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India blocks more than 250 Web sites for inciting hate, panic

is pdf in that list!???? My bad few posts left to become senior member......he he he
This is akin to what Gaddafi n all did, next they will make everyone stick to Duur Darshan

My new avatar is in support for the free voice in India.

1.) Haven't seen ur activism on the freedom in pakistan??????

2.) Do u love India more then pakistan?? :woot:

3.) India have just blocked some web pages with fake images, morphed images which were circulating hate and inciting violence.

4.) Do you find it inappropriate??????

5.) And if its for freedom of speech and expressions why don't u done it for the same things done in China, Pakistan or UAE which is directly affecting you????????? :undecided:

Pakistan Blocks Facebook, YouTube in Crackdown on Blasphemy

Pakistan Blocks Facebook, YouTube in Crackdown on Blasphemy - Bloomberg

Pak Government blocks 13,000 obscene websites: Official

Government blocks 13,000 obscene websites: Official – The Express Tribune

Pakistan restores Twitter after block

BBC News - Pakistan restores Twitter after block

Top 10 Websites Blocked in China
India going to ban facebook, twitter and google + too?

stupid move. censorship doesnt really pay out. people always find ways to get to what they want.

what really needs to be done is to educate people so that they can separate such fabrications from the truth.
Censorship is blocking viewership to a particular truth or fact. What we are doing is attacking false propaganda. Theres huge difference between the two.
If the messages and pictures were uploaded abroad why the India government is so apprehensive of? Let it manage its own house in order and install strictest vigilance especially in minority inhabited areas and other sleeper cells. After all, sheer heating doesn't hatch a chicken from an egg. It is the egg that contains in it the life of chicken and requires only outside 'incubation'.
still many website are yet to be banned Indian govt. is in touch with govt. of usa and uae.
stupid move. censorship doesnt really pay out. people always find ways to get to what they want.

what really needs to be done is to educate people so that they can separate such fabrications from the truth.

My intention for starting the thread was to have healthy discussion about how to prevent these incidents.
Should we needcensorship or better monitoring of websites which deal with south asia. A healthy dialogue
about what role should the govt., people and media play in disseminating information and content. With
advent of instant sms and mms, does govt. have any mechanism to block them during emergency, other
than outright disabling the service. Should we have a big brother watching our every move. How do we go
about educating our masses. Please give me constructive suggestions.
India’s web culture is all about Facebook, social networking
by FP Staff Aug 21, 2012

ComScore, has just released some interesting data on how India’s digital citizens are spending time online. The report states that social networking accounted for 25.2 percent of all time spent online in June. The biggest beneficiary of the social networking boom in India is, of course, Facebook.

The report also states that Indians spend nearly 1 out 4 minutes online indulging in social networking, amounting to a significant 25.2 percent of total time spent online.

Other content that occupies a significant amount of time for Indians is

• Entertainment sites – accounting for 10 percent of minutes (up 1.2 percentage points from the previous year).

• Portals accounted for 8.8 percent of total minutes.

• Time spent on Retail sites grew 0.5 points in the past year to a total of 2.0 percent of total minutes.

Google and other sites run by the search-engine ranked as the top destination in June 2012 reaching nearly 95 percent of the online population, or roughly 57.8 million people aged 15 and older

Facebook came in second followed with 50.9 million visitors (83.4 percent reach),

Yahoo! Sites (65.5 percent reach) and Microsoft Sites (48.1 percent reach) are next on the list.

So what does this web survey reveal about India?

The first is the tremendous rise of social networking among Indians. The second is of course the rise of Facebook. All of this is particularly noteworthy data, coming as it does at a time when the government is blaming social media aiding in the spread of rumours against North-eastern people, which led to a mass exodus of these people from various South Indian cities.

The government has alleged that Facebook, YouTube, etc were used to upload inflammatory content that led to the mass hysteria. The latest exodus is also being used by the government to bolster its argument that social networking sites ought to pre-screen content before it is uploaded.

Facebook and YouTube have added that the content was uploaded from Pakistan and have admitted that it was indeed incendiary in nature.

There’s no doubt that censorship of the web will now become a hotly contested issue with the government using the North-east as a classic example of how social media was misused.

But the larger question is that whether Indians who are evidently addicted to social networking would be okay with their online rights being curbed. Most would be uncomfortable with any sort of censorship. As far as users are concerned, the government seems to be displaying a blithe ignorance of how effective and useful social media can be.

In case of bomb attacks and accidents, people very often turn to social media such as Twitter or Facebook, to get more information or even reach out to those who have been affected. In July 2011 in Mumbai for instance, the Indian Twitter community took it upon themselves to offer rides and other assistance to those stranded as a result of a series of bomb explosions in the city.

Social media has also become a very effective tool of criticising the government.

For India’s online citizens, who are only over a 100 million or so in number, the battles are going to get tougher with the government arguing for more control. There’s no doubt that as far as social media concerned nobody is willing to budge an inch, neither the users nor the government.


India’s web culture is all about Facebook, social networking | Firstpost
It's still hilarious how internet users in Pakistan can supposedly bring an entire country of 1 billion people to it's knees, according to India :rofl::rofl::pakistan:
It's still hilarious how internet users in Pakistan can supposedly bring an entire country of 1 billion people to it's knees, according to India :rofl::rofl::pakistan:

Not very different than 4-5 cavement with ak47s holding a whole navy base on ransom for hours.. That's what terrorism is (physical or cyber).. Asymmetric power projection..
1.) Haven't seen ur activism on the freedom in pakistan??????

2.) Do u love India more then pakistan?? :woot:

3.) India have just blocked some web pages with fake images, morphed images which were circulating hate and inciting violence.

4.) Do you find it inappropriate??????

5.) And if its for freedom of speech and expressions why don't u done it for the same things done in China, Pakistan or UAE which is directly affecting you????????? :undecided:

Pakistan Blocks Facebook, YouTube in Crackdown on Blasphemy

Pakistan Blocks Facebook, YouTube in Crackdown on Blasphemy - Bloomberg

Pak Government blocks 13,000 obscene websites: Official

Government blocks 13,000 obscene websites: Official – The Express Tribune

Pakistan restores Twitter after block

BBC News - Pakistan restores Twitter after block

Top 10 Websites Blocked in China

do you know the meaning of obscene?

and whats up with the colours? you color blind or something?
cyber terrorism is funny when you do it , but it won't be that funny when you are on the receiving end.
blame game can go all day, i didn't say i support it, i find it rather hilarious, didn't know we had that type of power.

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