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India Begins Construction Of World's Highest Motorable Road At 19,400 Feet, Surpassing Umling-La Pass

Dream on, it is the other way around… India probably needs the Chinese road thru Aksai-chin. This buildup will enhance chances of grabbing the Chinese road.
Yes ofcourse and the recent indo Chinese engagement was a massive victory for India
Oh if you come as friend I would happily accommodate you with kindness and friendship. Come as an enemy I would rip your head off and serve you to the wild boars.
That sums up pakistan

Let us pick up the good part of your message. In my surroundings, Pakistani friend and families are known for their warmth and friendship whoever Indian family can establish it with them. Fortunately, myself is one of them. That interaction enabled me to differentiate between crazy people around Pakistani who are around us with a lot of good people who do not interact with Indian groups.

Now coming to your being an enemy part, save your energy to use it for something that would help your generations and people. You should use it wherever is required.
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The 52-km-long Chisumle-Demchok road, at its highest point, Umling-la top, surpasses the altitude of the Everest base camp in Nepal.

The new Likaru-Mig La-Fukche road will ascend even higher than that.

This will also offer an alternative land connectivity route to the Fukche advanced landing ground, located just 2.5 km from the LAC.

This is "Korakoram Highway", between China-Pakistan.

Let us pick up the good part of your message. In my surroundings, Pakistani friend and families are known for their warmth and friendship whoever Indian family can establish it with them. Fortunately, myself is one of them. That interaction enabled me to differentiate between crazy people around Pakistani who are around us with a lot of good people who do not interact with Indian groups.

Now coming to your being an enemy part, save your energy to use it for something that would help your generations and people. You should use it wherever is required.
Ad I said you come as a friend we will be the best of hosts...

Come as an enemy we will take you head.

Choice is your my neighbour. And you forget the nutters in India? Try the saffron bandits called BJP especially the one in sexy khaki shorts and dundas

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