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India CCS clears 11000 crore project for 6 new indengious netra 2 AWACS

are you looking in the mirror right now? "game changer" is a term reserved for India, since it is you guys who want to turn the table around with single item.

Game changer word typically used by Indians or Pakistanis... example - CPEC - A game-changer

So what's wrong?
Surya 1, or was it Suriya, believes in things like "Indians" 5000 years ago having spaceships, in vitro human baby fertilization, internet and all that. Does Maverick believe that too ?
No its a surya 1 sir ànd you're miss the main thing VENAMAS (UFO) SIR
if i was the tax payer i would be worried keeping the track record of such home grown products, all the best if anything else the least you guys will gain is knowledge
The purpose of the thread
this is s,military forum re pakistan
India is a existential threat to pakistan so you people say
the awacs is a,military tool.as is the c295 transport fleet or the s400 which arrives in 2 months or the Rafale that has come or in deed the new carrier vikrant doing sea trials
These,tools are relevant
it is to inform.the I'll.informed
The world is moving on don't fall behind
Ah Maverick.....You are the latest in the generation of Indians with the "Going to have" syndrome. You flood fora with What India is "Going to have"

I was told You were going to have a fleet of Phalcons--never happened
That you were going to have the MRCA in numbers 120+---never happened (Until you needed to make a panic (Highly corrupt) purchase to
Three aircraft carriers (The first IAC was supposed to delivered in 2010 What year is it now?)
A fleet of Tejas fighters (With its 30 plus year development)---Still not in production... probably waiting for the engines to be delivered in a couple of years lol
A fleet of Arjun Tanks
A Fantastic missile called NAG with its 32 year development
The fantastic purchase of the Lemon called INS Vikramaditya ( original price rose from US$974 million to $2.35 billion. Together with 45 MiG-29K aircraft and additional modifications, the overall price now sits somewhere between $6 billion and $7 billion. )
The crash machine known as the Dhruv (Ask the Ecuadorians) 22 crashes
The jaguar upgrade....\not happening anymore

The beautiful part is that the consistent failure of Indian procurement means that the You will be playing "Catch up" to your own ego's which can't handle failure.
Keep up dear boy you are trying catching up and it makes me laugh.

Please don't take this as discouragement from me. People like you have ensured that Pakistan is secure.....
India is the biggest joke in the entire world. their white masters have absolutely no respect for them they are a laughing stock of a nation. poorer then sub saharan africa with the lowest IQs around.
And tell something about Pak also...
Ah Maverick.....You are the latest in the generation of Indians with the "Going to have" syndrome. You flood fora with What India is "Going to have"

I was told You were going to have a fleet of Phalcons--never happened
That you were going to have the MRCA in numbers 120+---never happened (Until you needed to make a panic (Highly corrupt) purchase to
Three aircraft carriers (The first IAC was supposed to delivered in 2010 What year is it now?)
A fleet of Tejas fighters (With its 30 plus year development)---Still not in production... probably waiting for the engines to be delivered in a couple of years lol
A fleet of Arjun Tanks
A Fantastic missile called NAG with its 32 year development
The fantastic purchase of the Lemon called INS Vikramaditya ( original price rose from US$974 million to $2.35 billion. Together with 45 MiG-29K aircraft and additional modifications, the overall price now sits somewhere between $6 billion and $7 billion. )
The crash machine known as the Dhruv (Ask the Ecuadorians) 22 crashes
The jaguar upgrade....\not happening anymore

The beautiful part is that the consistent failure of Indian procurement means that the You will be playing "Catch up" to your own ego's which can't handle failure.
Keep up dear boy you are trying catching up and it makes me laugh.

Please don't take this as discouragement from me. People like you have ensured that Pakistan is secure.....
You mean to say that India could handle mighty Pakistan without having any of those shiny toys. Forcing PMIk to warn Pakistani ppl that if they try to cross border in agitating nulling of S ec 370 in Kashmir, it will be problematic to Pakistan.. Just think what can India do having them..
And tell something about Pak also...

You mean to say that India could handle mighty Pakistan without having any of those shiny toys. Forcing PMIk to warn Pakistani ppl that if they try to cross border in agitating nulling of S ec 370 in Kashmir, it will be problematic to Pakistan.. Just think what can India do having them..
No I mean if India tries any more "Surgical strikes" ( I still can't say that out aloud without laughing) They will get their arses handed to them again.

COld start is not a threat You don't have the logistics

You see.... I knew that one of you weak little creatures would appear here to try and salvage a win. If you want a win, India did kill most people on the 27th of Feb lol
No I mean if India tries any more "Surgical strikes" ( I still can't say that out aloud without laughing) They will get their arses handed to them again.

COld start is not a threat You don't have the logistics

You see.... I knew that one of you weak little creatures would appear here to try and salvage a win. If you want a win, India did kill most people on the 27th of Feb lol
You guys are great warriors... Defeated both US and USSR... But still couldn't defeat poor coward and weak India... What could be reason... Might be you love India subconsciously..
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