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'India capable of making any type of futuristic missile'

the greatest post. But u forget toilets as u ppl cry alwayz. From next time plz dunt forget to add ur favorite topic.

I'm not the toilet guy, dude. You have me confused with someone else.
Hello Mr Faithful Guy... Do have some faith in us.... And please stick to the topic please.
missile after missile after missile , just more km gets added .. money , and money ... burned ...

Why you have problem with our money expenditure , Its our money. We are not dependent on funds from other countries. Indirectly if you say you are over burdened due to our missile programs. Then its ur head ache.

And better stick to topic instead of all these Gyans.
What's futuristic for India is in the past for Americans. And in the present for Europeans, Russians and Chinese.

India should first focus on the needs of its poor and develop its economy than trying to produce futuristic missiles. In the mean time, it can ask the US to protect India from its enemies. Because of its political system popularly elected by a large underclass of poor, it need to cater to that constitutency first. So it first need to build up its economy and lift the poor out of poverty. Until India does that, it has no potential to be anything besides a large poor country with wealth concerntrated in the hands of a few while many starve to death.

they (indians) have come a long way......since there independence...

A TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY.........thats a good progress......

200 million strong middle class project to grow by half of the poplulation in next 10-13 years....about 500 million...that is a vey big volume of purchase power...

imagine a France and Switzerland with a population of 1 billion plus....and growing @ 9-10 %...it will be big in next 10-13 years time...but we have to wait...

They say in asia they are the second largest economies....

its a fact !!
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they (indians) have come a long way......since there independence...

A TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY.........thats a good progress......

200 million strong middle class project to grow by half of the poplulation in next 10-13 years....about 500 million...that is a vey big volume of purchase power...

imagine a France and Switzerland with a population of 1 billion plus....and growing @ 9-10 %...it will be big in next 10-13 years time...but we have to wait...

They say in asia they are the second largest economies....

its a fact !!

What he's saying is that a large defence expenditure is not needed, because it's not being threatened by any nation apart from Pakistan, and I'm sure a 34% increase doesn't justify a future war with Pakistan. In my opinion, India just wants to show off, with foreign equipment mostly.
they (indians) have come a long way......since there independence...

A TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY.........thats a good progress......

200 million strong middle class project to grow by half of the poplulation in next 10-13 years....about 500 million...that is a vey big volume of purchase power...

imagine a France and Switzerland with a population of 1 billion plus....and growing @ 9-10 %...it will be big in next 10-13 years time...but we have to wait...

They say in asia they are the second largest economies....

its a fact !!

India is not the 2nd largest economies in Asia. Is that a fact?
What he's saying is that a large defence expenditure is not needed, because it's not being threatened by any nation apart from Pakistan, and I'm sure a 34% increase doesn't justify a future war with Pakistan. In my opinion, India just wants to show off, with foreign equipment mostly.

Hahahaa....Show off??? There is a saying if you don't know about the topic being discussed than better shut up.... Let me give you an example....Go read about the number of squadrons that are sanctioned for IAF(since ages) and the numbers that our Air Force is currently dealing with...Now complement that with the numbers of Mig-21(often known as flying coffins) along with the fact that last artillery guns bought by our Army was way back in 80's and you might get a clue about what your talking about....Seriously it do not harm to google a bit before making yourself a laughing stock for others...
Hahahaa....Show off??? There is a saying if you don't know about the topic being discussed than better shut up.... Let me give you an example....Go read about the number of squadrons that are sanctioned for IAF(since ages) and the numbers that our Air Force is currently dealing with...Now complement that with the numbers of Mig-21(often known as flying coffins) along with the fact that last artillery guns bought by our Army was way back in 80's and you might get a clue about what your talking about....Seriously it do not harm to google a bit before making yourself a laughing stock for others...

Which nation is threatening India as of now? None, except for Maoists. Can you defeat them? Of course, enough said, you don't need 600 or whatever number of "advanced" aircrafts to carry out that purpose.
Which nation is threatening India as of now? None, except for Maoists. Can you defeat them? Of course, enough said, you don't need 600 or whatever number of "advanced" aircrafts to carry out that purpose.

US being 1000s of kms away from China considers China an aggressor. It also considers Pakistan as a safe heaven for terrorists and Pak-Afghan region the most dangerous place on earth.

I would like to inform you that we share our border with these countries. If you being so far are concerned about their military build up, can't you see India needs to be prepared too. Pakistan is India's biggest enemy and also a close ally of China. So its India who needs to be most concerned and spend the most on its military to tackle both at the same time.

China's military spending is way more than India's and no country in the world is threatening China. And US's military spending goes over the roof. Can you name one country that is going to wage war against US?

None. Still they spend.
India's spending is miniscule compared to US's and China's. So it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
they (indians) have come a long way......since there independence...

A TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY.........thats a good progress......

200 million strong middle class project to grow by half of the poplulation in next 10-13 years....about 500 million...that is a vey big volume of purchase power...

imagine a France and Switzerland with a population of 1 billion plus....and growing @ 9-10 %...it will be big in next 10-13 years time...but we have to wait...

They say in asia they are the second largest economies....

its a fact !!

The 2nd largest economy in Asia is either China or Japan. So its the largest. Is India the 3rd largest economy or is it South Korea.
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