago, Indian military officials announced that they had discovered that a platoon of Chinese soldiers had crossed the de facto border between the two countries and set up camp an unprecedented six miles inside Indian-claimed territory, sparking a still-unresolved standoff.

Two weeks ago it was 6 miles, about 10KM, as I remember. But the recent articles from India is now 18KM. Are the Indian media moving the border line or are the Chinese troops moving its tents forward since when the stand off started?
Two weeks ago it was 6 miles, about 10KM, as I remember. But the recent articles from India is now 18KM. Are the Indian media moving the border line or are the Chinese troops moving its tents forward since when the stand off started?

No, none of these-they are actually changing the conversion between kms and miles !:omghaha:
Thank God- now you understood- does Taiwan has elementary schools yet?

And you thought you get away with it. Come on, everyone knows that Indian media is moving the borders. But instead of accepting the facts, you attack me instead.
Two weeks ago it was 6 miles, about 10KM, as I remember. But the recent articles from India is now 18KM. Are the Indian media moving the border line or are the Chinese troops moving its tents forward since when the stand off started?

Nope it was 19KM here is the source. (link from a week back i.e 26th)

The border stand-off with China has made MPs anxious. The Chinese incursion near Daulat Beg Oldie in Ladakh dominated proceedings of a parliamentary panel on welfare of armed forces. Defence secretary Shashikant Sharma gave a detailed briefing to MPs on the ground situation and the diplomatic efforts to end the deadlock. Sharma told MPs that Chinese troops are 19 km inside Indian territory.

RAISINA TATTLE: Naveen Patnaik is fighting for credit | Mail Online
So you only proved that its 19KM on the 26th. But the issue started way before that. So is Apr26 the day that the boundary was changed by Indian media? read the article again.
@faithful- is this your full time job or what..paid by the chinese..err taiwan's govt:omghaha:
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@faithful- is this your full time job or what..paid by the chinese..err taiwan's govt:omghaha:

I just got off work and try to relax a little before spending time with my kids. Dealing with you remind me how mature my 7 year old is.
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