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India asserts its global reputation by denying Zelensky an invitation to the G20


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India asserts its global reputation by denying Zelensky an invitation to the G20​

Posted on June 9, 2023

The Minister of Foreign Affairs clarified the participation of the President of Ukraine in the September summit
India, which chairs the G20, does not plan to invite Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the annual summit, which is to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10. Host Foreign Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar explained New Delhi’s position during a press conference on Thursday.
The unequivocal statement ends speculation that Zelensky may share the international stage with Russian President Vladimir Putin. This opportunity became popular during the four-day visit of the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Emina Japarova, to New Delhi in April. She was the first high-ranking official from Ukraine to visit India since Russia launched its military operation against Kyiv in February 2022. Speculation that Ukraine is stepping up pressure on India and seeking New Delhi’s approval ahead of the September summit was fueled by Zelensky’s presence at last year’s summit. The G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, and most recently at last month’s G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan.

However, Dr. Jaishankar’s emphatic statement clearly removed the reduction of Bali or Hiroshima. His address coincided with the presentation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government’s report on its nine years in office, and Dr Jaishankar himself assessed India’s foreign policy as New Delhi seeks to develop an independent perspective.

Transformation of foreign policy​

The minister made it absolutely clear that India will refuse to be swayed by coercion, inducement or false narratives, while blaming its two nuclear neighbours, Pakistan and China, for harboring cross-border terrorists and disrupting peace and tranquility in the border areas respectively.
He referred to India’s current position at the global high table – a state of affairs that has until now been considered a pipe dream – while insisting on New Delhi’s legitimate demand for inclusion as a permanent member of the elite UN Security Council, which remains elusive. India’s cumulative collective experience under the diplomatic leadership of Dr Jaishankar and his three deputies – Vellamvelly Muralidharan, Rajkumar Ranjan Singh and Meenakshi Lekhi – has helped the nation become a trusted voice for countries in Global South– says the government’s report.
Dr. Jaishankar, a career diplomat and India’s rare foreign minister who travels the world, cited examples of relations with countries of the Global South on different continents to present a comprehensive view of India’s foreign policy in the Modi era, which is a marked departure. from his predecessors. India is seen as an “effective, reliable development partner” whose global footprint is visible in things from the Aram supercomputer in Namibia to a textile factory in Kenya and a transformative ferry in Guyana to the Metro Express in Mauritius.

Neighborhood First and Act East policies​

Pakistan and China remain India’s biggest irritants in its neighbourhood. However, New Delhi’s “Neighbourhood First” and “Act East” policies were sound, the minister said. Power generation, infrastructure development and better connectivity have boosted economic activity in South Asia from Myanmar to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives amid strengthening bilateral ties, as envisaged by the Organization for Economic Co-operation Toolkit . – operation and development, Art The Kampala Principles. Economic cooperation has become a powerful bridge between India and the world at large.
Dr. Jaishankar cited several examples to buttress his case for India’s emergence as a responsible economic collaborator. From the American semiconductor industry’s dependence on the Indian diaspora, which forms the main brain trust, to New Delhi’s Vaccine Maitri (“maitri” is Hindi for “friendship”) campaign in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, to India’s role as a first responder during the devastating earthquake in Turkey in early February, before achieving economic stabilization in bankrupt Sri Lanka last year.

A place at the world’s high table​

According to Dr. Jaishankar, India has made a global name for itself because it is part of several elite groupings such as the Quad, G20 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which have helped polish its image as a narrative shaper. The Received dialogueIndia’s initiatives on migration and mobility and climate change during the Paris and Glasgow summits combined with cultural ties with Central Asiaall of them contributed to its global status, the minister said.
India is one of the countries that has opposed China’s Belt and Road initiative., the expansion of which is questioned by some Western countries, in particular Italyhe added.
India’s fascinating journey towards globalization, Dr Jaishankar said, was demonstrated by the Vande Bharat Mission, which began in 2020 and over the next two years brought back more than seven million citizens from around the world as the pandemic raged. According to Dr Jaishankar, India has become a force for good to be reckoned with, whose cutting-edge technology has been celebrated across the world, such as the growing popularity of India’s single payment interface from Singapore to Japan.

How has the average Indian benefited?​

Dr Jaishankar said the average Indian enjoys increased security, better connectivity and economic stability, including thanks to massive infrastructure development in border areas with neighboring rivals such as Pakistan and China. Agreement on the land border of 2015 (LBA) from Bangladesh, he says, is a good example. There may be advantages measured due to low oil prices thanks to cheap Russian oil, sharp growth in exports and foreign direct investment, affordable fertilizer prices and trade deals with several countries that have proven to be game-changers for the economy.

Technology is also one of the biggest tools of Indian diplomacy as the country’s 181 global missions and consulates are connected to the grid and all information is a click away, he added. This has helped India issue 14 million passports in the past year, up from 8.7 million in 2014, when Modi took office. “The government supports every Indian traveling abroad,” the minister added.
In hindsight, India is experiencing a positive cycle in diplomacy—a new high—where the Modi government’s effective monitoring mechanism and strategic communication, backed by clarity of thought, have given the country a global outlook.
Modi has been the defining face of a changing foreign policy. The Indian leader, who will address a joint session of the US Congress during a state visit to Washington on June 22, will add another welcome feather to his cap, much to the delight of his supporters. He will be the only Indian Prime Minister to address a joint session of the US Congress twice.
He will be the guest of honor at the Bastille Day parade in France on July 14, becoming the second Indian Prime Minister since Dr. Manmohan Singh in 2009 to attend the ceremony. This is the rate of departure of India’s foreign policy, which has changed during the Modi years.

Evolving global connections​

Dr Jaishankar, despite repeated prompting from journalists, refused to fall prey to opposition leader Rahul Gandhi’s remarks about the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and its persistent digs at Modi. The minister did not comment on Gandhi’s habit of making such remarks when he is abroad, but predicted that the outcome of next year’s parliamentary elections was a foregone conclusion.
Dr. Jaishankar broke out of the political arena. He wanted to explain India’s ties with key nations like the US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, as well as blocs like the European Union, the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. East Asia. He called Russia a reliable ally since 1955 and a key to Eurasian stability.
India-US ties have come a long way, the minister said, with compelling arguments for strengthening bilateral ties as well as the Quad, and I2U2 forum of economic cooperation with the USA, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

India’s diplomacy is on the rise

India has had some diplomatic issues recently, such as the row and protests in neighboring Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan over the Akhand Bharat map during the recent inauguration of the new Parliament building. The map is a mural depicting several ancient sites that are now in the territories of other countries as part of “United India”. Dr. Jaishankar disguised it as a cultural image Ashokan vision of the age of empire and does not hint at any expansionist agenda of the Modi regime.
As India seeks to expand its global diplomatic footprint – with up to 20 million members of the Indian diaspora and an equal number of Indians abroad – air miles Dr. Jaishankar and his three deputies will hold the key to realizing New Delhi’s far-reaching ambitions.
When asked if he expects difficulties in formulating the leaders’ declaration during the G20 summit in September due to the conflict in Ukraine, the minister rejected the question. “Diplomacy is a business for optimistic people,” he said with a smile.
India has emerged as a self-confident country in line with Modi’s vision of ‘Amrit Kaal’, which in sacred Hindu Vedic astrology means an auspicious time to start a new business or venture. And despite the uncertain global climate and frosty relations with Pakistan and China, all his aides are busy working towards this goal.

Source link http://www.singaporenews.net/news/273859514/india-asserts-global-standing-as-it-denies-zelensky-a-g20-invitation

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